@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ <div>
+ <q-card v-if="showWarning">
+ <div class="q-pa-sm">
+ <div class="text-h6 q-ml-sm text-warning"><q-icon name="warning"/> Warning</div>
+ <div class="q-ma-sm">Near-field evaluation is an experimental feature. In general, it provides a correct result. However, it is not as tested as spectrum computations, especially for the case of large, multilayer, and absorbing spheres. Please, verify the result before using it.</div>
+ <div class="q-ma-xs"/>
+ <div class="q-ml-sm text-h6"><q-icon size='sm' name="o_info"/> Usage</div>
+ <div class="q-ma-sm">Near-field simulation uses settings from spectrum simulation.</div>
+ <q-separator inset/>
+ <div class="q-ma-sm"/>
+ <q-btn icon="settings" flat text-color="primary"
+ label="Change spectrum settings"
+ @click="void router.push({path: '/spectrum'})"/>
+ <q-btn icon="close" flat text-color="primary"
+ label="Close"
+ @click="showWarning=false"/>
+ </div>
+ </q-card>
+ <div class="q-ma-md"/>
+ </div>
+<script lang="ts">
+import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
+import {
+ defineComponent,
+ ref,
+} from 'vue'
+export default defineComponent({
+ name: 'ShowNearFieldWarning',
+ setup () {
+ const router = useRouter()
+ let showWarning = ref(true)
+ // import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
+ // const $q = useQuasar()
+ // onActivated(()=>{
+ // if (count.value < 2) {
+ // $q.notify({
+ // message: 'Near-field simulation uses settings from spectrum simulation.',
+ // multiLine: true,
+ // position: 'top-right',
+ // icon: 'o_info',
+ // progress: true,
+ // color: 'white',
+ // textColor: 'black',
+ // actions: [
+ // { icon: 'settings', label: 'Change spectrum settings', color: 'primary',
+ // handler: () => { void router.push({path: '/spectrum'}) } },
+ // { icon: 'close', label: 'Close', color: 'primary'},
+ //
+ // ],
+ // timeout: 10000
+ // })
+ // count.value += 1
+ // }
+ // })
+ //
+ return { showWarning, router }
+ }