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  29. If it was usefull for your project, please, cite in your related paper the following reference:
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  31. <article style="margin-left: 1rem">
  32. <div style="font-style: italic; padding-bottom: 0.5rem">"Mie calculation of electromagnetic near-field
  33. for a multilayered sphere"</div>
  34. Konstantin Ladutenko, Umapada Pal, Antonio Rivera, Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez<br>
  35. <span style="font-weight: bold">Comp. Phys. Comm., vol. 214, pp. 225–230, 2017</span>
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  41. <div class="field is-horizontal">
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  43. <label class="label">Units</label>
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  45. <div class="field-body">
  46. <b-select v-model="units">
  47. <option units="nm">nm</option>
  48. <option units="mkm">mkm</option>
  49. <option units="mm">mm</option>
  50. <option units="cm">cm</option>
  51. <option units="m">m</option>
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  58. <label class="label">Wavelength</label>
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  62. <input-with-units title="from" v-bind:units="units"
  63. v-bind:value="simulationSetup.fromWL"
  64. @newdata="simulationSetup.fromWL=$event"></input-with-units>
  65. <input-with-units title="to" v-bind:units="units"
  66. v-bind:value="simulationSetup.toWL"
  67. @newdata="simulationSetup.toWL=$event"></input-with-units>
  68. <input-with-units title="step" v-bind:units="units"
  69. v-bind:value="simulationSetup.stepWL"
  70. @newdata="simulationSetup.stepWL=$event"></input-with-units>
  71. </div>
  72. </div>
  73. </div>
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  76. <label class="label">Spherical particle</label>
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  80. <input-with-units title="R" v-bind:units="units"
  81. v-bind:value="simulationSetup.R"
  82. @newdata="simulationSetup.R=$event"></input-with-units>
  83. <input-with-units title="Re(n)" units=""
  84. v-bind:value="simulationSetup.reN"
  85. @newdata="simulationSetup.reN=$event"></input-with-units>
  86. <input-with-units title="Im(n)" units=""
  87. v-bind:value="simulationSetup.imN"
  88. @newdata="simulationSetup.imN=$event"></input-with-units>
  89. </div>
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  94. <label class="label">Modes to plot</label>
  95. </div>
  96. <div class="field-body">
  97. <b-input v-model="simulationSetup.total_mode_n" type='number' min=1 style="width:7rem"></b-input>
  98. </div>
  99. </div>
  100. <div>From {{simulationSetup.fromWL}} to {{simulationSetup.toWL}} {{ units }}
  101. <br>
  102. Changes:{{ changes }}
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