@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+/// @file jade.cc
+/// @author Ladutenko Konstantin <kostyfisik at gmail (.) com>
+/// @date Thu Aug 15 19:26:53 2013
+/// @copyright 2013 Ladutenko Konstantin
+/// @section LICENSE
+/// This file is part of JADE++.
+/// JADE++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+/// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+/// (at your option) any later version.
+/// JADE++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+/// GNU General Public License for more details.
+/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+/// along with JADE++. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/// @brief JADE++ is a free (GPLv3+) high performance implementation of
+/// adaptive differential evolution optimization algorithm from
+/// Jingqiao Zhang and Arthur C. Sanderson book 'Adaptive Differential
+/// Evolution. A Robust Approach to Multimodal Problem Optimization'
+/// Springer, 2009. Crossover rate was patched according to PMCRADE
+/// approach supposed by Jie Li, Wujie Zhu, Mengjun Zhou, and Hua Wang
+/// in 'Power Mean Based Crossover Rate Adaptive Differential
+/// Evolution' in H. Deng et al. (Eds.): AICI 2011, Part II, LNAI
+/// 7003, pp. 34–41, 2011
+#include "./jade.h"
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <random>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace jade {
+ /// @todo Replace all simple kError returns with something meangfull. TODO change kError to throw exception
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::Selection(std::vector<Real> crossover_u, long i) {
+ bool is_evaluated = false;
+ Real f_current = 0.0;
+ for (auto f : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_) {
+ if (f.second == i) {
+ f_current = f.first;
+ is_evaluated = true;
+ }
+ } // end of searching of pre-evaluated fitness for current individual
+ if (!is_evaluated) error_status_ = kError;
+ Real f_best = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.front().first;
+ Real f_crossover_u = FitnessFunction(crossover_u);
+ bool is_success = f_crossover_u > f_current
+ || f_crossover_u == f_best; //Selected for maxima search
+ if (is_find_minimum_) is_success = !is_success;
+ if (!is_success) {
+ // Case of current x and f were new for current generation.
+ x_vectors_next_generation_[i] = x_vectors_current_[i];
+ for (auto &f : evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_) {
+ if (f.second == i) f.first = f_current;
+ } // end of saving old fitness value in new generation.
+ } else { // if is_success == true
+ x_vectors_next_generation_[i] = crossover_u;
+ for (auto &f : evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_)
+ if (f.second == i) f.first = f_crossover_u;
+ to_be_archived_best_A_.push_back(x_vectors_current_[i]);
+ successful_mutation_parameters_S_F_.push_back(mutation_F_[i]);
+ successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_.push_back(crossover_CR_[i]);
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf("n%li f_new=%4.2f\n",i,f_crossover_u);
+ //PrintSingleVector(crossover_u);
+ } // end of dealing with success crossover
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::Selection(std::vector<Real> crossover_u);
+ int SubPopulation::Selection(std::vector<Real> crossover_u, void* param, long i) {
+ bool is_evaluated = false;
+ Real f_current = 0.0;
+ for (auto f : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_) {
+ if (f.second == i) {
+ f_current = f.first;
+ is_evaluated = true;
+ }
+ } // end of searching of pre-evaluated fitness for current individual
+ if (!is_evaluated) error_status_ = kError;
+ Real f_best = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.front().first;
+ Real f_crossover_u = FitnessFunction_p(crossover_u, param);
+ bool is_success = f_crossover_u > f_current
+ || f_crossover_u == f_best; //Selected for maxima search
+ if (is_find_minimum_) is_success = !is_success;
+ if (!is_success) {
+ // Case of current x and f were new for current generation.
+ x_vectors_next_generation_[i] = x_vectors_current_[i];
+ for (auto &f : evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_) {
+ if (f.second == i) f.first = f_current;
+ } // end of saving old fitness value in new generation.
+ } else { // if is_success == true
+ x_vectors_next_generation_[i] = crossover_u;
+ for (auto &f : evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_)
+ if (f.second == i) f.first = f_crossover_u;
+ to_be_archived_best_A_.push_back(x_vectors_current_[i]);
+ successful_mutation_parameters_S_F_.push_back(mutation_F_[i]);
+ successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_.push_back(crossover_CR_[i]);
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf("n%li f_new=%4.2f\n",i,f_crossover_u);
+ //PrintSingleVector(crossover_u);
+ } // end of dealing with success crossover
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::Selection(std::vector<Real> crossover_u);
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::ArchiveCleanUp() {
+ auto archived_last=archived_best_A_.end();
+ archived_best_A_.splice(archived_last, to_be_archived_best_A_);
+ auto size_A = archived_best_A_.size();
+ long initial_diff = size_A - subpopulation_;
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf("diff = %li size_A=%li subpop=%li \n ", initial_diff, size_A, subpopulation_);
+ // if (initial_diff < 1) return kDone;
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf("diff = %li size_A=%li \n ", initial_diff, size_A);
+ for (long i = 0; i < initial_diff; ++i) {
+ long index_to_remove = randint(0, size_A - 1);
+ auto element_A = archived_best_A_.begin();
+ std::advance(element_A, index_to_remove);
+ archived_best_A_.erase(element_A);
+ --size_A;
+ }
+ const unsigned long new_size_A = archived_best_A_.size();
+ if (new_size_A > subpopulation_) error_status_ = kError; //TODO change kError to throw exception
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation:: ArchiveCleanUp();
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::Adaption() {
+ long elements = 0;
+ Real sum = 0.0;
+ for (auto CR : successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_) {
+ sum += CR;
+ ++elements;
+ } // end of collecting data for mean CR
+ if (elements == 0) return kDone;
+ // Should never be reached for symmetric filling of S_CR and S_F.
+ if (successful_mutation_parameters_S_F_.size() == 0) return kDone;
+ Real mean_a_CR = sum / static_cast<Real>(elements);
+ // Original JADE adaption of mu_CR.
+ if (!isPMCRADE_) {
+ adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_ =
+ (1 - adaptation_frequency_c_) * adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_
+ + adaptation_frequency_c_ * mean_a_CR;
+ } else {
+ // PMCRADE patch for mu_CR
+ Real std_S_CR = 0;
+ for (auto CR : successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_)
+ std_S_CR += pow2(CR - mean_a_CR);
+ std_S_CR = sqrt(std_S_CR / static_cast<Real>(elements));
+ const Real PMCRADE_const = 0.07;
+ if (std_S_CR < PMCRADE_const) {
+ adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_ =
+ (1 - adaptation_frequency_c_) * adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_
+ + adaptation_frequency_c_ * mean_a_CR;
+ } else {
+ Real mean_pow2_CR = 0.0;
+ for (auto CR : successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_)
+ mean_pow2_CR += pow2(CR);
+ mean_pow2_CR = sqrt(mean_pow2_CR/static_cast<Real>(elements));
+ adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_ =
+ (1 - adaptation_frequency_c_) * adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_
+ + adaptation_frequency_c_ * mean_pow2_CR;
+ }
+ // end of PMCRADE patch
+ } // end of if isPMCRADE_
+ Real sum_F = 0.0, sum_F2 = 0.0;
+ for (auto F : successful_mutation_parameters_S_F_) {
+ sum_F += F;
+ sum_F2 += F*F;
+ } // end of collection data for Lehmer mean F
+ Real mean_l_F = sum_F2 / sum_F;
+ adaptor_mutation_mu_F_ =
+ (1 - adaptation_frequency_c_) * adaptor_mutation_mu_F_
+ + adaptation_frequency_c_ * mean_l_F;
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::Adaption();
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::RunOptimization() {
+ //if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("Start optimization..\n");
+ if (error_status_) return error_status_;
+ adaptor_mutation_mu_F_ = 0.5;
+ adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_ = 0.5;
+ archived_best_A_.clear();
+ CreateInitialPopulation();
+ x_vectors_next_generation_ = x_vectors_current_;
+ EvaluateCurrentVectors();
+ evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_ =
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_;
+ for (long g = 0; g < total_generations_max_; ++g) {
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput && g%100 == 0) printf("%li\n",g);
+ to_be_archived_best_A_.clear();
+ successful_mutation_parameters_S_F_.clear();
+ successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_.clear();
+ // //debug section
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf("============== Generation %li =============\n", g);
+ PrintPopulation();
+ //PrintEvaluated();
+ std::cin.get();
+ //end of debug section
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < subpopulation_; ++i) {
+ SetCRiFi(i);
+ std::vector<Real> mutated_v, crossover_u;
+ mutated_v = Mutation(i);
+ crossover_u = Crossover(mutated_v, i);
+ Selection(crossover_u, i);
+ } // end of for all individuals in subpopulation
+ ArchiveCleanUp();
+ Adaption();
+ x_vectors_current_.swap(x_vectors_next_generation_);
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_
+ .swap(evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_);
+ SortEvaluatedCurrent();
+ if (error_status_) return error_status_;
+ } // end of stepping generations
+ PrintPopulation();
+ PrintEvaluated();
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::RunOptimization()
+ int SubPopulation::RunOptimization(std::ostream &out, void* param) {
+ //if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("Start optimization..\n");
+ if (error_status_) return error_status_;
+ adaptor_mutation_mu_F_ = 0.5;
+ adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_ = 0.5;
+ archived_best_A_.clear();
+ CreateInitialPopulation();
+ x_vectors_next_generation_ = x_vectors_current_;
+ EvaluateCurrentVectors(param);
+ evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_ = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_;
+ for (long g = 0; g < total_generations_max_; ++g) {
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput && g%100 == 0) printf("%li\n",g);
+ to_be_archived_best_A_.clear();
+ successful_mutation_parameters_S_F_.clear();
+ successful_crossover_parameters_S_CR_.clear();
+ PrintPopulation(g, out);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < subpopulation_; ++i) {
+ SetCRiFi(i);
+ std::vector<Real> mutated_v, crossover_u;
+ mutated_v = Mutation(i);
+ crossover_u = Crossover(mutated_v, i);
+ Selection(crossover_u, param, i);
+ } // end of for all individuals in subpopulation
+ ArchiveCleanUp();
+ Adaption();
+ x_vectors_current_.swap(x_vectors_next_generation_);
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_
+ .swap(evaluated_fitness_for_next_generation_);
+ SortEvaluatedCurrent();
+ if (error_status_) return error_status_;
+ } // end of stepping generations
+ PrintPopulation();
+ PrintEvaluated();
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::RunOptimization()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::Crossover(std::vector<Real> mutation_v, long i) {
+ const Real CR_i = crossover_CR_[i];
+ std::vector<Real> crossover_u, x_current;
+ crossover_u.resize(dimension_);
+ x_current = x_vectors_current_.at(i);
+ unsigned long j_rand = randint(0, dimension_ - 1);
+ for (unsigned long c = 0; c < dimension_; ++c) {
+ if (c == j_rand || rand(0,1) < CR_i)
+ crossover_u[c] = mutation_v[c];
+ else
+ crossover_u[c] = x_current[c];
+ }
+ // //debug section
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf("x -> v -> u with CR_i=%4.2f j_rand=%li\n", CR_i, j_rand);
+ // PrintSingleVector(mutation_v);
+ // PrintSingleVector(x_current);
+ // PrintSingleVector(crossover_u);
+ // //end of debug section
+ return crossover_u;
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::Crossover();
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::Mutation(long i) {
+ std::vector<Real> mutation_v, x_best_current, x_random_current,
+ x_random_archive_and_current, x_current;
+ x_current = x_vectors_current_.at(i);
+ x_best_current = GetXpBestCurrent();
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("x_best: ");
+ // PrintSingleVector(x_best_current);
+ long index_of_random_current = -1;
+ x_random_current = GetXRandomCurrent(&index_of_random_current, i);
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("x_random: ");
+ // PrintSingleVector(x_random_current);
+ x_random_archive_and_current = GetXRandomArchiveAndCurrent(index_of_random_current, i);
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("x_random with archive: ");
+ // PrintSingleVector(x_random_archive_and_current);
+ mutation_v.resize(dimension_);
+ Real F_i = mutation_F_[i];
+ for (unsigned long c = 0; c < dimension_; ++c) {
+ // Mutation
+ mutation_v[c] = x_current[c]
+ + F_i * (x_best_current[c] - x_current[c])
+ + F_i * (x_random_current[c]
+ - x_random_archive_and_current[c]);
+ // Bounds control
+ if (mutation_v[c] > x_ubound_[c])
+ mutation_v[c] = (x_ubound_[c] + x_current[c])/2;
+ if (mutation_v[c] < x_lbound_[c])
+ mutation_v[c] = (x_lbound_[c] + x_current[c])/2;
+ }
+ // //debug section
+ // int isSame = 888, isSame2 = 7777, isSame3 =11111;
+ // for (long c = 0; c < dimension_; ++c) {
+ // Real norm = std::abs(mutation_v[c] - x_current[c]);
+ // Real norm2 = std::abs(x_random_current[c] - x_current[c]);
+ // Real norm3 = std::abs(x_random_current[c]
+ // - x_random_archive_and_current[c]);
+ // if ( norm > 0.0001) isSame = 0;
+ // if ( norm2 > 0.0001) isSame2 = 0;
+ // if ( norm3 > 0.0001) isSame3 = 0;
+ // }
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("mutation_v%i%i%i: ",isSame, isSame2, isSame3);
+ // PrintSingleVector(mutation_v);
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("current _v%i%i%i: ",isSame, isSame2, isSame3);
+ // PrintSingleVector(x_current);
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput)
+ // printf(" -> f = %4.2f F_i=%4.2f\n",
+ // FitnessFunction(mutation_v), F_i);
+ // //end of debug section
+ return mutation_v;
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::Mutation();
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetXpBestCurrent() {
+ const unsigned long n_best_total = static_cast<long>
+ (floor(subpopulation_ * best_share_p_ ));
+ if (n_best_total == subpopulation_) error_status_ = kError; //TODO change kError to throw exception
+ long best_n = randint(0, n_best_total);
+ long best_n_index = -1, i = 0;
+ for (auto x : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_) {
+ if (i == best_n) {
+ best_n_index = x.second;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return x_vectors_current_.at(best_n_index);
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetXpBestCurrent();
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetXRandomCurrent(long *index, long forbidden_index) {
+ long random_n = randint(0, subpopulation_-1);
+ while (random_n == forbidden_index) random_n = randint(0, subpopulation_-1);
+ (*index) = random_n;
+ return x_vectors_current_.at(random_n);
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetXRandomCurrent()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetXRandomArchiveAndCurrent
+ (unsigned long forbidden_index1, unsigned long forbidden_index2) {
+ long archive_size = archived_best_A_.size();
+ unsigned long random_n = randint(0, subpopulation_ + archive_size - 1);
+ while (random_n == forbidden_index1 || random_n == forbidden_index2)
+ random_n = randint(0, subpopulation_ + archive_size - 1);
+ if (random_n < subpopulation_) return x_vectors_current_.at(random_n);
+ random_n -= subpopulation_;
+ unsigned long i = 0;
+ for (auto x : archived_best_A_) {
+ if (i == random_n) {
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("Using Archive!!\n");
+ return x;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ } // end of selecting from archive
+ error_status_ = kError; //TODO change kError to throw exception
+ std::vector<Real> x;
+ return x;
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetXRandomArchiveAndCurrent()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::SetCRiFi(long i) {
+ long k = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ mutation_F_[i] = randc(adaptor_mutation_mu_F_, 0.1);
+ if (mutation_F_[i] > 1) {
+ mutation_F_[i] = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (mutation_F_[i] > 0) break;
+ ++k;
+ if (k > 10) {
+ mutation_F_[i] = 0.001;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (k > 100) printf("k");
+ }
+ crossover_CR_[i] = randn(adaptor_crossover_mu_CR_,0.1);
+ if (crossover_CR_[i] > 1) crossover_CR_[i] = 1;
+ if (crossover_CR_[i] < 0) crossover_CR_[i] = 0;
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::SetCRiFi(long i)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ /// %todo Change returned kError to meangfull error code.
+ int SubPopulation::Init(long total_population, long dimension) {// NOLINT
+ total_population_ = total_population;
+ if (total_population_ < 1)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("You should set population > 0!");
+ dimension_ = dimension;
+ if (dimension_ < 1)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("You should set dimension > 0!");
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &process_rank_);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &number_of_processes_);
+ if (process_rank_ < 0)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("MPI problem: process_rank_ < 0!");
+ if (number_of_processes_ < 1)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("MPI problem: number_of_processes_ < 1!");
+ std::random_device rd;
+ generator_.seed(rd());
+ // //debug
+ // CheckRandom();
+ subpopulation_ = total_population;
+ current_generation_ = 0;
+ x_vectors_current_.resize(subpopulation_);
+ for (auto &x : x_vectors_current_) x.resize(dimension_);
+ x_vectors_next_generation_.resize(subpopulation_);
+ for (auto &x : x_vectors_next_generation_) x.resize(dimension_);
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.resize(subpopulation_);
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("%i, x1 size = %li \n", process_rank_, x_vectors_current_.size());
+ x_lbound_.resize(dimension_);
+ x_ubound_.resize(dimension_);
+ mutation_F_.resize(subpopulation_);
+ crossover_CR_.resize(subpopulation_);
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of void SubPopulation::Init()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::PrintPopulation() {
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ printf("\n");
+ for (auto x : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_) {
+ long n = x.second;
+ Real fitness = x.first;
+ printf("%6.2f:% 3li||", fitness, n);
+ for (unsigned long c = 0; c < dimension_; ++c)
+ printf(" %+7.2f ", x_vectors_current_[n][c]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ // for (long i = 0; i < subpopulation_; ++i) {
+ // printf("n%li:", i);
+ // for (long c = 0; c < dimension_; ++c) {
+ // printf(" %5.2f ", x_vectors_current_[i][c]);
+ // }
+ // printf("\n");
+ // } // end of for each individual
+ } // end of if output
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPupulation::PrintPopulation()
+ int SubPopulation::PrintPopulation(long niter, std::ostream &out) {
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ //printf("\n");
+ auto p = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.begin();
+ out << niter << " " << (*p).first;
+ for (unsigned long c = 0; c < dimension_; ++c) out << " " << x_vectors_current_[(*p).second][c];
+ out << std::endl;
+ } // end of if output
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPupulation::PrintPopulation()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::PrintEvaluated() {
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ for (auto x : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_)
+ printf("%li:%4.2f ", x.second, x.first);
+ printf("\n");
+ } // end of if output
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::PrintEvaluated()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::PrintSingleVector(std::vector<Real> x) {
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ for (auto c : x) printf("%5.2f ", c);
+ printf("\n");
+ } // end of output
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::PrintSingleVector(std::vector<Real> x)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ void SubPopulation::SetFeed(std::vector<std::vector<Real> > x_feed_vectors) {
+ isFeed_ = true;
+ if (dimension_ < 1)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("You should set dimension before feed!");
+ for (auto x : x_feed_vectors)
+ if (x.size() != dimension_)
+ throw std::invalid_argument
+ ("Feed and optimization dimenstion should be the same size!");
+ x_feed_vectors_.clear();
+ for (auto &x : x_feed_vectors)
+ x_feed_vectors_.push_back(x);
+ } // end of void SubPopulation::SetFeed()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::CreateInitialPopulation() {
+ if ((subpopulation_ - x_feed_vectors_.size()) <1)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("Too large feed!");
+ x_vectors_current_.resize(subpopulation_ - x_feed_vectors_.size());
+ for (auto &x : x_vectors_current_)
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i) {
+ if (x_lbound_[i] > x_ubound_[i])
+ throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong order of bounds!");
+ x[i] = rand(x_lbound_[i], x_ubound_[i]); // NOLINT
+ } // end of for each dimension
+ // //debug
+ // for (auto x : x_vectors_current_[0]) if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("%g ",x);
+ for (auto x: x_feed_vectors_) {
+ x_vectors_current_.push_back(x);
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ printf("--=-- Feed:\n");
+ for (auto index:x) printf(" %+7.2f", index);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (x_vectors_current_.size() != subpopulation_)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("Population is not full after feed!");
+ x_feed_vectors_.clear();
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ // printf("==--== Initial population:\n");
+ // EvaluateCurrentVectors();
+ // PrintPopulation();
+ // }
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::CreateInitialPopulation()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::SortEvaluatedCurrent() {
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_
+ .sort([=](const std::pair<Real, long>& a, // NOLINT
+ const std::pair<Real, long>& b) { // NOLINT
+ bool cmp = a.first < b.first;
+ if (is_find_minimum_) return cmp;
+ return !cmp;
+ });
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::SortEvaluatedCurrent()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::EvaluateCurrentVectors() {
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.clear();
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < subpopulation_; ++i) { // NOLINT
+ auto tmp = std::make_pair(FitnessFunction(x_vectors_current_[i]), i);
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ SortEvaluatedCurrent();
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("\n After ");
+ // for (auto val : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_)
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("%g ", val.first);
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::EvaluateCurrentVectors()
+ int SubPopulation::EvaluateCurrentVectors(void* param) {
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.clear();
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < subpopulation_; ++i) { // NOLINT
+ auto tmp = std::make_pair(FitnessFunction_p(x_vectors_current_[i], param), i);
+ evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ SortEvaluatedCurrent();
+ // //debug
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("\n After ");
+ // for (auto val : evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_)
+ // if (process_rank_ == kOutput) printf("%g ", val.first);
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::EvaluateCurrentVectors()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ void SubPopulation::SetAllBoundsVectors
+ (std::vector<Real> lbound, std::vector<Real> ubound) {
+ x_lbound_.clear();
+ x_ubound_.clear();
+ for (auto x : lbound) x_lbound_.push_back(x);
+ for (auto x : ubound) x_ubound_.push_back(x);
+ }
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::SetAllBounds(Real lbound, Real ubound) {
+ if (lbound >= ubound) {
+ error_status_ = kError;
+ return kError; //TODO change kError to throw exception
+ }
+ for (auto &x : x_lbound_) x = lbound;
+ for (auto &x : x_ubound_) x = ubound;
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::SetAllBounds(Real lbound, Real ubound)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ Real SubPopulation::randn(Real mean, Real stddev) {
+ std::normal_distribution<Real> distribution(mean, stddev);
+ return distribution(generator_);
+ } // end of Real SubPopulation::randn(Real mean, Real stddev)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ Real SubPopulation::randc(Real location, Real scale) {
+ std::cauchy_distribution<Real> distribution(location, scale);
+ return distribution(generator_);
+ } // end of Real SubPopulation::randc(Real location, Real scale)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ long SubPopulation::randint(long lbound, long ubound) { // NOLINT
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<long> distribution(lbound, ubound); // NOLINT
+ return distribution(generator_);
+ }
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ Real SubPopulation::rand(Real lbound, Real ubound) { // NOLINT
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<Real> distribution(lbound, ubound);
+ return distribution(generator_);
+ } // end of Real rand(Real lbound, Real ubound)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ void SubPopulation::CheckRandom() {
+ std::map<int, int> hist_n, hist_c, hist_int, hist;
+ int factor = 1000;
+ for (int n = 0; n < 100*factor; ++n) {
+ ++hist_n[std::round(randn(0, 2))];
+ ++hist_c[std::round(randc(0, 2))];
+ ++hist_int[std::round(randint(0, 10))];
+ ++hist[std::round(rand(0, 15))]; // NOLINT
+ }
+ if (process_rank_ == kOutput) {
+ printf("Normal (0,2)\n");
+ for (auto p : hist_n) {
+ if (p.second > factor)
+ printf("%i: % 4i %s\n", process_rank_, p.first,
+ std::string(p.second/factor, '*').c_str());
+ } // end of for p in hist_n
+ printf("Cauchy (0,2)\n");
+ for (auto p : hist_c) {
+ if (p.second > factor)
+ printf("%i: % 4i %s\n", process_rank_, p.first,
+ std::string(p.second/factor, '*').c_str());
+ } // end of for p in hist_c
+ printf("Uniform int (0,10)\n");
+ for (auto p : hist_int) {
+ if (p.second > factor)
+ printf("%i: % 4i %s\n", process_rank_, p.first,
+ std::string(p.second/factor, '*').c_str());
+ } // end of for p in hist_int
+ printf("Uniform Real (0,15)\n");
+ for (auto p : hist) {
+ if (p.second > factor)
+ printf("%i: % 4i %s\n", process_rank_, p.first,
+ std::string(p.second/factor, '*').c_str());
+ } // end of for p in hist
+ } // end of if current process_rank_ == kOutput
+ }
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::SetBestShareP(Real p) {
+ if (p < 0 || p > 1) {
+ error_status_ = kError;
+ return kError; //TODO change kError to throw exception
+ }
+ best_share_p_ = p;
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::SetBestShareP(Real p)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::SetAdapitonFrequencyC(Real c) {
+ if (c < 0 || c > 1) {
+ error_status_ = kError;
+ return kError; //TODO change kError to throw exception
+ }
+ adaptation_frequency_c_ = c;
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::SetAdapitonFrequency(Real c)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::SetDistributionLevel(int level) {
+ distribution_level_ = level;
+ return kDone;
+ }
+ // end of int SubPopulation::SetDistributionLevel(int level)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::PrintParameters(std::string comment) {
+ if (process_rank_ == 0) {
+ printf("#%s dim=%li NP=%li(of %li) p=%4.2f c=%4.2f generation=%li\n",
+ comment.c_str(),dimension_, subpopulation_, total_population_,
+ best_share_p_, adaptation_frequency_c_, total_generations_max_
+ );
+ fflush(stdout);
+ } // end of output
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::PrintParameters(std::string comment)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::PrintResult(std::string comment) {
+ if (distribution_level_ == 0) {
+ auto x = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.front();
+ std::vector<Real> to_send {x.first};
+ //printf("%8.5g\n ", x.first);
+ AllGatherVectorDouble(to_send);
+ if (process_rank_ == 0) {
+ Real sum = 0;
+ Real size = static_cast<Real>(recieve_Real_.size());
+ for (auto x : recieve_Real_) sum += x;
+ Real mean = sum/size;
+ Real sigma = 0;
+ for (auto x : recieve_Real_) sigma += pow2(x - mean);
+ sigma = sqrt(sigma/size);
+ printf("%s gen%li, mean %4.1e (stddev %4.1e = %3.2g %%) runs(%g)\n",
+ comment.c_str(), total_generations_max_, mean,sigma,
+ sigma*100.0/mean,size);
+ // for (auto x : recieve_Real_)
+ // printf("%18.15g\n", x);
+ }
+ }
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::PrintResult()
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetFinalFitness() {
+ recieve_Real_.clear();
+ if (distribution_level_ == 0) {
+ auto x = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.front();
+ std::vector<Real> to_send {x.first};
+ AllGatherVectorDouble(to_send);
+ }
+ return recieve_Real_;
+ } // end of sdt::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetFinalFitness();
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetBest(Real *best_fitness) {
+ auto x = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.front();
+ (*best_fitness) = x.first;
+ return x_vectors_current_[x.second];
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetBest(Real *best_fitness)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetWorst(Real *worst_fitness) {
+ auto x = evaluated_fitness_for_current_vectors_.back();
+ (*worst_fitness) = x.first;
+ return x_vectors_current_[x.second];
+ } // end of std::vector<Real> SubPopulation::GetWorst(Real *worst_fitness)
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::AllGatherVectorDouble(std::vector<Real> to_send) {
+ long size_single = to_send.size();
+ long size_all = size_single * number_of_processes_;
+ recieve_Real_.clear();
+ recieve_Real_.resize(size_all);
+ MPI_Allgather(&to_send.front(), size_single, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ &recieve_Real_.front(), size_single, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::AllGatherVectorDouble(std::vector<Real> to_send);
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ int SubPopulation::AllGatherVectorLong(std::vector<long> to_send) {
+ long size_single = to_send.size();
+ long size_all = size_single * number_of_processes_;
+ recieve_long_.clear();
+ recieve_long_.resize(size_all);
+ MPI_Allgather(&to_send.front(), size_single, MPI_LONG,
+ &recieve_long_.front(), size_single, MPI_LONG,
+ return kDone;
+ } // end of int SubPopulation::AllGatherVectorLong(std::vector<long> to_send);
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+ // ********************************************************************** //
+} // end of namespace jade