# this file is part of refractiveindex.info database
# refractiveindex.info database is in the public domain
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REFERENCES: "D. E. Aspnes and A. A. Studna. Dielectric functions and optical parameters of Si, Ge, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb from 1.5 to 6.0 eV, <a href=\"https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.27.985\"><i>Phys. Rev. B</i> <b>27</b>, 985-1009 (1983)</a>"
COMMENTS: "Crysal orientation: <111>; Doping: 2.3×10<sup>14</sup> cm<sup>-3</sup>, n; Room temperature"
  - type: tabulated nk
    data: |
        0.2066 1.010 2.909
        0.2101 1.083 2.982
        0.2138 1.133 3.045
        0.2175 1.186 3.120
        0.2214 1.247 3.206
        0.2254 1.340 3.302
        0.2296 1.471 3.366
        0.2339 1.579 3.353
        0.2384 1.589 3.354
        0.2431 1.571 3.429
        0.2480 1.570 3.565
        0.2530 1.597 3.749
        0.2583 1.658 3.979
        0.2638 1.764 4.278
        0.2695 1.988 4.678
        0.2755 2.452 5.082
        0.2818 3.120 5.344
        0.2883 4.087 5.395
        0.2952 4.888 4.639
        0.3024 5.020 3.979
        0.3100 5.010 3.586
        0.3179 5.016 3.346
        0.3263 5.065 3.182
        0.3351 5.156 3.058
        0.3444 5.296 2.987
        0.3542 5.610 3.014
        0.3647 6.522 2.705
        0.3757 6.709 1.320
        0.3875 6.062 0.630
        0.3999 5.570 0.387
        0.4133 5.222 0.269
        0.4275 4.961 0.203
        0.4428 4.753 0.163
        0.4592 4.583 0.130
        0.4769 4.442 0.090
        0.4959 4.320 0.073
        0.5166 4.215 0.060
        0.5391 4.123 0.048
        0.5636 4.042 0.032
        0.5904 3.969 0.030
        0.6199 3.906 0.022
        0.6525 3.847 0.016
        0.6888 3.796 0.013
        0.7293 3.752 0.010
        0.7749 3.714 0.008
        0.8266 3.673 0.005