@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Mon Jul 3 17:53:21 2023
+@author: zilya
+import tkinter as tk
+from math import ceil, floor
+import numpy as np
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+import pickle
+def set_limits():
+ # Задание общих аппаратных характкристик
+ gamma = 42.576e6 # Hz/T Гиромагнитное отношение водорода
+ G_amp_max_mT_m = 37.8 # mT/m. Максимальный градиент
+ G_amp_max = G_amp_max_mT_m*1e-3*gamma # Hz/m. Максимальный градиент
+ G_slew_max_T_m_s = 121 # T/m/s. Максимальная скорость нарастания
+ G_slew_max = G_slew_max_T_m_s*gamma # Hz/m/s. Максимальная скорость нарастания
+ rf_raster_time = 1e-6 # s. Растр РЧ импульса
+ grad_raster_time = 10e-6 # s. Растр градиентов
+ tau_max = G_amp_max/G_slew_max # s. Максимальное время нарастания градиента с учетом макс скорости нарастания
+ tau_max = np.ceil(tau_max/ grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ tau = 250e-6 # s. Фиксированное время нарастания градиентов
+ # Чтение заданных в интерфэйс значений
+ sl_nb = int(textBox1.get())
+ sl_thkn = float(textBox2.get())
+ sl_gap = float(textBox3.get())
+ FoV_f = float(textBox4.get())
+ FoV_ph_image = float(textBox5.get())
+ Nf = int(textBox6.get())
+ Np_image = int(textBox7.get())
+ BW_pixel = float(textBox8.get())
+ N_TE = int(textBox9.get())
+ #TE = float(textBox9.get())
+ TR = float(textBox10.get())
+ alpha = float(textBox11.get())
+ beta = float(textBox12.get())
+ Conct = int(textBox13.get())
+ ETL = int(textBox14.get())
+ Average = int(textBox15.get())
+ ph_over = float(textBox16.get())
+ Np = Np_image*(1+ph_over/100)
+ Np = round(Np)
+ ph_over = (Np/Np_image-1)*100
+ FoV_ph = FoV_ph_image*(1+ph_over/100)
+ TR = np.ceil(TR/ grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ # --- Параметры РЧ импульса -----
+ rf_ringdown_time=20e-6
+ rf_dead_time=100e-6
+ adc_dead_time=10e-6
+ # - Библиотека time bandwidth products
+ t_BW_product_ex1 = 3.8
+ t_BW_product_ref1 = 4.2
+ t_BW_product_ex2 = 3.55
+ t_BW_product_ref2 = 3.55
+ # s. Библиотека длительностей импульсов
+ # Длительности кратны растру градиента 10 мкс
+ t_ex1 = 2.05e-3
+ t_ref1 = 2.56e-3
+ t_ex2 = 3.10e-3
+ t_ref2 = 3.88e-3
+ apodization = 0.27
+ # ----- Подбор импульсов на основе выбранной толщины среза
+ if sl_thkn > t_BW_product_ex1/(t_ex1*G_amp_max):
+ t_BW_product_ex = t_BW_product_ex1
+ t_BW_product_ref = t_BW_product_ref1
+ else:
+ t_BW_product_ex = t_BW_product_ex2
+ t_BW_product_ref = t_BW_product_ref2
+ if sl_thkn > t_BW_product_ex2/(t_ex1*G_amp_max):
+ t_ex = t_ex1
+ t_ref = t_ref1
+ else:
+ t_ex = t_ex2
+ t_ref = t_ref2
+ BW_ex_pulse = t_BW_product_ex/t_ex
+ # ---- Вычисление основных площадей и длительностей ------
+ A_ex = BW_ex_pulse*(t_ex+tau)/sl_thkn
+ A_read = Nf/FoV_f
+ A_ph = Np/2/FoV_ph
+ A_reph = 0.25*A_ex
+ A_pre = 1.5*A_read
+ A_crs = 0.75*A_ex
+ A_crr = A_read
+ A_sps = 4*A_ex
+ t_reph_min = A_reph/G_amp_max + tau
+ t_pre_min = A_pre/G_amp_max + tau
+ t_pre_min = max(t_reph_min,t_pre_min)
+ t_pre_min = np.ceil(t_pre_min / grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ t_crs_min = A_crs/G_amp_max + tau
+ t_crr_min = A_crr/G_amp_max + tau
+ t_ph_min = A_ph/G_amp_max + tau
+ t_cr_min = max(t_crs_min,t_crr_min,t_ph_min)
+ t_cr_min = np.ceil(t_cr_min / grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ t_read = 1/BW_pixel
+ t_read = np.ceil(t_read / grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ t_sps = A_sps/G_amp_max + tau
+ t_sps = np.ceil(t_sps / grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ ES_1 = t_ref + t_read + 2*t_cr_min + 4*tau
+ ES_2 = t_ref + t_ex + 2*t_cr_min + 2*t_pre_min + 4*tau
+ ES = max(ES_1,ES_2)
+ ES = np.ceil(ES/ grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ t_cr = 0.5*(ES-t_ref-t_read) - 2*tau
+ t_cr = np.ceil(t_cr / grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ t_pre = 0.5*(ES-t_ref-t_ex) - 2*tau
+ t_pre = np.ceil(t_pre / grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ TE = N_TE*ES
+ N_TE_min = 1
+ N_TE_max = ETL
+ TR_min = ES*(ETL) + t_ex/2 + t_read/2 + t_sps + 2*tau
+ TR_max = 10
+ TR_min = np.ceil(TR_min/ grad_raster_time)*grad_raster_time
+ delay_TR = TR-TR_min
+ Conc_min = ceil(sl_nb*TR_min/TR)
+ Conc_max = sl_nb
+ ETL_min = 1;
+ ETL_max1 = 16;
+ ETL_max2 = floor((TR-t_ex/2-t_read/2-t_sps-2*tau)/ES)
+ ETL_max = min(ETL_max1,ETL_max2)
+ Nf_min = 1
+ #Nf_max1 = FoV_f*G_amp_max*(t_cr-tau)
+ Nf_max = min(FoV_f*G_amp_max*(t_read),1600)
+ #Nf_max = min(Nf_max1,Nf_max2)
+ Np_min = 1
+ Np_max1 = Nf
+ Np_max2 = 2*FoV_ph*G_amp_max*(t_cr-tau)
+ Np_max = min(Np_max1,Np_max2)
+ FoV_min = 25e-3
+ FoV_f_max = 450e-3
+ FoV_f_min = Nf/(G_amp_max*t_read)
+ #FoV_f_min2 = Nf/(G_amp_max*(t_cr-tau))
+ FoV_f_min = max(FoV_f_min,FoV_min)
+ FoV_p_min = FoV_f_min
+ FoV_p_max = FoV_f
+ Np_image_min = Np_min
+ Np_image_max = min(Np_max, Nf_max/(1+ph_over/100))
+ FoV_p_image_min = FoV_p_min/(1+ph_over/100)
+ FoV_p_image_max = min(FoV_p_max,FoV_f_max/(1+ph_over/100))
+ # BW_pixel_min = 1/(ES-t_ref-2*t_cr_min-4*tau)
+ # BW_pixel_min = max(ceil(BW_pixel_min), 40)
+ BW_pixel_min = 40
+ BW_pixel_max1 = 1780
+ BW_pixel_max2 = FoV_f*G_amp_max/Nf
+ BW_pixel_max = min (BW_pixel_max1,BW_pixel_max2)
+ sl_thkn_min1 = t_BW_product_ex2/(t_ex2*G_amp_max)
+ sl_thkn_min2 = t_BW_product_ex2*(t_ex2+tau)/((t_cr-tau)*G_amp_max)
+ sl_thkn_min = max(sl_thkn_min1,sl_thkn_min2)
+ sl_thkn_max = 20e-3
+ sl_gap_min, sl_gap_max = 0, 800
+ Average_min, Average_max = 1, 10
+ ph_over_min, ph_over_max = 0, 100
+ label2_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ceil(sl_thkn_min*10000)/10000))
+ label2_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(sl_thkn_max))
+ label3_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(sl_gap_min))
+ label3_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(sl_gap_max))
+ label4_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ceil(FoV_f_min*1000)/1000))
+ label4_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(FoV_f_max))
+ label5_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ceil(FoV_p_image_min*1000)/1000))
+ label5_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(ceil(FoV_p_image_max*1000)/1000))
+ label6_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(Nf_min))
+ label6_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(ceil(Nf_max)))
+ label7_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ceil(Np_image_min*1000)/1000))
+ label7_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(ceil(Np_image_max*1000)/1000))
+ label8_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(BW_pixel_min))
+ label8_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(ceil(BW_pixel_max*1000)/1000))
+ label9_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(N_TE_min))
+ label9_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(N_TE_max))
+ label10_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ceil(TR_min*1000)/1000))
+ label10_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(TR_max))
+ label13_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(Conc_min))
+ label13_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(Conc_max))
+ label14_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ETL_min))
+ label14_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(ETL_max))
+ label15_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(Average_min))
+ label15_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(Average_max))
+ label16_1.configure(text = "min = " + str(ph_over_min))
+ label16_2.configure(text = "max = " + str(ph_over_max))
+ global param
+ param = SimpleNamespace()
+ param.G_amp_max =G_amp_max_mT_m
+ param.G_slew_max = G_slew_max_T_m_s
+ param.gamma = gamma
+ param.grad_raster_time = grad_raster_time
+ param.rf_raster_time = rf_raster_time
+ param.t_BW_product_ex = t_BW_product_ex
+ param.t_BW_product_ref = t_BW_product_ref
+ param.t_ex = t_ex
+ param.t_ref = t_ref
+ param.rf_ringdown_time = rf_ringdown_time
+ param.rf_dead_time = rf_dead_time
+ param.adc_dead_time = adc_dead_time
+ param.aapodization = apodization
+ param.dG = tau
+ param.sl_nb = sl_nb
+ param.sl_thkn = sl_thkn
+ param.sl_gap = sl_gap
+ param.FoV_f = FoV_f
+ param.FoV_ph = FoV_ph
+ param.Nf = Nf
+ param.Np = Np
+ param.BW_pixel = BW_pixel
+ param.TE = TE
+ param.N_TE = N_TE #то на коком номере эхо истинное время эхо(в центр к-пр)
+ param.ES = ES
+ param.TR = TR
+ param.FA = alpha
+ param.RA = beta
+ param.conct = Conct
+ param.ETL = ETL
+ param.Average = Average
+ param.ph_over = ph_over
+ param.delay_TR = delay_TR
+ # tk.Label(win, text = 't = ' + str(round(time//60)) + ':'+ str(round(time%60)) + 'min').grid(row=13, column=2,sticky = "E")
+ tk.Label(win, text = 'ES = ' + str(ceil(ES*10000)/10000) + ' s').grid(row=19, column=2,sticky = "E")
+ tk.Label(win, text = 'TE = ' + str(ceil(TE*10000)/10000) + ' s').grid(row=20, column=2,sticky = "E")
+ #tk.Label(win, text = str(ETL_max2) + 's').grid(row=18, column=2,sticky = "E")
+def save_param():
+ output_filename = str(textBox17.get())
+ # output_filename = "TSE_T1" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
+ file = open(output_filename + ".json", 'w')
+ json.dump(param.__dict__, file, indent = 4)
+ file.close()
+ # output_filename = "TSE_" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
+ # file = open(output_filename, 'wb')
+ # pickle.dump(param, file)
+ # file.close()
+def read_json():
+ filepath = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename()
+ if filepath != "":
+ with open(filepath, "r") as file:
+ params_j = json.load(file)
+ textBox2.delete(0, 'end'); textBox2.insert(0, params_j['sl_thkn'])
+ textBox3.delete(0, 'end'); textBox3.insert(0, params_j['sl_gap'])
+ textBox4.delete(0, 'end'); textBox4.insert(0, params_j['FoV_f'])
+ textBox5.delete(0, 'end'); textBox5.insert(0, params_j['FoV_ph'])
+ textBox6.delete(0, 'end'); textBox6.insert(0, params_j['Nf'])
+ textBox7.delete(0, 'end'); textBox7.insert(0, params_j['Np'])
+ textBox8.delete(0, 'end'); textBox8.insert(0, params_j['N_TE'])
+ textBox9.delete(0, 'end'); textBox9.insert(0, params_j['N_TE'])
+ textBox10.delete(0, 'end'); textBox10.insert(0, params_j['TR'])
+ textBox11.delete(0, 'end'); textBox11.insert(0, params_j['FA'])
+ textBox12.delete(0, 'end'); textBox12.insert(0, params_j['RA'])
+ textBox13.delete(0, 'end'); textBox13.insert(0, params_j['conct'])
+ textBox14.delete(0, 'end'); textBox14.insert(0, params_j['ETL'])
+ textBox15.delete(0, 'end'); textBox15.insert(0, params_j['Average'])
+ textBox16.delete(0, 'end'); textBox16.insert(0, params_j['ph_over'])
+### Defoult values ###
+# --------------------------------
+sl_nb = 1 # number of slices
+sl_thkn = 5e-3 # Slice thickness, m
+sl_gap = 100 # Slice gap, %
+FoV_f = 32e-3 # FoV in freq encoding direction, m
+FoV_ph = 32e-3 # FoV in ph encoding direction, m
+Nf = 16 # Freq direction resolution
+Np = 16 # Resolution in ph encoding direction
+BW_pixel = 500 # Pixel BW
+N_TE = 1 # number of echo in center of k-space
+# TE = 20e-3 # Echo time, s
+TR = 500e-3 # Repetition time, s
+alpha = 90 # Flip angle, degree
+beta = 180
+ETL = 8
+Conct = 1
+Average = 1
+ph_over = 0
+win = tk.Tk()
+# number of slices
+sl_nb_min,sl_nb_max = 1, 103
+tk.Label(win, text = 'Slices').grid(row=0, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox1 = tk.Spinbox(from_=sl_nb_min, to=sl_nb_max, width = 4)
+textBox1.grid(row=0, column=1)
+label1_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = " + str(sl_nb_min))
+label1_1.grid(row=0, column=2)
+label1_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = " + str(sl_nb_max))
+label1_2.grid(row=0, column=3)
+# Slice thickness, m
+tk.Label(win, text = 'Slice thickness, m').grid(row=1, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox2 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox2.insert(0, sl_thkn)
+textBox2.grid(row=1, column=1)
+label2_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = " )
+label2_1.grid(row=1, column=2)
+label2_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = " )
+label2_2.grid(row=1, column=3)
+# Slice gap, %
+tk.Label(win, text = 'Slice gap, % ').grid(row=2, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox3 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox3.insert(0, sl_gap)
+textBox3.grid(row=2, column=1)
+label3_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label3_1.grid(row=2, column=2)
+label3_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label3_2.grid(row=2, column=3)
+# FoV in freq encoding direction, m
+tk.Label(win, text = 'FoV read, m').grid(row=3, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox4 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox4.insert(0, FoV_f)
+textBox4.grid(row=3, column=1)
+label4_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label4_1.grid(row=3, column=2)
+label4_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label4_2.grid(row=3, column=3)
+# FoV in ph encoding direction, m
+label5 = tk.Label(win, text = 'FoV phase, m')
+label5.grid(row=4, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox5 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox5.insert(0, FoV_f)
+textBox5.grid(row=4, column=1)
+label5_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label5_1.grid(row=4, column=2)
+label5_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label5_2.grid(row=4, column=3)
+# Freq direction resolution
+label6 = tk.Label(win, text = 'Read resolution')
+label6.grid(row=5, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox6 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox6.insert(0, Nf)
+textBox6.grid(row=5, column=1)
+label6_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label6_1.grid(row=5, column=2)
+label6_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label6_2.grid(row=5, column=3)
+# Ph direction resolution
+label7 = tk.Label(win, text = 'Phase resolution')
+label7.grid(row=6, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox7 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox7.insert(0, Np)
+textBox7.grid(row=6, column=1)
+label7_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label7_1.grid(row=6, column=2)
+label7_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label7_2.grid(row=6, column=3)
+# Pixel BW
+label8 = tk.Label(win, text = 'Pixel BW, Hz')
+label8.grid(row=7, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox8 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox8.insert(0, BW_pixel)
+textBox8.grid(row=7, column=1)
+label8_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label8_1.grid(row=7, column=2)
+label8_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label8_2.grid(row=7, column=3)
+# TE, s
+label9 = tk.Label(win, text = 'N_TE')
+label9.grid(row=8, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox9 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox9.insert(0, N_TE)
+textBox9.grid(row=8, column=1)
+label9_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label9_1.grid(row=8, column=2)
+label9_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label9_2.grid(row=8, column=3)
+# TR, s
+label10 = tk.Label(win, text = 'TR, s')
+label10.grid(row=9, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox10 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox10.insert(0, TR)
+textBox10.grid(row=9, column=1)
+label10_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label10_1.grid(row=9, column=2)
+label10_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label10_2.grid(row=9, column=3)
+# Flip angle, degree
+label11= tk.Label(win, text = 'Flip angle, degree')
+label11.grid(row=10, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox11 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox11.insert(0, alpha)
+textBox11.grid(row=10, column=1)
+angle_min, angle_max = 1, 90
+label11_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = "+ str(angle_min))
+label11_1.grid(row=10, column=2)
+label11_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = "+ str(angle_max))
+label11_2.grid(row=10, column=3)
+# Refocusing angle, degree
+label12= tk.Label(win, text = 'Refocusing angle, degree')
+label12.grid(row=11, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox12 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox12.insert(0, beta)
+textBox12.grid(row=11, column=1)
+beta_min, beta_max = 110, 180
+label12_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = "+ str(beta_min))
+label12_1.grid(row=11, column=2)
+label12_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = "+ str(beta_max))
+label12_2.grid(row=11, column=3)
+# Concatenations
+label13= tk.Label(win, text = 'Concatenations')
+label13.grid(row=12, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox13 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox13.insert(0, Conct)
+textBox13.grid(row=12, column=1)
+label13_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label13_1.grid(row=12, column=2)
+label13_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label13_2.grid(row=12, column=3)
+# ETL
+label14= tk.Label(win, text = 'ETL')
+label14.grid(row=13, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox14 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox14.insert(0, ETL)
+textBox14.grid(row=13, column=1)
+label14_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label14_1.grid(row=13, column=2)
+label14_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label14_2.grid(row=13, column=3)
+# Averages
+label15= tk.Label(win, text = 'Averages')
+label15.grid(row=14, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox15 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox15.insert(0, Average)
+textBox15.grid(row=14, column=1)
+label15_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label15_1.grid(row=14, column=2)
+label15_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label15_2.grid(row=14, column=3)
+# phase oversampling
+label16= tk.Label(win, text = 'Ph oversampling,%')
+label16.grid(row=15, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox16 = tk.Entry(width = 6)
+textBox16.insert(0, ph_over)
+textBox16.grid(row=15, column=1)
+label16_1 = tk.Label(win, text = "min = ")
+label16_1.grid(row=15, column=2)
+label16_2 = tk.Label(win, text = "max = ")
+label16_2.grid(row=15, column=3)
+btn1 = tk.Button(win, text = 'Set', command = set_limits)
+btn1.grid(row=16, column=0,sticky = "E")
+btn1 = tk.Button(win, text = 'Save', command = save_param)
+btn1.grid(row=16, column=3)
+btn1 = tk.Button(win, text = 'Read json', command = read_json)
+btn1.grid(row=17, column=0,sticky = "E")
+# filename
+label17= tk.Label(win, text = 'File name')
+label17.grid(row=18, column=0,sticky = "E")
+textBox17 = tk.Entry(width = 27)
+textBox17.insert(0, "TSE")
+textBox17.grid(row=18, column=1, columnspan=3,sticky = "W")