@@ -1,13 +1,37 @@
- <div class="col-auto">
- <div class="row justify-xs-center justify-sm-start items-baseline">
- <q-toggle v-model="isPlotQsca" dense class="q-ml-md">Qsca</q-toggle>
- <q-toggle v-model="isPlotQabs" dense class="q-ml-md">Qabs</q-toggle>
- <q-toggle v-model="isPlotQext" dense class="q-ml-md">Qext</q-toggle>
+ <div class="row items-baseline">
+ <div class="col-xs-grow col-sm-auto q-px-sm">
+ <q-table
+ title="Values to plot"
+ title-class="text-h6"
+ :rows="rowsQ"
+ :columns="columnsQ"
+ hide-bottom
+ dense
+ flat
+ row-key="name"
+ >
+ <template #body="props">
+ <q-tr :props="props">
+ <q-th key="name" :props="props">
+ {{ props.row.name }}
+ </q-th>
+ <template v-for="(val, index) in props.row" :key="index" :props="props">
+ <q-td v-if="index!='name'">
+ <q-checkbox
+ v-model="props.row[index]"
+ dense
+ />
+ </q-td>
+ </template>
+ </q-tr>
+ </template>
+ </q-table>
- <div class="q-ma-sm"/>
- <div class="row justify-xs-center justify-sm-start items-baseline">
+ <div v-if="isPlotQabs||isPlotQsca||isPlotQext" class="col-xs-grow col-sm-auto q-px-sm">
+ title="Modes to plot"
+ title-class="text-h6"
@@ -24,7 +48,6 @@
<q-td v-if="index!='name'">
- size="sm"
@@ -46,6 +69,9 @@ import {
} from 'vue'
import { useStore } from 'src/store'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
+import { flexRowTitleStyle,
+} from 'components/config'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'GetPlotSettings',
@@ -65,6 +91,55 @@ export default defineComponent({
set: val => $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQextPlotToggle', val)
+ const isPlotQscaTotal = computed({
+ get: () => $store.state.plotRuntime.isPlotQscaTotal,
+ set: val => $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQscaTotalPlotToggle', val)
+ })
+ const isPlotQabsTotal = computed({
+ get: () => $store.state.plotRuntime.isPlotQabsTotal,
+ set: val => $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQabsTotalPlotToggle', val)
+ })
+ const isPlotQextTotal = computed({
+ get: () => $store.state.plotRuntime.isPlotQextTotal,
+ set: val => $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQextTotalPlotToggle', val)
+ })
+ const columnsQ = computed(()=>{
+ return [
+ { name: 'name', label: '', align: 'left', field: 'name', headerStyle:''},
+ { name: 'Qsca', label: 'Qsca', align: 'left', field: 'Qsca', headerStyle:''},
+ { name: 'Qabs', label: 'Qabs', align: 'left', field: 'Qabs', headerStyle:''},
+ { name: 'Qext', label: 'Qext', align: 'left', field: 'Qext', headerStyle:''},
+ ]
+ })
+ const rowsQ_store = computed({
+ get: ()=>[
+ { name: 'total', Qsca: isPlotQscaTotal.value, Qabs: isPlotQabsTotal.value, Qext: isPlotQextTotal.value},
+ { name: 'modes', Qsca: isPlotQsca.value, Qabs: isPlotQabs.value, Qext: isPlotQext.value},
+ ],
+ set: val =>{
+ $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQscaTotalPlotToggle', val[0].Qsca)
+ $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQabsTotalPlotToggle', val[0].Qabs)
+ $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQextTotalPlotToggle', val[0].Qext)
+ $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQscaPlotToggle', val[1].Qsca)
+ $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQabsPlotToggle', val[1].Qabs)
+ $store.commit('plotRuntime/setQextPlotToggle', val[1].Qext)
+ // console.log(val)
+ }
+ })
+ const rowsQ = ref(rowsQ_store.value)
+ watch(rowsQ_store, ()=>{
+ rowsQ.value = rowsQ_store.value
+ },
+ { deep: true }
+ )
+ watch(rowsQ, ()=>{
+ rowsQ_store.value = rowsQ.value
+ },
+ { deep: true }
+ )
const guiNumberOfModes = computed(()=> $store.state.simulationSetup.gui.numberOfModesToPlot)
const simulatedNumberOfModes = computed(()=> $store.state.simulationSetup.current.numberOfModesToPlot)
@@ -133,9 +208,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
{ deep: true }
- return { isPlotQsca, isPlotQabs, isPlotQext,
+ return {flexRowTitleStyle,
+ isPlotQsca, isPlotQabs, isPlotQext,
guiNumberOfModes, simulatedNumberOfModes,
- columns, rows
+ columns, rows,
+ columnsQ, rowsQ