.gitignore 1.0 KB

  1. # Compiled Object files
  2. *.slo
  3. *.lo
  4. *.o
  5. *.obj
  6. # Precompiled Headers
  7. *.gch
  8. *.pch
  9. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  10. *.so
  11. *.dylib
  12. *.dll
  13. # Fortran module files
  14. *.mod
  15. # Compiled Static libraries
  16. *.lai
  17. *.la
  18. *.a
  19. *.lib
  20. # Executables
  21. *.exe
  22. *.out
  23. *.app
  24. fieldnlay-dp
  25. fieldnlay-mp
  26. scattnlay-dp
  27. scattnlay-mp
  28. # Binary
  29. *.bin
  30. # CLion files
  31. .idea
  32. cmake-build-*
  33. # Temp
  34. *~
  35. oprofiletmp
  36. callgrind
  37. oprofile_data
  38. out.dot
  39. cov-int*
  40. cov-int
  41. build*
  42. .ipynb_checkpoints
  43. # Local results
  44. tests/python/field.txt
  45. examples/*.pdf
  46. examples/*.png
  47. examples/*.7z
  48. examples/Egor*
  49. examples/egor*
  50. examples/*.txt
  51. examples/*.pyc
  52. R*mkm*.jpg
  53. examples/*/R*mkm.jpg
  54. __pycache__
  55. backup*
  56. ###########################################
  57. # Web vue cli section
  58. .DS_Store
  59. node_modules
  60. dist
  61. surma-ashley-test
  62. nmiejs.wasm
  63. nmiejs.js
  64. # local env files
  65. .env.local
  66. .env.*.local
  67. # Log files
  68. npm-debug.log*
  69. yarn-debug.log*
  70. yarn-error.log*
  71. # Editor directories and files
  72. .vscode
  73. *.suo
  74. *.ntvs*
  75. *.njsproj
  76. *.sln
  77. *.sw?
  78. # end of web vue cli section
  79. ###########################################