#! /usr/bin/python # This python script calculates the differential cross section # from the scattering amplitudes values given by scattnlay. # It expects the values to be in a file named 'luneburg.txt' # and the output will be saved to a file named 'luneburg_fin.txt' import scipy import pylab def diff_scattering(Theta): return scipy.cos(Theta*scipy.pi/180.0) data = scipy.loadtxt(fname = 'luneburg.txt', delimiter = ', ', skiprows = 2) S11 = data[ : , 1]*data[ : , 1] + data[ : , 2]*data[ : , 2] + data[ : , 3]*data[ : , 3] + data[ : , 4]*data[ : , 4] S11 = S11/7200.0 S11 = scipy.vstack((data[ : , 0], S11, diff_scattering(data[ : , 0]))).transpose() scipy.savetxt('luneburg_fin.txt', S11) pylab.plot(S11[ : , 0], S11[ : , 1], S11[ : , 0], S11[ : , 2], color='k') ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim(1e-4, 1e3) pylab.draw() pylab.show()