Browse Source

Merge pull request #24 from ricet8ur/docked

ricet8ur 1 year ago

+ 4 - 6

@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
     * What is Q circle?
     * What data formats are supported?
 2. [x] Demo
-3. Support .snp
+3. [x]Support .snp
     * .s3p and more
 4. [x] Add button to copy choosen fragment to compare with other programs.
 5. [x] Advanced output options (only frontend):
     * Option to choose output values precision
-6. Add approximation for second chart (abs(S) from f)
+6. [x] Add approximation for second chart (abs(S) from f)
 7. [x] Add impedance input option (Z)
     * additional field for omega | from .snp
     * convertion to reflection coeffitient (explanation: <>)
@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@
     * mp.dps = ~50 or something else.
     * make sure that result' ~ result
     * increase mp.dps while 7 digits after dot are not stable
+    * Don't do it, it is already taking ~3 seconds for 30000 input lines
 10. [x] Advanced file loading:
     * Show file preview
     * Options to skip first and last lines
-11. Advanced file preview: highlight choosen data fragments
+11. [x] Advanced file preview: highlight choosen data fragments
 12. [x] Make charts more interactive
-13. Make an option to pass the whole program to .html site via iframe? - It works, but where to host?
-14. Add support lines for smith chart?
 <!-- Add direct support for output files from different vna models? Supported formats: .snp, .csv or similar -->
-<!-- Do we need to calculate systematic errors? - yes, if its not too hard. After some considerations... Rather not -->

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ numpy



+ 18 - 12

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def prepare_data(freq, re, im, fl=None):
     # frequency of unloaded resonance.
     f0 = fl
-    # f0 = fl does not decrease the accuracy if Q >> 100 
+    # f0 = fl does not decrease the accuracy if Q >> 100
     e1, e2, e3, gamma, p = [], [], [], [], []
     for i in range(0, len(freq)):
         # filling vectors
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def fl_fitting(freq, re, im, correction):
     a, c, d = solution(data)
     Ql, Q, sigmaQ0, sigmaQl = None, None, None, None
     # Repeated curve fitting
-    # 1.189 of Qfactor Matlab 
+    # 1.189 of Qfactor Matlab
     # fl2 = 0
     # g_d=0
     # g_c=0
@@ -136,21 +136,27 @@ def fl_fitting(freq, re, im, correction):
     a, c, d, Ql, diam, k, Q, sigma2A, sigmaQ0, sigmaQl, data = recalculating(data, a, c, d, 20)
     # taking into account coupling losses on page 69 of Qfactor Matlab
-    # to get results similar to example program 
+    # to get results similar to example program
+    ks = 0
     if correction:
-        phi1=np.arctan(np.double(g_d.imag/g_d.real)) # 1.239
-        phi2=np.arctan(np.double((g_c.imag-g_d.imag)/(g_c.real-g_d.real)))
-        phi=-phi1+phi2
-        d_s=(1-np.abs(g_d)**2)/(1-np.abs(g_d)*np.cos(phi))
+        phi1 = np.arctan(np.double(g_d.imag / g_d.real))  # 1.239
+        phi2 = np.arctan(
+            np.double((g_c.imag - g_d.imag) / (g_c.real - g_d.real)))
+        phi = -phi1 + phi2
+        d_s = (1 - np.abs(g_d)**2) / (1 - np.abs(g_d) * np.cos(phi))
         diam = abs(a[1] - a[0] / a[2])
-        qk=1/(d_s/diam-1)
+        qk = 1 / (d_s / diam - 1)
+        k = qk
+        ks = (2 / d_s - 1) / (2 / diam - 2 / d_s)
         sigma2A = recalculation_of_data(data, a, c, d, error=True)
         sigmaQ0, sigmaQl = random_deviation(a, sigma2A, diam, k, Ql)
-        Q = Ql * (1 + qk)  # Q-factor = result
-        # print(f"Q0 = {Q} +- {sigmaQ0}")
+        Q = Ql * (1 + k)  # Q-factor = result
     t = 2*(np.array(freq)-fl)/fl
     fitted_mag_s = abs((a[0]*t+a[1])/(a[2]*t+1))
-    return Q, sigmaQ0, Ql, sigmaQl, a, fl, fitted_mag_s
+    return Q, sigmaQ0, Ql, sigmaQl, k, ks, a, fl, fitted_mag_s

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import numpy as np
+from typing import Tuple
+# nearest to (1,0) point is omitted
+def point_of_intersection(x1: float, y1: float, r1: float, x2: float,
+                          y2: float, r2: float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+    p1 = x1 + y1 * 1j
+    p2 = x2 + y2 * 1j
+    d = abs(p2 - p1)
+    q = (r1**2 - r2**2 + d**2) / (2 * d)
+    h = (r1**2 - q**2)**0.5
+    p = p1 + q * (p2 - p1) / d
+    intersect = [(p.real + h * (p2.imag - p1.imag) / d,
+                  p.imag - h * (p2.real - p1.real) / d),
+                 (p.real - h * (p2.imag - p1.imag) / d,
+                  p.imag + h * (p2.real - p1.real) / d)]
+    intersect = [x + 1j * y for x, y in intersect]
+    intersect_shift = [p - (1 + 0j) for p in intersect]
+    intersect_shift = abs(np.array(intersect_shift))
+    p = intersect[0]
+    if intersect_shift[0] < intersect_shift[1]:
+        p = intersect[1]
+    return p.real, p.imag
+def point_of_intersection_with_unit(x: float, y: float,
+                                    r: float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+    return point_of_intersection(x, y, r, 0, 0, 1)

+ 189 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import math
+from typing import List, Tuple, Union
+import numpy as np
+from .circle_math import point_of_intersection
+def is_float(element) -> bool:
+    try:
+        float(element)
+        val = float(element)
+        if math.isnan(val) or math.isinf(val):
+            raise ValueError
+        return True
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+# (to utf-8)
+# status returned
+def read_data(data: list) -> str:
+    for x in range(len(data)):
+        if type(data[x]) == bytes:
+            try:
+                data[x] = data[x].decode('utf-8-sig', 'ignore')
+            except:
+                return 'Not an utf-8-sig line №: ' + str(x)
+    return 'data read, but not parsed'
+# check if line has comments
+# first is a comment line according to .snp documentation,
+# others detects comments in various languages
+def check_line_comments(line: str) -> Union[str, None]:
+    if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == '!' or line[0] == '#' or line[
+            0] == '%' or line[0] == '/':
+        return None
+    else:
+        # generally we expect these chars as separators
+        line = line.replace(';', ' ').replace(',', ' ').replace('|', ' ')
+        if '!' in line:
+            line = line[:line.find('!')]
+        return line
+# unpack a few first lines of the file to get number of ports
+def count_columns(data: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+    return_status = 'data parsed'
+    column_count = 0
+    for x in range(len(data)):
+        line = check_line_comments(data[x])
+        if line is None:
+            continue
+        line = line.split()
+        # always at least 3 values for single data point
+        if len(line) < 3:
+            return_status = 'Can\'t parse line № ' + \
+                str(x) + ',\n not enough arguments (less than 3)'
+            break
+        column_count = len(line)
+        break
+    return (column_count, return_status)
+# check comments and translate data matrixes into lines
+def prepare_snp(data: List[str], number: int) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
+    prepared_data = []
+    return_status = 'data read, but not parsed'
+    for x in range(len(data)):
+        line = check_line_comments(data[x])
+        if line is None:
+            continue
+        splitted_line = line.split()
+        if number * 2 + 1 == len(splitted_line):
+            prepared_data.append(line)
+        elif number * 2 == len(splitted_line):
+            prepared_data[-1] += line
+        else:
+            return_status = "Parsing error for .snp format on line №" + str(x)
+    return prepared_data, return_status
+# for Touchstone .snp format
+def parse_snp_header(
+        data: List[str],
+        is_data_format_snp: bool) -> Tuple[int, int, float, float]:
+    if is_data_format_snp:
+        for x in range(len(data)):
+            if data[x].lstrip()[0] == '#':
+                line = data[x].split()
+                if len(line) == 6:
+                    repr_map = {"ri": 0, "ma": 1, "db": 2}
+                    para_map = {"s": 0, "z": 1}
+                    hz_map = {
+                        "ghz": 10**9,
+                        "mhz": 10**6,
+                        "khz": 10**3,
+                        "hz": 1
+                    }
+                    hz, measurement_parameter, data_representation, _r, ref_resistance = (
+                        x.lower() for x in line[1:])
+                    try:
+                        return hz_map[hz], para_map[
+                            measurement_parameter], repr_map[
+                                data_representation], int(
+                                    float(ref_resistance))
+                    except:
+                        break
+                break
+    return 1, 0, 0, 50
+def unpack_data(data: List[str], first_column:int, column_count:int, ref_resistance:float,
+                measurement_parameter:int, data_representation:int):
+    f, r, i = [], [], []
+    return_status = 'data parsed'
+    for x in range(len(data)):
+        line = check_line_comments(data[x])
+        if line is None:
+            continue
+        line = line.split()
+        if column_count != len(line):
+            return_status = "Wrong number of parameters on line № " + str(x)
+            break
+        # 1: process according to data_placement
+        a, b, c = None, None, None
+        try:
+            a = line[0]
+            b = line[first_column]
+            c = line[first_column + 1]
+        except:
+            return_status = 'Can\'t parse line №: ' + \
+                str(x) + ',\n not enough arguments'
+            break
+        if not ((is_float(a)) or (is_float(b)) or (is_float(c))):
+            return_status = 'Wrong data type, expected number. Error on line: ' + \
+                str(x)
+            break
+        # mark as processed?
+        # for y in (a,b,c):
+        #     ace_preview_markers.append(
+        #         {"startRow": x,"startCol": 0,
+        #         "endRow": x,"endCol": data[x].find(y)+len(y),
+        #         "className": "ace_stack","type": "text"})
+        a, b, c = (float(x) for x in (a, b, c))
+        f.append(a)  # frequency
+        # 2: process according to data_representation
+        if data_representation == 'Frequency, real, imaginary':
+            # std format
+            r.append(b)  # Re
+            i.append(c)  # Im
+        elif data_representation == 'Frequency, magnitude, angle':
+            r.append(b * np.cos(np.deg2rad(c)))
+            i.append(b * np.sin(np.deg2rad(c)))
+        elif data_representation == 'Frequency, db, angle':
+            b = 10**(b / 20)
+            r.append(b * np.cos(np.deg2rad(c)))
+            i.append(b * np.sin(np.deg2rad(c)))
+        else:
+            return_status = 'Wrong data format'
+            break
+        # 3: process according to measurement_parameter
+        if measurement_parameter == 'Z':
+            # normalization
+            r[-1] = r[-1] / ref_resistance
+            i[-1] = i[-1] / ref_resistance
+            # translate to S
+            try:
+                r[-1], i[-1] = point_of_intersection(r[-1] / (1 + r[-1]), 0,
+                                                     1 / (1 + r[-1]), 1,
+                                                     1 / i[-1], 1 / i[-1])
+            except:
+                r.pop()
+                i.pop()
+                f.pop()
+    if return_status == 'data parsed':
+        if len(f) < 3 or len(f) != len(r) or len(f) != len(i):
+            return_status = 'Choosen data range is too small, add more points'
+        elif max(abs(np.array(r) + 1j * np.array(i))) > 2:
+            return_status = 'Your data points have an abnormality:\
+                        they are too far outside the unit cirlce.\
+                        Make sure the format is correct'
+    return f, r, i, return_status

+ 118 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+from typing import List, Tuple
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from .circle_math import point_of_intersection_with_unit
+def draw_smith_circle(ax: Axes, x: float, y: float, r: float, color=(0, 0, 0)):
+    ax.add_artist(
+        Circle((x, y),
+               r,
+               clip_on=True,
+               zorder=2,
+               linewidth=2,
+               edgecolor=color,
+               facecolor=(0, 0, 0, .0)))
+def draw_grid_circle(ax: Axes,
+                     x: float,
+                     y: float,
+                     r: float,
+                     color=(.2, .2, .2, .5),
+                     clip=None):
+    a = ax.add_artist(
+        Circle((x, y),
+               r,
+               clip_on=True,
+               linewidth=1.5,
+               edgecolor=color,
+               facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0)))
+    if clip:
+        a.set_clip_path(clip)
+def draw_polygon(axis: Axes, a: List, color=(0, 0, 0), clip=None):
+    artist = axis.add_artist(
+        Polygon(np.array(a),
+                clip_on=True,
+                linewidth=1.5,
+                edgecolor=color,
+                facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0)))
+    if clip:
+        artist.set_clip_path(clip)
+# |S|
+def plot_abs_s_gridlines(ax: Axes):
+    abs_s_ticks = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
+    for r in abs_s_ticks:
+        draw_grid_circle(ax, 0, 0, r)
+        ax.text(r / (2**0.5) + 0.05,
+                r / (2**0.5) + 0.05,
+                f'{r:0.2f}'.rstrip('.0'),
+                horizontalalignment='center',
+                verticalalignment='center',
+                fontsize=12)
+# Re(Z)
+def plot_re_z_gridlines(ax: Axes):
+    z_ticks = [0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
+    for r in z_ticks:
+        draw_grid_circle(ax, r / (1 + r), 0, 1 / (1 + r))
+        if r != 0:
+            ax.text(r / (1 + r) * 2 - 1.055,
+                    0.045,
+                    f'{r}',
+                    horizontalalignment='center',
+                    verticalalignment='center',
+                    fontsize=12)
+# Im(Z)
+def plot_im_z_gridlines(ax: Axes):
+    patch = Circle(
+        (0, 0),
+        radius=1,
+        transform=ax.transData,
+    )
+    z_ticks = [0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
+    for r in z_ticks:
+        for direction in (-1, 1):
+            x, y, r = 1, direction * 1 / r, 1 / r
+            draw_grid_circle(ax, x, y, r, clip=patch)
+            tx, ty = point_of_intersection_with_unit(x, y, r)
+            ax.text(
+                tx * 1.10,
+                ty * 1.07,
+                f'{direction/r}'.rstrip('.0') + 'j',
+                horizontalalignment='center',
+                verticalalignment='center',
+                fontsize=12,
+            )
+    # 'x' line
+    draw_polygon(ax, [[-1, 0], [1, 0]], clip=patch)
+    ax.text(-1.13,
+            0.01,
+            '0 + 0j',
+            horizontalalignment='center',
+            verticalalignment='center',
+            fontsize=12)
+    ax.set_clip_box([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]])
+    ax.set_clip_on(True)
+    ax.text(1.07,
+            0.01,
+            r"$\infty$",
+            horizontalalignment='center',
+            verticalalignment='center',
+            fontsize=24)

+ 207 - 393

@@ -1,361 +1,135 @@
-import math
 import streamlit as st
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
 import sigfig
 from streamlit_ace import st_ace
-from streamlit_echarts import st_echarts, JsCode
-# So that you can choose an interval of points on which we apply q-calc algorithm
-def plot_interact_abs_from_f(f, r, i, interval_range):
-    if interval_range is None:
-        interval_range = (0, 100)
-    abs_S = list(abs(np.array(r) + 1j * np.array(i)))
-    # echarts for datazoom
-    # datazoom
-    # axis pointer values
-    options = {
-        "xAxis": {
-            "type": "category",
-            "data": f,
-            "name": "Hz",
-            "nameTextStyle": {"fontSize": 16},
-            "axisLabel": {"fontSize": 16},
-        },
-        "yAxis": {
-            "type": "value",
-            "name": "abs(S)",
-            "nameTextStyle": {"fontSize": 16},
-            "axisLabel": {"fontSize": 16},
-            # "axisPointer": {
-            #     "type": 'cross',
-            #     "label": {
-            #     "show":"true",
-            #     "formatter": JsCode(
-            #     "function(info){console.log(info);return 'line ' ;};"
-            #     ).js_code
-            #     }
-            # }
-        },
-        "series": [{"data": abs_S, "type": "line", "name": "abs(S)"}],
-        "height": 300,
-        "dataZoom": [{"type": "slider", "start": interval_range[0], "end": interval_range[1], "height": 100, "bottom": 10}],
-        "tooltip": {
-                "trigger": "axis",
-                "axisPointer": {
-                    "type": 'cross',
-                    # "label": {
-                    # "show":"true",
-                    # "formatter": JsCode(
-                    # "function(info){console.log(info);return 'line ' ;};"
-                    # ).js_code
-                    # }
-                }
-        },
-        "toolbox": {
-            "feature": {
-                # "dataView": { "show": "true", "readOnly": "true" },
-                "restore": {"show": "true"},
-            }
-        },
-    }
-    # DataZoom event is not fired on new file upload. There are no default event to fix it.
-    events = {
-        "dataZoom": "function(params) { return ['dataZoom', params.start, params.end] }",
-        "restore": "function() { return ['restore'] }",
-    }
-    # show echart with dataZoom and update intervals based on output
-    get_event = st_echarts(
-        options=options, events=events, height="500px", key="render_basic_bar_events"
-    )
-    if not get_event is None and get_event[0] == 'dataZoom':
-        interval_range = get_event[1:]
-    n = len(f)
-    interval_start, interval_end = (
-        int(n*interval_range[id]*0.01) for id in (0, 1))
-    return interval_range, interval_start, interval_end
-def circle(ax, x, y, radius, color='#1946BA'):
-    from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
-    drawn_circle = Ellipse((x, y), radius * 2, radius * 2, clip_on=True,
-                           zorder=2, linewidth=2, edgecolor=color, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, .0125))
-    ax.add_artist(drawn_circle)
-def plot_smith(r, i, g, r_cut, i_cut, show_excluded):
+from .draw_smith_utils import draw_smith_circle, plot_abs_s_gridlines, plot_im_z_gridlines, plot_re_z_gridlines
+from .show_amplitude_echart import plot_interact_abs_from_f
+from .data_parsing_utils import parse_snp_header, read_data, count_columns, prepare_snp, unpack_data
+def plot_smith(r, i, g, r_cut, i_cut):
+    # maintaining state again (remember options for this session)
+    if 'smith_options' not in st.session_state:
+        st.session_state.smith_options = (True, True, False, False, False)
+    with st.expander("Smith chart options"):
+        smith_options_input = (st.checkbox(
+            "Show excluded points",
+            value=st.session_state.smith_options[0]),
+                               st.checkbox("Show grid",
+                                           st.session_state.smith_options[1]),
+                               st.checkbox(
+                                   "Show |S| gridlines",
+                                   value=st.session_state.smith_options[2],
+                               ),
+                               st.checkbox(
+                                   "Show Re(Z) gridlines",
+                                   value=st.session_state.smith_options[3],
+                               ),
+                               st.checkbox(
+                                   "Show Im(Z) gridlines",
+                                   value=st.session_state.smith_options[4],
+                               ))
+        if st.session_state.smith_options != smith_options_input:
+            st.session_state.smith_options = smith_options_input
+            st.experimental_rerun()
+    (show_excluded_points, show_grid, show_Abs_S_gridlines,
+     show_Re_Z_gridlines, show_Im_Z_gridlines) = st.session_state.smith_options
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
     ax = fig.add_subplot()
-    # major_ticks = np.arange(-1.0, 1.1, 0.25)
+    ax.axis('equal')
     minor_ticks = np.arange(-1.1, 1.1, 0.05)
-    # ax.set_xticks(major_ticks)
     ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
-    # ax.set_yticks(major_ticks)
     ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
     ax.grid(which='major', color='grey', linewidth=1.5)
     ax.grid(which='minor', color='grey', linewidth=0.5, linestyle=':')
-    plt.xlabel('$Re(\Gamma)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
-    plt.ylabel('$Im(\Gamma)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+    plt.xlabel('$Re(S)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+    plt.ylabel('$Im(S)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
     plt.title('Smith chart', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
     # unit circle
-    circle(ax, 0, 0, 1)
+    draw_smith_circle(ax, 0, 0, 1, '#1946BA')
+    if not show_grid:
+        ax.axis('off')
+    if show_Abs_S_gridlines:
+        # imshow is extremely slow, so draw it in place
+        plot_abs_s_gridlines(ax)
+    if show_Re_Z_gridlines:
+        plot_re_z_gridlines(ax)
+    if show_Im_Z_gridlines:
+        plot_im_z_gridlines(ax)
     # input data points
-    if show_excluded:
+    if show_excluded_points:
         ax.plot(r, i, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#b6c7f4')
     # choosen data points
     ax.plot(r_cut, i_cut, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
-    # circle approximation by calc
+    # S-circle approximation by calc
     radius = abs(g[1] - g[0] / g[2]) / 2
     x = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).real
     y = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).imag
-    circle(ax, x, y, radius, color='#FF8400')
+    draw_smith_circle(ax, x, y, radius, color='#FF8400')
-    XLIM = [-1.1, 1.1]
-    YLIM = [-1.1, 1.1]
+    XLIM = [-1.3, 1.3]
+    YLIM = [-1.3, 1.3]
-    st.pyplot(fig)
+    try:
+        st.pyplot(fig)
+    except:
+        st.write('Unexpected plot error')
-# plot (abs(S))(f) chart with pyplot
+# plot abs(S) vs f chart with pyplot
 def plot_abs_vs_f(f, r, i, fitted_mag_s):
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
-    abs_S = list((r[n] ** 2 + i[n] ** 2)**0.5 for n in range(len(r)))
-    xlim = [min(f) - abs(max(f) - min(f)) * 0.1,
-            max(f) + abs(max(f) - min(f)) * 0.1]
-    ylim = [min(abs_S) - abs(max(abs_S) - min(abs_S)) * 0.5,
-            max(abs_S) + abs(max(abs_S) - min(abs_S)) * 0.5]
+    s = np.abs(np.array(r) + 1j * np.array(i))
+    if st.session_state.legendselection == '|S| (dB)':
+        m = np.min(np.where(s == 0, np.inf, s))
+        s = list(20 * np.where(s == 0, np.log10(m), np.log10(s)))
+        m = np.min(np.where(s == 0, np.inf, fitted_mag_s))
+        fitted_mag_s = list(
+            20 * np.where(s == 0, np.log10(m), np.log10(fitted_mag_s)))
+    s = list(s)
+    min_f = min(f)
+    max_f = max(f)
+    xlim = [min_f - abs(max_f - min_f) * 0.1, max_f + abs(max_f - min_f) * 0.1]
+    min_s = min(s)
+    max_s = max(s)
+    ylim = [min_s - abs(max_s - min_s) * 0.5, max_s + abs(max_s - min_s) * 0.5]
     ax = fig.add_subplot()
     ax.grid(which='major', color='k', linewidth=1)
     ax.grid(which='minor', color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)
     plt.xlabel(r'$f,\; 1/c$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
-    plt.ylabel('$|S|$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
-    plt.title('Abs(S) vs frequency',
-              fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
-    ax.plot(f, abs_S, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
+    if st.session_state.legendselection == '|S| (dB)':
+        plt.ylabel('$|S|$ (dB)', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+        plt.title('|S| (dB) vs frequency', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
+    else:
+        plt.ylabel('$|S|$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+        plt.title('|S| vs frequency', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
-    ax.plot(f, fitted_mag_s, '-',ms=8, mew=8, color='#FF8400')
+    ax.plot(f, s, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
-    # radius = abs(g[1] - g[0] / g[2]) / 2
-    # x = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).real
-    # y = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).imag
-    st.pyplot(fig)
+    ax.plot(f, fitted_mag_s, '-', linewidth=3, color='#FF8400')
+    try:
+        st.pyplot(fig)
+    except:
+        st.write('Unexpected plot error')
 def run(calc_function):
-    def is_float(element) -> bool:
-        try:
-            float(element)
-            val = float(element)
-            if math.isnan(val) or math.isinf(val):
-                raise ValueError
-            return True
-        except ValueError:
-            return False
-    # to utf-8
-    def read_data(data):
-        for x in range(len(data)):
-            if type(data[x]) == bytes:
-                try:
-                    data[x] = data[x].decode('utf-8-sig', 'ignore')
-                except:
-                    return 'Not an utf-8-sig line №: ' + str(x)
-        return 'data read, but not parsed'
-    # for Touchstone .snp format
-    def parse_heading(data):
-        nonlocal data_format_snp
-        if data_format_snp:
-            for x in range(len(data)):
-                if data[x][0] == '#':
-                    line = data[x].split()
-                    if len(line) == 6:
-                        repr_map = {"RI": 0, "MA": 1, "DB": 2}
-                        para_map = {"S": 0, "Z": 1}
-                        hz_map = {"GHz": 10**9, "MHz": 10 **6, "KHz": 10**3, "Hz": 1}
-                        hz, measurement_parameter, data_representation, _r, ref_resistance = line[1:]
-                        try:
-                            return hz_map[hz], para_map[measurement_parameter], repr_map[data_representation], int(ref_resistance)
-                        except:
-                            break
-                    break
-        return 1, 0, 0, 50
-    # check if line has comments
-    # first is a comment line according to .snp documentation,
-    # others detects comments in various languages
-    def check_line_comments(line):
-        if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == '!' or line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '%' or line[0] == '/':
-            return None
-        else:
-            # generally we expect these chars as separators
-            line = line.replace(';', ' ').replace(',', ' ')
-            if '!' in line:
-                line = line[:line.find('!')]
-            return line
-    # unpack a few first lines of the file to get number of ports
-    def count_columns(data):
-        return_status = 'data parsed'
-        column_count = 0
-        for x in range(len(data)):
-            line = check_line_comments(data[x])
-            if line is None:
-                continue
-            line = line.split()
-            # always at least 3 values for single data point
-            if len(line) < 3:
-                return_status = 'Can\'t parse line № ' + \
-                    str(x) + ',\n not enough arguments (less than 3)'
-                break
-            column_count = len(line)
-            break
-        return column_count, return_status
-    def prepare_snp(data, number):
-        prepared_data = []
-        return_status = 'data read, but not parsed'
-        for x in range(len(data)):
-            line = check_line_comments(data[x])
-            if line is None:
-                continue
-            splitted_line = line.split()
-            if number * 2 + 1 == len(splitted_line):
-                prepared_data.append(line)
-            elif number * 2 == len(splitted_line):
-                prepared_data[-1] += line
-            else:
-                return_status = "Parsing error for .snp format on line №" + str(x)
-        return prepared_data, return_status
-    def unpack_data(data, first_column, column_count, ref_resistance, ace_preview_markers):
-        nonlocal select_measurement_parameter
-        nonlocal select_data_representation
-        f, r, i = [], [], []
-        return_status = 'data parsed'
-        for x in range(len(data)):
-            line = check_line_comments(data[x])
-            if line is None:
-                continue
-            line = line.split()
-            if column_count != len(line):
-                return_status = "Wrong number of parameters on line № " + str(x)
-                break
-            # 1: process according to data_placement
-            a, b, c = None, None, None
-            try:
-                a = line[0]
-                b = line[first_column]
-                c = line[first_column+1]
-            except:
-                return_status = 'Can\'t parse line №: ' + \
-                    str(x) + ',\n not enough arguments'
-                break
-            if not ((is_float(a)) or (is_float(b)) or (is_float(c))):
-                return_status = 'Wrong data type, expected number. Error on line: ' + \
-                    str(x)
-                break
-            # mark as processed
-            for y in (a,b,c):
-                ace_preview_markers.append(
-                    {"startRow": x,"startCol": 0,
-                    "endRow": x,"endCol": data[x].find(y)+len(y),
-                    "className": "ace_stack","type": "text"})
-            a, b, c = (float(x) for x in (a, b, c))
-            f.append(a)  # frequency
-            # 2: process according to data_representation
-            if select_data_representation == 'Frequency, real, imaginary':
-                # std format
-                r.append(b)  # Re
-                i.append(c)  # Im
-            elif select_data_representation == 'Frequency, magnitude, angle':
-                r.append(b*np.cos(np.deg2rad(c)))
-                i.append(b*np.sin(np.deg2rad(c)))
-            elif select_data_representation == 'Frequency, db, angle':
-                b = 10**(b/20)
-                r.append(b*np.cos(np.deg2rad(c)))
-                i.append(b*np.sin(np.deg2rad(c)))
-            else:
-                return_status = 'Wrong data format'
-                break
-            # 3: process according to measurement_parameter
-            if select_measurement_parameter == 'Z':
-                # normalization
-                r[-1] = r[-1]/ref_resistance
-                i[-1] = i[-1]/ref_resistance
-                # translate to S
-                try:
-                    # center_x + 1j*center_y, radius
-                    p1, r1 = r[-1] / (1 + r[-1]) + 0j, 1 / (1 + r[-1])  #real
-                    p2, r2 = 1 + 1j * (1 / i[-1]), 1 / i[-1]  #imag
-                    d = abs(p2-p1)
-                    q = (r1**2 - r2**2 + d**2) / (2 * d)
-                    h = (r1**2 - q**2)**0.5
-                    p = p1 + q * (p2 - p1) / d
-                    intersect = [
-                        (p.real + h * (p2.imag - p1.imag) / d,
-                        p.imag - h * (p2.real - p1.real) / d),
-                        (p.real - h * (p2.imag - p1.imag) / d,
-                         p.imag + h * (p2.real - p1.real) / d)]
-                    intersect = [x+1j*y for x,y in intersect]
-                    intersect_shift = [p-(1+0j) for p in intersect]
-                    intersect_shift = abs(np.array(intersect_shift))
-                    p=intersect[0]
-                    if intersect_shift[0]<intersect_shift[1]:
-                        p=intersect[1]
-                    r[-1] = p.real
-                    i[-1] = p.imag
-                except:
-                    r.pop()
-                    i.pop()
-                    f.pop()
-        if return_status == 'data parsed':
-            if len(f) < 3 or len(f) != len(r) or len(f) != len(i):
-                return_status = 'Choosen data range is too small, add more points'
-            elif max(abs(np.array(r)+ 1j* np.array(i))) > 2:
-                return_status = 'Your data points have an abnormality:\
-                            they are too far outside the unit cirlce.\
-                            Make sure the format is correct'
-        return f, r, i, return_status
-    # make accessible a specific range of numerical data choosen with interactive plot
-    # percent, line id, line id
-    interval_range, interval_start, interval_end = None, None, None
     # info
     with st.expander("Info"):
         # streamlit.markdown does not support footnotes
@@ -366,33 +140,36 @@ def run(calc_function):
             st.write('Wrong start directory, see readme')
     # file upload button
-    uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload a file from your vector analizer. \
-        Make sure the file format is .snp or it has a similar inner structure.'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      )
+    uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(
+        'Upload a file from your vector analizer. \
+        Make sure the file format is .snp or it has a similar inner structure.'
+    )
     # check .snp
-    data_format_snp = False
+    is_data_format_snp = False
     data_format_snp_number = 0
     if uploaded_file is None:
         st.write("DEMO: ")
         # display DEMO
-        data_format_snp = True
+        is_data_format_snp = True
             with open('./resource/data/8_default_demo.s1p') as f:
                 data = f.readlines()
             # 'streamlit run' call in the wrong directory. Display smaller demo:
-            data =['# Hz S MA R 50\n\
+            data = [
+                '# Hz S MA R 50\n\
                 11415403125 0.37010744 92.47802\n\
                 11416090625 0.33831283 92.906929\n\
-                11416778125 0.3069371 94.03318'                                               ]
+                11416778125 0.3069371 94.03318'
+            ]
         data = uploaded_file.readlines()
-        if[-4:-2]=='.s' and[-1]== 'p':
-            data_format_snp = True
+        if[-4:-2] == '.s' and[-1] == 'p':
+            is_data_format_snp = True
             data_format_snp_number = int([-2])
     validator_status = '...'
-    ace_preview_markers = []
     column_count = 0
     # data loaded
@@ -401,34 +178,51 @@ def run(calc_function):
         validator_status = read_data(data)
         if validator_status == 'data read, but not parsed':
-            hz, select_measurement_parameter, select_data_representation, input_ref_resistance = parse_heading(data)
+            hz, select_measurement_parameter, select_data_representation, input_ref_resistance = parse_snp_header(
+                data, is_data_format_snp)
-            col1, col2 = st.columns([1,2])
+            col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2])
             ace_text_value = ''.join(data).strip()
             with col1.expander("Processing options"):
-                select_measurement_parameter = st.selectbox('Measurement parameter',
-                                                          ['S', 'Z'],
-                                                          select_measurement_parameter)
-                select_data_representation = st.selectbox('Data representation',
-                                                        ['Frequency, real, imaginary',
-                                                         'Frequency, magnitude, angle',
-                                                         'Frequency, db, angle'],
-                                                         select_data_representation)
-                if select_measurement_parameter=='Z':
+                select_measurement_parameter = st.selectbox(
+                    'Measurement parameter', ['S', 'Z'],
+                    select_measurement_parameter)
+                select_data_representation = st.selectbox(
+                    'Data representation', [
+                        'Frequency, real, imaginary',
+                        'Frequency, magnitude, angle', 'Frequency, db, angle'
+                    ], select_data_representation)
+                if select_measurement_parameter == 'Z':
                     input_ref_resistance = st.number_input(
-                        "Reference resistance:", min_value=0, value=input_ref_resistance)
-                input_start_line = int(st.number_input(
-                    "First line for processing:", min_value=1, max_value=len(data)))
-                input_end_line = int(st.number_input(
-                    "Last line for processing:", min_value=1, max_value=len(data), value=len(data)))
-                data = data[input_start_line-1:input_end_line]
+                        "Reference resistance:",
+                        min_value=0,
+                        value=input_ref_resistance)
+                if not is_data_format_snp:
+                    input_hz = st.selectbox('Unit of frequency',
+                                            ['Hz', 'KHz', 'MHz', 'GHz'], 0)
+                    hz_map = {
+                        "ghz": 10**9,
+                        "mhz": 10**6,
+                        "khz": 10**3,
+                        "hz": 1
+                    }
+                    hz = hz_map[input_hz.lower()]
+                input_start_line = int(
+                    st.number_input("First line for processing:",
+                                    min_value=1,
+                                    max_value=len(data)))
+                input_end_line = int(
+                    st.number_input("Last line for processing:",
+                                    min_value=1,
+                                    max_value=len(data),
+                                    value=len(data)))
+                if input_end_line < input_start_line:
+                    input_end_line=input_start_line
+                data = data[input_start_line - 1:input_end_line]
             # Ace editor to show choosen data columns and rows
             with col2.expander("File preview"):
-                # st.button(copy selection)
                 # So little 'official' functionality in libs and lack of documentation
                 # therefore beware: css hacks
@@ -445,20 +239,22 @@ def run(calc_function):
                 # color: rgb(49, 51, 63);
                 # }</style>''', unsafe_allow_html=True)
-                # markdown injection does not seems to work, since ace is in a different .html accessible via iframe
+                # markdown injection does not seems to work,
+                # since ace is in a different .html accessible via iframe
                 # markers format:
                 #[{"startRow": 2,"startCol": 0,"endRow": 2,"endCol": 3,"className": "ace_error-marker","type": "text"}]
-                # add marking for choosen data lines TODO
-                ace_preview_markers.append({
+                # add marking for choosen data lines?
+                # todo or not todo?
+                ace_preview_markers =[{
                     "startRow": input_start_line - 1,
                     "startCol": 0,
                     "endRow": input_end_line,
                     "endCol": 0,
                     "className": "ace_highlight-marker",
                     "type": "text"
-                })
+                }]
@@ -467,8 +263,9 @@ def run(calc_function):
-            if data_format_snp and data_format_snp_number >= 3:
-                data, validator_status = prepare_snp(data, data_format_snp_number)
+            if is_data_format_snp and data_format_snp_number >= 3:
+                data, validator_status = prepare_snp(data,
+                                                     data_format_snp_number)
     if validator_status == "data read, but not parsed":
         column_count, validator_status = count_columns(data)
@@ -479,40 +276,47 @@ def run(calc_function):
         if column_count > 3:
             pair_count = (column_count - 1) // 2
             input_ports_pair = st.number_input(
-                "Choosen pair of ports with network parameters:",
+                "Choose pair of ports with network parameters:",
             input_ports_pair_id = input_ports_pair - 1
             ports_count = round(pair_count**0.5)
-            st.write(select_measurement_parameter +
+            st.write('Choosen ports: ' + select_measurement_parameter +
                      str(input_ports_pair_id // ports_count + 1) +
                      str(input_ports_pair_id % ports_count + 1))
         f, r, i, validator_status = unpack_data(data,
                                                 (input_ports_pair - 1) * 2 + 1,
-                                                ace_preview_markers)
+                                                select_measurement_parameter,
+                                                select_data_representation)
         f = [x * hz for x in f]  # to hz
     st.write("Use range slider to choose best suitable data interval")
-    interval_range, interval_start, interval_end = plot_interact_abs_from_f(f, r, i, interval_range)
-    f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = [], [], []
-    if validator_status == "data parsed":
-        f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = (x[interval_start:interval_end]
-                           for x in (f, r, i))
-        with st.expander("Selected data interval as .s1p"):
-            st_ace(value="# Hz S RI R 50\n" +
-            ''.join(f'{f_cut[x]} {r_cut[x]} {i_cut[x]}\n' for x in range(len(f_cut))),
+    if len(f)==0:
+        validator_status = 'data unpacking error: empty data'
+    else:
+        # make accessible a specific range of numerical data choosen with interactive plot
+        # line id, line id
+        interval_start, interval_end = plot_interact_abs_from_f(f,r,i)
+        f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = [], [], []
+        if validator_status == "data parsed":
+            f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = (x[interval_start:interval_end]
+                                   for x in (f, r, i))
+            with st.expander("Selected data interval as .s1p"):
+                st_ace(value="# Hz S RI R 50\n" +
+                       ''.join(f'{f_cut[x]} {r_cut[x]} {i_cut[x]}\n'
+                               for x in range(len(f_cut))),
                        placeholder="Selection is empty",
-        if len(f_cut) < 3:
-            validator_status = "Choosen interval is too small, add more points"
+            if len(f_cut) < 3:
+                validator_status = "Choosen interval is too small, add more points"
     st.write("Status: " + validator_status)
@@ -520,7 +324,7 @@ def run(calc_function):
         col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
         check_coupling_loss = col1.checkbox(
-            'Apply correction for coupling loss')
+            'Apply correction for coupling losses', value = False)
         if check_coupling_loss:
             col1.write("Option: Lossy coupling")
@@ -528,41 +332,51 @@ def run(calc_function):
             col1.write("Option: Cable attenuation")
         select_autoformat = col2.checkbox("Autoformat output", value=True)
-        precision = None
+        precision = '0.0f'
         if not select_autoformat:
-            precision = col2.slider("Precision", min_value=0, max_value=7, value = 4)
-            precision = '0.'+str(precision)+'f'
+            precision = col2.slider("Precision",
+                                    min_value=0,
+                                    max_value=7,
+                                    value=4)
+            precision = '0.' + str(precision) + 'f'
-        Q0, sigmaQ0, QL, sigmaQL, circle_params, fl, fitted_mag_s = calc_function(
+        Q0, sigmaQ0, QL, sigmaQL, k, ks, circle_params, fl, fitted_mag_s = calc_function(
             f_cut, r_cut, i_cut, check_coupling_loss)
         if Q0 <= 0 or QL <= 0:
             st.write("Negative Q detected, fitting may be inaccurate!")
-        if select_autoformat:
-            st.latex(
-                r'Q_0 =' +
-                f'{sigfig.round(Q0, uncertainty=sigmaQ0, style="PDG")},  '
-                + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_0} =' +
-                f'{sigfig.round(sigmaQ0 / Q0, sigfigs=1, style="PDG")}')
-            st.latex(
-                r'Q_L =' +
-                f'{sigfig.round(QL, uncertainty=sigmaQL, style="PDG")},  '
-                + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_L} =' +
-                f'{sigfig.round(sigmaQL / QL, sigfigs=1, style="PDG")}')
-        else:
-            st.latex(
-                r'Q_0 =' +
-                f'{format(Q0, precision)} \pm ' + f'{format(sigmaQ0, precision)},  '
-                + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_0} =' +
-                 f'{format(sigmaQ0 / Q0, precision)}')
-            st.latex(
-                r'Q_L =' +
-                f'{format(QL, precision)} \pm ' + f'{format(sigmaQL, precision)},  '
-                + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_L} =' +
-                 f'{format(sigmaQL / QL, precision)}')
-        st.latex(r'f_L ='+f'{fl}'+'Hz')
+        def show_result_in_latex(name, value, uncertainty=None):
+            nonlocal select_autoformat
+            if uncertainty is not None:
+                if select_autoformat:
+                    st.latex(
+                        name + ' =' +
+                        f'{sigfig.round(value, uncertainty=uncertainty, style="PDG")},  '
+                        + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{' + name + '} =' +
+                        f'{sigfig.round(uncertainty / value, sigfigs=1, style="PDG")}'
+                    )
+                else:
+                    st.latex(name + ' =' + f'{format(value, precision)} \pm ' +
+                             f'{format(uncertainty, precision)},  ' +
+                             r'\;\;\varepsilon_{' + name + '} =' +
+                             f'{format(uncertainty / value, precision)}')
+            else:
+                if select_autoformat:
+                    st.latex(name + ' =' +
+                             f'{sigfig.round(value, sigfigs=5, style="PDG")}')
+                else:
+                    st.latex(name + ' =' + f'{format(value, precision)}')
+        show_result_in_latex('Q_0', Q0, sigmaQ0)
+        show_result_in_latex('Q_L', QL, sigmaQL)
+        show_result_in_latex(r'\kappa', k)
+        if check_coupling_loss:
+            show_result_in_latex(r'\kappa_s', ks)
+        st.latex('f_L =' + f'{format(fl, precision)}' + r'\text{ }Hz')
         with st.expander("Show static abs(S) plot"):
             plot_abs_vs_f(f_cut, r_cut, i_cut, fitted_mag_s)
-        plot_smith(r, i, circle_params, r_cut, i_cut, st.checkbox("Show excluded points", value=True))
+        plot_smith(r, i, circle_params, r_cut, i_cut)

+ 4 - 1

@@ -41,4 +41,7 @@ Correction for coupling loss is implemented according to [3].
 ##### Alternatives
+##### Terms of use
+This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import streamlit as st
+import numpy as np
+from streamlit_echarts import st_echarts, JsCode
+# So that you can choose an interval of points on which we apply q-calc algorithm
+def plot_interact_abs_from_f(f, r, i):
+    # for making it work smoothly with streamlit
+    if 'start' not in st.session_state or 'end' not in st.session_state:
+        st.session_state.start = 0
+        st.session_state.end = 100
+    if 'legendselection' not in st.session_state:
+        st.session_state.legendselection = '|S|'
+    # data
+    s = np.abs(np.array(r) + 1j * np.array(i))
+    abs_S = list(s)
+    # case (s[x] = 0) => (log10(s[x]) = log10(min(s)))
+    m = np.min(np.where(s == 0, np.inf, s))
+    db_abs_S = list(20 * np.where(s == 0, np.log10(m), np.log10(s)))
+    # echarts for datazoom
+    # datazoom
+    # axis pointer values
+    options = {
+        "legend": {
+            "data": ['|S|', '|S| (dB)'],
+            "selectedMode": "single",
+            "selected": {
+                '|S|': st.session_state.legendselection == '|S|',
+                '|S| (dB)': st.session_state.legendselection == '|S| (dB)'
+            }
+        },
+        "xAxis": {
+            "type": "category",
+            "data": f,
+            "name": "Hz",
+            "nameTextStyle": {
+                "fontSize": 16
+            },
+            "axisLabel": {
+                "fontSize":
+                16,
+                "formatter":
+                JsCode(
+                    "function(x){return Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(x).replaceAll(',',\"_\")}"
+                ).js_code
+            },
+            "axisPointer": {
+                "label": {
+                    "formatter":
+                    JsCode(
+                        "function(x){return Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(x.value).replaceAll(',',\"_\")}"
+                    ).js_code
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "yAxis": {
+            "type": "value",
+            "axisLabel": {
+                "fontSize": 16,
+            },
+        },
+        "series": [{
+            "name": "|S|",
+            "data": abs_S,
+            "type": "line",
+        }, {
+            "name": "|S| (dB)",
+            "data": db_abs_S,
+            "type": "line",
+        }],
+        "height":
+        300,
+        "dataZoom": [{
+            "type": "slider",
+            "start": st.session_state.start,
+            "end": st.session_state.end,
+            "height": 100,
+            "bottom": 10
+        }],
+        "tooltip": {
+            "trigger":
+            "axis",
+            "axisPointer": {
+                "type": 'cross',
+                "label": {
+                    "show": "true",
+                }
+            },
+            "formatter":
+            JsCode("function(x){\
+                return \"frequency: \" + Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(x[0].name).replaceAll(',',\"_\")\
+                    + \" Hz<br>\" + x[0].seriesName + \": \" + x[0].data.toFixed(3) \
+            }").js_code
+        },
+        "toolbox": {
+            "feature": {
+                "restore": {
+                    "show": "true"
+                },
+            }
+        },
+    }
+    events = {
+        "dataZoom":
+        "function(params) { return ['dataZoom', params.start, params.end] }",
+        "restore":
+        "function() { return ['restore'] }",
+        "legendselectchanged":
+        "function(params){ return ['legendselectchanged',] }"
+    }
+    # show echart with dataZoom and update intervals based on output
+    e = st_echarts(options=options,
+                   events=events,
+                   height="500px",
+                   key="echart_S")
+    # e - event from echarts
+    if e:
+        # DataZoom event is not fired on new file upload (and in some other cases)
+        # There is no 'default event' to fix it, so use st.experimental_rerun() with session_state
+        if e[0] == "restore":
+            if 0 != st.session_state.start or 100 != st.session_state.end:
+                st.session_state.start = 0
+                st.session_state.end = 100
+                st.experimental_rerun()
+        elif e[0] == "dataZoom":
+            if e[1] != st.session_state.start or e[2] != st.session_state.end:
+                st.session_state.start = e[1]
+                st.session_state.end = e[2]
+                st.experimental_rerun()
+        elif e[0] == "legendselectchanged":
+            if e[1] != st.session_state.legendselection:
+                # Save selected type of series to state
+                st.session_state.legendselection = e[1]
+                # make chart state the same as actual state
+                st.experimental_rerun()
+    n = len(f)
+    interval_start, interval_end = int(n * st.session_state.start * 0.01), int(
+        n * st.session_state.end * 0.01)
+    return interval_start, interval_end

+ 0 - 0
source/other/article_research/plan.drawio.svg → source/other/article_research/plan(old).drawio.svg