@@ -1,360 +1,131 @@
-import math
import streamlit as st
import streamlit as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import sigfig
import sigfig
from streamlit_ace import st_ace
from streamlit_ace import st_ace
-from streamlit_echarts import st_echarts, JsCode
-# So that you can choose an interval of points on which we apply q-calc algorithm
-def plot_interact_abs_from_f(f, r, i, interval_range):
- if interval_range is None:
- interval_range = (0, 100)
- abs_S = list(abs(np.array(r) + 1j * np.array(i)))
- # echarts for datazoom https://discuss.streamlit.io/t/streamlit-echarts/3655
- # datazoom https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=line-draggable&lang=ts
- # axis pointer values https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#axisPointer
- options = {
- "xAxis": {
- "type": "category",
- "data": f,
- "name": "Hz",
- "nameTextStyle": {"fontSize": 16},
- "axisLabel": {"fontSize": 16},
- },
- "yAxis": {
- "type": "value",
- "name": "abs(S)",
- "nameTextStyle": {"fontSize": 16},
- "axisLabel": {"fontSize": 16},
- # "axisPointer": {
- # "type": 'cross',
- # "label": {
- # "show":"true",
- # "formatter": JsCode(
- # "function(info){console.log(info);return 'line ' ;};"
- # ).js_code
- # }
- # }
- },
- "series": [{"data": abs_S, "type": "line", "name": "abs(S)"}],
- "height": 300,
- "dataZoom": [{"type": "slider", "start": interval_range[0], "end": interval_range[1], "height": 100, "bottom": 10}],
- "tooltip": {
- "trigger": "axis",
- "axisPointer": {
- "type": 'cross',
- # "label": {
- # "show":"true",
- # "formatter": JsCode(
- # "function(info){console.log(info);return 'line ' ;};"
- # ).js_code
- # }
- }
- },
- "toolbox": {
- "feature": {
- # "dataView": { "show": "true", "readOnly": "true" },
- "restore": {"show": "true"},
- }
- },
- }
- # DataZoom event is not fired on new file upload. There are no default event to fix it.
- events = {
- "dataZoom": "function(params) { return ['dataZoom', params.start, params.end] }",
- "restore": "function() { return ['restore'] }",
- }
- # show echart with dataZoom and update intervals based on output
- get_event = st_echarts(
- options=options, events=events, height="500px", key="render_basic_bar_events"
- )
- if not get_event is None and get_event[0] == 'dataZoom':
- interval_range = get_event[1:]
- n = len(f)
- interval_start, interval_end = (
- int(n*interval_range[id]*0.01) for id in (0, 1))
- return interval_range, interval_start, interval_end
-def circle(ax, x, y, radius, color='#1946BA'):
- from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
- drawn_circle = Ellipse((x, y), radius * 2, radius * 2, clip_on=True,
- zorder=2, linewidth=2, edgecolor=color, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, .0125))
- ax.add_artist(drawn_circle)
-def plot_smith(r, i, g, r_cut, i_cut, show_excluded):
+from .draw_smith_utils import draw_smith_circle, plot_abs_s_gridlines, plot_im_z_gridlines, plot_re_z_gridlines
+from .show_amplitude_echart import plot_interact_abs_from_f
+from .data_parsing_utils import parse_snp_header, read_data, count_columns, prepare_snp, unpack_data
+def plot_smith(r, i, g, r_cut, i_cut):
+ # maintaining state again (remember options for this session)
+ if 'smith_options' not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.smith_options = (True, True, False, False, False)
+ with st.expander("Smith chart options"):
+ smith_options_input = (st.checkbox(
+ "Show excluded points",
+ value=st.session_state.smith_options[0]),
+ st.checkbox("Show grid",
+ st.session_state.smith_options[1]),
+ st.checkbox(
+ "Show |S| gridlines",
+ value=st.session_state.smith_options[2],
+ ),
+ st.checkbox(
+ "Show Re(Z) gridlines",
+ value=st.session_state.smith_options[3],
+ ),
+ st.checkbox(
+ "Show Im(Z) gridlines",
+ value=st.session_state.smith_options[4],
+ ))
+ if st.session_state.smith_options != smith_options_input:
+ st.session_state.smith_options = smith_options_input
+ st.experimental_rerun()
+ (show_excluded_points, show_grid, show_Abs_S_gridlines,
+ show_Re_Z_gridlines, show_Im_Z_gridlines) = st.session_state.smith_options
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
- # major_ticks = np.arange(-1.0, 1.1, 0.25)
+ ax.axis('equal')
minor_ticks = np.arange(-1.1, 1.1, 0.05)
minor_ticks = np.arange(-1.1, 1.1, 0.05)
- # ax.set_xticks(major_ticks)
ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
- # ax.set_yticks(major_ticks)
ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
ax.grid(which='major', color='grey', linewidth=1.5)
ax.grid(which='major', color='grey', linewidth=1.5)
ax.grid(which='minor', color='grey', linewidth=0.5, linestyle=':')
ax.grid(which='minor', color='grey', linewidth=0.5, linestyle=':')
- plt.xlabel('$Re(\Gamma)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
- plt.ylabel('$Im(\Gamma)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+ plt.xlabel('$Re(S)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+ plt.ylabel('$Im(S)$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
plt.title('Smith chart', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
plt.title('Smith chart', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
# unit circle
# unit circle
- circle(ax, 0, 0, 1)
+ draw_smith_circle(ax, 0, 0, 1, '#1946BA')
+ if not show_grid:
+ ax.axis('off')
+ if show_Abs_S_gridlines:
+ # imshow is extremely slow, so draw it in place
+ plot_abs_s_gridlines(ax)
+ if show_Re_Z_gridlines:
+ plot_re_z_gridlines(ax)
+ if show_Im_Z_gridlines:
+ plot_im_z_gridlines(ax)
# input data points
# input data points
- if show_excluded:
+ if show_excluded_points:
ax.plot(r, i, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#b6c7f4')
ax.plot(r, i, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#b6c7f4')
# choosen data points
# choosen data points
ax.plot(r_cut, i_cut, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
ax.plot(r_cut, i_cut, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
- # circle approximation by calc
+ # S-circle approximation by calc
radius = abs(g[1] - g[0] / g[2]) / 2
radius = abs(g[1] - g[0] / g[2]) / 2
x = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).real
x = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).real
y = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).imag
y = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).imag
- circle(ax, x, y, radius, color='#FF8400')
+ draw_smith_circle(ax, x, y, radius, color='#FF8400')
- XLIM = [-1.1, 1.1]
- YLIM = [-1.1, 1.1]
+ XLIM = [-1.3, 1.3]
+ YLIM = [-1.3, 1.3]
-# plot (abs(S))(f) chart with pyplot
+# plot abs(S) vs f chart with pyplot
def plot_abs_vs_f(f, r, i, fitted_mag_s):
def plot_abs_vs_f(f, r, i, fitted_mag_s):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
- abs_S = list((r[n] ** 2 + i[n] ** 2)**0.5 for n in range(len(r)))
- xlim = [min(f) - abs(max(f) - min(f)) * 0.1,
- max(f) + abs(max(f) - min(f)) * 0.1]
- ylim = [min(abs_S) - abs(max(abs_S) - min(abs_S)) * 0.5,
- max(abs_S) + abs(max(abs_S) - min(abs_S)) * 0.5]
+ s = np.abs(np.array(r) + 1j * np.array(i))
+ if st.session_state.legendselection == '|S| (dB)':
+ m = np.min(np.where(s == 0, np.inf, s))
+ s = list(20 * np.where(s == 0, np.log10(m), np.log10(s)))
+ m = np.min(np.where(s == 0, np.inf, fitted_mag_s))
+ fitted_mag_s = list(
+ 20 * np.where(s == 0, np.log10(m), np.log10(fitted_mag_s)))
+ s = list(s)
+ min_f = min(f)
+ max_f = max(f)
+ xlim = [min_f - abs(max_f - min_f) * 0.1, max_f + abs(max_f - min_f) * 0.1]
+ min_s = min(s)
+ max_s = max(s)
+ ylim = [min_s - abs(max_s - min_s) * 0.5, max_s + abs(max_s - min_s) * 0.5]
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.grid(which='major', color='k', linewidth=1)
ax.grid(which='major', color='k', linewidth=1)
ax.grid(which='minor', color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)
ax.grid(which='minor', color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)
plt.xlabel(r'$f,\; 1/c$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
plt.xlabel(r'$f,\; 1/c$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
- plt.ylabel('$|S|$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
- plt.title('Abs(S) vs frequency',
- fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
+ if st.session_state.legendselection == '|S| (dB)':
+ plt.ylabel('$|S|$ (dB)', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+ plt.title('|S| (dB) vs frequency', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
+ else:
+ plt.ylabel('$|S|$', color='gray', fontsize=16, fontname="Cambria")
+ plt.title('|S| vs frequency', fontsize=24, fontname="Cambria")
- ax.plot(f, abs_S, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
+ ax.plot(f, s, '+', ms=8, mew=2, color='#1946BA')
- ax.plot(f, fitted_mag_s, '-',ms=8, mew=8, color='#FF8400')
+ ax.plot(f, fitted_mag_s, '-', linewidth=3, color='#FF8400')
- # radius = abs(g[1] - g[0] / g[2]) / 2
- # x = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).real
- # y = ((g[1] + g[0] / g[2]) / 2).imag
def run(calc_function):
def run(calc_function):
- def is_float(element) -> bool:
- try:
- float(element)
- val = float(element)
- if math.isnan(val) or math.isinf(val):
- raise ValueError
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
- # to utf-8
- def read_data(data):
- for x in range(len(data)):
- if type(data[x]) == bytes:
- try:
- data[x] = data[x].decode('utf-8-sig', 'ignore')
- except:
- return 'Not an utf-8-sig line №: ' + str(x)
- return 'data read, but not parsed'
- # for Touchstone .snp format
- def parse_heading(data):
- nonlocal data_format_snp
- if data_format_snp:
- for x in range(len(data)):
- if data[x][0] == '#':
- line = data[x].split()
- if len(line) == 6:
- repr_map = {"RI": 0, "MA": 1, "DB": 2}
- para_map = {"S": 0, "Z": 1}
- hz_map = {"GHz": 10**9, "MHz": 10 **6, "KHz": 10**3, "Hz": 1}
- hz, measurement_parameter, data_representation, _r, ref_resistance = line[1:]
- try:
- return hz_map[hz], para_map[measurement_parameter], repr_map[data_representation], int(ref_resistance)
- except:
- break
- break
- return 1, 0, 0, 50
- # check if line has comments
- # first is a comment line according to .snp documentation,
- # others detects comments in various languages
- def check_line_comments(line):
- if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == '!' or line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '%' or line[0] == '/':
- return None
- else:
- # generally we expect these chars as separators
- line = line.replace(';', ' ').replace(',', ' ')
- if '!' in line:
- line = line[:line.find('!')]
- return line
- # unpack a few first lines of the file to get number of ports
- def count_columns(data):
- return_status = 'data parsed'
- column_count = 0
- for x in range(len(data)):
- line = check_line_comments(data[x])
- if line is None:
- continue
- line = line.split()
- # always at least 3 values for single data point
- if len(line) < 3:
- return_status = 'Can\'t parse line № ' + \
- str(x) + ',\n not enough arguments (less than 3)'
- break
- column_count = len(line)
- break
- return column_count, return_status
- def prepare_snp(data, number):
- prepared_data = []
- return_status = 'data read, but not parsed'
- for x in range(len(data)):
- line = check_line_comments(data[x])
- if line is None:
- continue
- splitted_line = line.split()
- if number * 2 + 1 == len(splitted_line):
- prepared_data.append(line)
- elif number * 2 == len(splitted_line):
- prepared_data[-1] += line
- else:
- return_status = "Parsing error for .snp format on line №" + str(x)
- return prepared_data, return_status
- def unpack_data(data, first_column, column_count, ref_resistance, ace_preview_markers):
- nonlocal select_measurement_parameter
- nonlocal select_data_representation
- f, r, i = [], [], []
- return_status = 'data parsed'
- for x in range(len(data)):
- line = check_line_comments(data[x])
- if line is None:
- continue
- line = line.split()
- if column_count != len(line):
- return_status = "Wrong number of parameters on line № " + str(x)
- break
- # 1: process according to data_placement
- a, b, c = None, None, None
- try:
- a = line[0]
- b = line[first_column]
- c = line[first_column+1]
- except:
- return_status = 'Can\'t parse line №: ' + \
- str(x) + ',\n not enough arguments'
- break
- if not ((is_float(a)) or (is_float(b)) or (is_float(c))):
- return_status = 'Wrong data type, expected number. Error on line: ' + \
- str(x)
- break
- # mark as processed
- for y in (a,b,c):
- ace_preview_markers.append(
- {"startRow": x,"startCol": 0,
- "endRow": x,"endCol": data[x].find(y)+len(y),
- "className": "ace_stack","type": "text"})
- a, b, c = (float(x) for x in (a, b, c))
- f.append(a) # frequency
- # 2: process according to data_representation
- if select_data_representation == 'Frequency, real, imaginary':
- # std format
- r.append(b) # Re
- i.append(c) # Im
- elif select_data_representation == 'Frequency, magnitude, angle':
- r.append(b*np.cos(np.deg2rad(c)))
- i.append(b*np.sin(np.deg2rad(c)))
- elif select_data_representation == 'Frequency, db, angle':
- b = 10**(b/20)
- r.append(b*np.cos(np.deg2rad(c)))
- i.append(b*np.sin(np.deg2rad(c)))
- else:
- return_status = 'Wrong data format'
- break
- # 3: process according to measurement_parameter
- if select_measurement_parameter == 'Z':
- # normalization
- r[-1] = r[-1]/ref_resistance
- i[-1] = i[-1]/ref_resistance
- # translate to S
- try:
- # center_x + 1j*center_y, radius
- p1, r1 = r[-1] / (1 + r[-1]) + 0j, 1 / (1 + r[-1]) #real
- p2, r2 = 1 + 1j * (1 / i[-1]), 1 / i[-1] #imag
- d = abs(p2-p1)
- q = (r1**2 - r2**2 + d**2) / (2 * d)
- h = (r1**2 - q**2)**0.5
- p = p1 + q * (p2 - p1) / d
- intersect = [
- (p.real + h * (p2.imag - p1.imag) / d,
- p.imag - h * (p2.real - p1.real) / d),
- (p.real - h * (p2.imag - p1.imag) / d,
- p.imag + h * (p2.real - p1.real) / d)]
- intersect = [x+1j*y for x,y in intersect]
- intersect_shift = [p-(1+0j) for p in intersect]
- intersect_shift = abs(np.array(intersect_shift))
- p=intersect[0]
- if intersect_shift[0]<intersect_shift[1]:
- p=intersect[1]
- r[-1] = p.real
- i[-1] = p.imag
- except:
- r.pop()
- i.pop()
- f.pop()
- if return_status == 'data parsed':
- if len(f) < 3 or len(f) != len(r) or len(f) != len(i):
- return_status = 'Choosen data range is too small, add more points'
- elif max(abs(np.array(r)+ 1j* np.array(i))) > 2:
- return_status = 'Your data points have an abnormality:\
- they are too far outside the unit cirlce.\
- Make sure the format is correct'
- return f, r, i, return_status
- # make accessible a specific range of numerical data choosen with interactive plot
- # percent, line id, line id
- interval_range, interval_start, interval_end = None, None, None
# info
# info
with st.expander("Info"):
with st.expander("Info"):
@@ -366,33 +137,36 @@ def run(calc_function):
st.write('Wrong start directory, see readme')
st.write('Wrong start directory, see readme')
# file upload button
# file upload button
- uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload a file from your vector analizer. \
- Make sure the file format is .snp or it has a similar inner structure.' )
+ uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(
+ 'Upload a file from your vector analizer. \
+ Make sure the file format is .snp or it has a similar inner structure.'
+ )
# check .snp
# check .snp
- data_format_snp = False
+ is_data_format_snp = False
data_format_snp_number = 0
data_format_snp_number = 0
if uploaded_file is None:
if uploaded_file is None:
st.write("DEMO: ")
st.write("DEMO: ")
# display DEMO
# display DEMO
- data_format_snp = True
+ is_data_format_snp = True
with open('./resource/data/8_default_demo.s1p') as f:
with open('./resource/data/8_default_demo.s1p') as f:
data = f.readlines()
data = f.readlines()
# 'streamlit run' call in the wrong directory. Display smaller demo:
# 'streamlit run' call in the wrong directory. Display smaller demo:
- data =['# Hz S MA R 50\n\
+ data = [
+ '# Hz S MA R 50\n\
11415403125 0.37010744 92.47802\n\
11415403125 0.37010744 92.47802\n\
11416090625 0.33831283 92.906929\n\
11416090625 0.33831283 92.906929\n\
- 11416778125 0.3069371 94.03318' ]
+ 11416778125 0.3069371 94.03318'
+ ]
data = uploaded_file.readlines()
data = uploaded_file.readlines()
- if uploaded_file.name[-4:-2]=='.s' and uploaded_file.name[-1]== 'p':
- data_format_snp = True
+ if uploaded_file.name[-4:-2] == '.s' and uploaded_file.name[-1] == 'p':
+ is_data_format_snp = True
data_format_snp_number = int(uploaded_file.name[-2])
data_format_snp_number = int(uploaded_file.name[-2])
validator_status = '...'
validator_status = '...'
- ace_preview_markers = []
column_count = 0
column_count = 0
# data loaded
# data loaded
@@ -401,34 +175,49 @@ def run(calc_function):
validator_status = read_data(data)
validator_status = read_data(data)
if validator_status == 'data read, but not parsed':
if validator_status == 'data read, but not parsed':
- hz, select_measurement_parameter, select_data_representation, input_ref_resistance = parse_heading(data)
+ hz, select_measurement_parameter, select_data_representation, input_ref_resistance = parse_snp_header(
+ data, is_data_format_snp)
- col1, col2 = st.columns([1,2])
+ col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2])
ace_text_value = ''.join(data).strip()
ace_text_value = ''.join(data).strip()
with col1.expander("Processing options"):
with col1.expander("Processing options"):
- select_measurement_parameter = st.selectbox('Measurement parameter',
- ['S', 'Z'],
- select_measurement_parameter)
- select_data_representation = st.selectbox('Data representation',
- ['Frequency, real, imaginary',
- 'Frequency, magnitude, angle',
- 'Frequency, db, angle'],
- select_data_representation)
- if select_measurement_parameter=='Z':
+ select_measurement_parameter = st.selectbox(
+ 'Measurement parameter', ['S', 'Z'],
+ select_measurement_parameter)
+ select_data_representation = st.selectbox(
+ 'Data representation', [
+ 'Frequency, real, imaginary',
+ 'Frequency, magnitude, angle', 'Frequency, db, angle'
+ ], select_data_representation)
+ if select_measurement_parameter == 'Z':
input_ref_resistance = st.number_input(
input_ref_resistance = st.number_input(
- "Reference resistance:", min_value=0, value=input_ref_resistance)
- input_start_line = int(st.number_input(
- "First line for processing:", min_value=1, max_value=len(data)))
- input_end_line = int(st.number_input(
- "Last line for processing:", min_value=1, max_value=len(data), value=len(data)))
- data = data[input_start_line-1:input_end_line]
+ "Reference resistance:",
+ min_value=0,
+ value=input_ref_resistance)
+ if not is_data_format_snp:
+ input_hz = st.selectbox('Unit of frequency',
+ ['Hz', 'KHz', 'MHz', 'GHz'], 0)
+ hz_map = {
+ "ghz": 10**9,
+ "mhz": 10**6,
+ "khz": 10**3,
+ "hz": 1
+ }
+ hz = hz_map[input_hz.lower()]
+ input_start_line = int(
+ st.number_input("First line for processing:",
+ min_value=1,
+ max_value=len(data)))
+ input_end_line = int(
+ st.number_input("Last line for processing:",
+ min_value=1,
+ max_value=len(data),
+ value=len(data)))
+ data = data[input_start_line - 1:input_end_line]
# Ace editor to show choosen data columns and rows
# Ace editor to show choosen data columns and rows
with col2.expander("File preview"):
with col2.expander("File preview"):
- # st.button(copy selection)
# So little 'official' functionality in libs and lack of documentation
# So little 'official' functionality in libs and lack of documentation
# therefore beware: css hacks
# therefore beware: css hacks
@@ -445,20 +234,22 @@ def run(calc_function):
# color: rgb(49, 51, 63);
# color: rgb(49, 51, 63);
# }</style>''', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# }</style>''', unsafe_allow_html=True)
- # markdown injection does not seems to work, since ace is in a different .html accessible via iframe
+ # markdown injection does not seems to work,
+ # since ace is in a different .html accessible via iframe
# markers format:
# markers format:
#[{"startRow": 2,"startCol": 0,"endRow": 2,"endCol": 3,"className": "ace_error-marker","type": "text"}]
#[{"startRow": 2,"startCol": 0,"endRow": 2,"endCol": 3,"className": "ace_error-marker","type": "text"}]
- # add marking for choosen data lines TODO
- ace_preview_markers.append({
+ # add marking for choosen data lines?
+ # todo or not todo?
+ ace_preview_markers =[{
"startRow": input_start_line - 1,
"startRow": input_start_line - 1,
"startCol": 0,
"startCol": 0,
"endRow": input_end_line,
"endRow": input_end_line,
"endCol": 0,
"endCol": 0,
"className": "ace_highlight-marker",
"className": "ace_highlight-marker",
"type": "text"
"type": "text"
- })
+ }]
@@ -467,8 +258,9 @@ def run(calc_function):
- if data_format_snp and data_format_snp_number >= 3:
- data, validator_status = prepare_snp(data, data_format_snp_number)
+ if is_data_format_snp and data_format_snp_number >= 3:
+ data, validator_status = prepare_snp(data,
+ data_format_snp_number)
if validator_status == "data read, but not parsed":
if validator_status == "data read, but not parsed":
column_count, validator_status = count_columns(data)
column_count, validator_status = count_columns(data)
@@ -479,37 +271,41 @@ def run(calc_function):
if column_count > 3:
if column_count > 3:
pair_count = (column_count - 1) // 2
pair_count = (column_count - 1) // 2
input_ports_pair = st.number_input(
input_ports_pair = st.number_input(
- "Choosen pair of ports with network parameters:",
+ "Choose pair of ports with network parameters:",
input_ports_pair_id = input_ports_pair - 1
input_ports_pair_id = input_ports_pair - 1
ports_count = round(pair_count**0.5)
ports_count = round(pair_count**0.5)
- st.write(select_measurement_parameter +
+ st.write('Choosen ports: ' + select_measurement_parameter +
str(input_ports_pair_id // ports_count + 1) +
str(input_ports_pair_id // ports_count + 1) +
str(input_ports_pair_id % ports_count + 1))
str(input_ports_pair_id % ports_count + 1))
f, r, i, validator_status = unpack_data(data,
f, r, i, validator_status = unpack_data(data,
(input_ports_pair - 1) * 2 + 1,
(input_ports_pair - 1) * 2 + 1,
- ace_preview_markers)
+ select_measurement_parameter,
+ select_data_representation)
f = [x * hz for x in f] # to hz
f = [x * hz for x in f] # to hz
st.write("Use range slider to choose best suitable data interval")
st.write("Use range slider to choose best suitable data interval")
- interval_range, interval_start, interval_end = plot_interact_abs_from_f(f, r, i, interval_range)
+ # make accessible a specific range of numerical data choosen with interactive plot
+ # line id, line id
+ interval_start, interval_end = plot_interact_abs_from_f(f,r,i)
f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = [], [], []
f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = [], [], []
if validator_status == "data parsed":
if validator_status == "data parsed":
f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = (x[interval_start:interval_end]
f_cut, r_cut, i_cut = (x[interval_start:interval_end]
- for x in (f, r, i))
+ for x in (f, r, i))
with st.expander("Selected data interval as .s1p"):
with st.expander("Selected data interval as .s1p"):
st_ace(value="# Hz S RI R 50\n" +
st_ace(value="# Hz S RI R 50\n" +
- ''.join(f'{f_cut[x]} {r_cut[x]} {i_cut[x]}\n' for x in range(len(f_cut))),
- readonly=True,
- auto_update=True,
- placeholder="Selection is empty",
- height="150px")
+ ''.join(f'{f_cut[x]} {r_cut[x]} {i_cut[x]}\n'
+ for x in range(len(f_cut))),
+ readonly=True,
+ auto_update=True,
+ placeholder="Selection is empty",
+ height="150px")
if len(f_cut) < 3:
if len(f_cut) < 3:
validator_status = "Choosen interval is too small, add more points"
validator_status = "Choosen interval is too small, add more points"
@@ -520,7 +316,7 @@ def run(calc_function):
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
check_coupling_loss = col1.checkbox(
check_coupling_loss = col1.checkbox(
- 'Apply correction for coupling loss')
+ 'Apply correction for coupling losses', value = False)
if check_coupling_loss:
if check_coupling_loss:
col1.write("Option: Lossy coupling")
col1.write("Option: Lossy coupling")
@@ -528,41 +324,51 @@ def run(calc_function):
col1.write("Option: Cable attenuation")
col1.write("Option: Cable attenuation")
select_autoformat = col2.checkbox("Autoformat output", value=True)
select_autoformat = col2.checkbox("Autoformat output", value=True)
- precision = None
+ precision = '0.0f'
if not select_autoformat:
if not select_autoformat:
- precision = col2.slider("Precision", min_value=0, max_value=7, value = 4)
- precision = '0.'+str(precision)+'f'
+ precision = col2.slider("Precision",
+ min_value=0,
+ max_value=7,
+ value=4)
+ precision = '0.' + str(precision) + 'f'
- Q0, sigmaQ0, QL, sigmaQL, circle_params, fl, fitted_mag_s = calc_function(
+ Q0, sigmaQ0, QL, sigmaQL, k, ks, circle_params, fl, fitted_mag_s = calc_function(
f_cut, r_cut, i_cut, check_coupling_loss)
f_cut, r_cut, i_cut, check_coupling_loss)
if Q0 <= 0 or QL <= 0:
if Q0 <= 0 or QL <= 0:
st.write("Negative Q detected, fitting may be inaccurate!")
st.write("Negative Q detected, fitting may be inaccurate!")
- if select_autoformat:
- st.latex(
- r'Q_0 =' +
- f'{sigfig.round(Q0, uncertainty=sigmaQ0, style="PDG")}, '
- + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_0} =' +
- f'{sigfig.round(sigmaQ0 / Q0, sigfigs=1, style="PDG")}')
- st.latex(
- r'Q_L =' +
- f'{sigfig.round(QL, uncertainty=sigmaQL, style="PDG")}, '
- + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_L} =' +
- f'{sigfig.round(sigmaQL / QL, sigfigs=1, style="PDG")}')
- else:
- st.latex(
- r'Q_0 =' +
- f'{format(Q0, precision)} \pm ' + f'{format(sigmaQ0, precision)}, '
- + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_0} =' +
- f'{format(sigmaQ0 / Q0, precision)}')
- st.latex(
- r'Q_L =' +
- f'{format(QL, precision)} \pm ' + f'{format(sigmaQL, precision)}, '
- + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{Q_L} =' +
- f'{format(sigmaQL / QL, precision)}')
- st.latex(r'f_L ='+f'{fl}'+'Hz')
+ def show_result_in_latex(name, value, uncertainty=None):
+ nonlocal select_autoformat
+ if uncertainty is not None:
+ if select_autoformat:
+ st.latex(
+ name + ' =' +
+ f'{sigfig.round(value, uncertainty=uncertainty, style="PDG")}, '
+ + r'\;\;\varepsilon_{' + name + '} =' +
+ f'{sigfig.round(uncertainty / value, sigfigs=1, style="PDG")}'
+ )
+ else:
+ st.latex(name + ' =' + f'{format(value, precision)} \pm ' +
+ f'{format(uncertainty, precision)}, ' +
+ r'\;\;\varepsilon_{' + name + '} =' +
+ f'{format(uncertainty / value, precision)}')
+ else:
+ if select_autoformat:
+ st.latex(name + ' =' +
+ f'{sigfig.round(value, sigfigs=5, style="PDG")}')
+ else:
+ st.latex(name + ' =' + f'{format(value, precision)}')
+ show_result_in_latex('Q_0', Q0, sigmaQ0)
+ show_result_in_latex('Q_L', QL, sigmaQL)
+ show_result_in_latex(r'\kappa', k)
+ if check_coupling_loss:
+ show_result_in_latex(r'\kappa_s', ks)
+ st.latex('f_L =' + f'{format(fl, precision)}' + r'\text{ }Hz')
with st.expander("Show static abs(S) plot"):
with st.expander("Show static abs(S) plot"):
plot_abs_vs_f(f_cut, r_cut, i_cut, fitted_mag_s)
plot_abs_vs_f(f_cut, r_cut, i_cut, fitted_mag_s)
- plot_smith(r, i, circle_params, r_cut, i_cut, st.checkbox("Show excluded points", value=True))
+ plot_smith(r, i, circle_params, r_cut, i_cut)