@@ -55,6 +55,40 @@ TEST(RunFieldCalculationCartesian, HandlesInput) {
+TEST(LargeBubbleSpectrum, DISABLED_HandlesInput) {
+//TEST(LargeBubbleSpectrum, HandlesInput) { // TODO fix fail...
+ nmie::MultiLayerMie<nmie::FloatType> nmie;
+ nmie::FloatType core_r = 2*nmie.PI_*100;
+ nmie::FloatType shell_r = 2*nmie.PI_*(100+0.1);
+ nmie.SetLayersIndex({ {1,0}, {1.33,0}});
+ double central_WL = 0.7007;
+ double relative_distance = 1e-10;
+ double dWL = central_WL*relative_distance;
+ std::vector<double> Qsca(5);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ auto WL = static_cast<nmie::FloatType>(central_WL +(i - 2)*dWL);
+ nmie.SetLayersSize({core_r/WL, shell_r/WL});
+ nmie.RunMieCalculation();
+ Qsca[i] = static_cast<double>(nmie.GetQsca());
+ std::cout<<"Qsca["<<i<<"]="<<Qsca[i]<<std::endl;
+ }
+ {
+ // Eabs points are located near the sphere outer border
+ //
+ // 0 1 2 3 4
+ // ------- WL ------>
+ // distance between points (0) and (4) is 5*relative_distance*central_WL, initial
+ // value used for the test was 5*1e-10*0.7007, so we expect good linear dependence
+ // for points from 0 to 4. In the asserts we check, that the slope doesn't
+ // change too fast inside the curve.
+ using std::abs;
+ ( abs(Qsca[0] - Qsca[1]) + abs(Qsca[3] - Qsca[4]) ) >= abs(Qsca[1] - Qsca[2])
+ );
+ }
//TEST(RunFieldCalculationPolar, DISABLED_HandlesInput) {
TEST(RunFieldCalculationPolar, HandlesInput) {
nmie::MultiLayerMie<nmie::FloatType> nmie;