@@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ namespace nmie {
std::vector<std::vector<FloatType> > &Pi,
std::vector<std::vector<FloatType> > &Tau) {
const unsigned int perimeter_points = Pi.size();
- for (auto &val:Pi) val.resize(available_maximal_nmax_);
- for (auto &val:Tau) val.resize(available_maximal_nmax_);
+ for (auto &val:Pi) val.resize(available_maximal_nmax_, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
+ for (auto &val:Tau) val.resize(available_maximal_nmax_, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
double delta_Theta = eval_delta<double>(perimeter_points, from_Theta, to_Theta);
for (unsigned int i=0; i < perimeter_points; i++) {
auto Theta = static_cast<FloatType>(from_Theta + i*delta_Theta);
@@ -614,13 +614,13 @@ namespace nmie {
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > > Q(L), Ha(L), Hb(L);
for (int l = 0; l < L; l++) {
- Q[l].resize(nmax_ + 1);
- Ha[l].resize(nmax_);
- Hb[l].resize(nmax_);
+ Q[l].resize(nmax_ + 1, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
+ Ha[l].resize(nmax_, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
+ Hb[l].resize(nmax_, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
- an_.resize(nmax_);
- bn_.resize(nmax_);
+ an_.resize(nmax_, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
+ bn_.resize(nmax_, static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > PsiXL(nmax_ + 1), ZetaXL(nmax_ + 1);
@@ -733,17 +733,21 @@ namespace nmie {
bn_[n] = PsiXL[n + 1]/ZetaXL[n + 1];
if (n == 0) {a0 = cabs(an_[0]); b0 = cabs(bn_[0]);}
- if (n == nmax_ - 1 && nmax_preset_ <= 0) {
+ if (n == nmax_ - 1 && nmax_preset_ <= 0
+ && (cabs(an_[n]) / a0 > convergence_threshold_ &&
+ cabs(bn_[n]) / b0 > convergence_threshold_)) {
std::cout << "Failed to converge in Mie series for nmax="<<nmax_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "convergence threshold: "<< convergence_threshold_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "Mie series a[nmax]/a[1]:" << cabs(an_[n]) / a0 << " and b[nmax]/b[1]:" << cabs(bn_[n]) / b0 << std::endl;
- if (cabs(an_[n]) / a0 < convergence_threshold_ &&
- cabs(bn_[n]) / b0 < convergence_threshold_) {
- if (nmax_preset_ <= 0) nmax_ = n;
- break;
- }
+// // TODO seems to provide not enough terms for near-field calclulation.
+// if (cabs(an_[n]) / a0 < convergence_threshold_ &&
+// cabs(bn_[n]) / b0 < convergence_threshold_) {
+// if (nmax_preset_ <= 0) nmax_ = n;
+// break;
+// }
if (nmm::isnan(an_[n].real()) || nmm::isnan(an_[n].imag()) ||
nmm::isnan(bn_[n].real()) || nmm::isnan(bn_[n].imag())
@@ -816,7 +820,7 @@ namespace nmie {
S2_ = S1_;
// Precalculate cos(theta) - gives about 5% speed up.
- std::vector<FloatType> costheta(theta_.size(), 0.0);
+ std::vector<FloatType> costheta(theta_.size(), static_cast<FloatType>(0.0));
for (unsigned int t = 0; t < theta_.size(); t++) {
costheta[t] = nmm::cos(theta_[t]);