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example with d-params (Fig6 Drude fit)

Konstantin Ladutenko 2 years ago

+ 3 - 4

@@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ def lorentzian(omega, xvec):
     pc = params_count
     res = 0
     poles = len(xvec)//params_count
-    factor = 1
     for i in range(poles):
-        gamma = xvec[pc*i+0] / (factor**i)
-        omega_n = xvec[pc*i+1] / (factor**i)
-        f = (xvec[pc*i+2] + 1j*xvec[pc*i+3]) / (factor**i)
+        gamma = np.abs(xvec[pc*i+0])  # >0
+        omega_n = np.abs(xvec[pc*i+1])  # >0
+        f = (xvec[pc*i+2] + 1j*xvec[pc*i+3])
         if (np.abs(f) == 0):
             return res
         res = res + f / (omega * (omega + 1j*gamma) - omega_n**2)

+ 4 - 4

@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ x, es = cma.fmin2(rms, x0, sigma0=0.02)
 #               0.34432793, 0.64182428, -0.0803532, 0.04641341])
 x123 = x
-#               [ 0.09349663 -0.8188804  -0.36874431 -0.08079194
+#              [ 0.09349663 -0.8188804  -0.36874431 -0.08079194
 #                 0.25712096  0.56012451 -0.02089828  0.03133694]
-#               [ 0.09391149  0.81234806 -0.30526326 -0.01044856
-#                 0.3121473   0.55333457 -0.01684191  0.04727765
-#                 0.11249052  0.88368699 -0.04680872 -0.10982548]
+# x = np.array([ 0.09391149  0.81234806 -0.30526326 -0.01044856
+#                0.3121473   0.55333457 -0.01684191  0.04727765
+#                0.11249052  0.88368699 -0.04680872 -0.10982548])
 d_fit = multi_lorentzian(omega_ratio, x)

+ 171 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import cmath
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from optical_constants import read_refractive_index_from_yaml as read_nk
+from scattnlay import mesomie, mie
+# shell 0.4-0.6 nm
+# omega_p goes down
+shell_h = 0.4
+from_disk = np.loadtxt('silver-d_perp_interpolated.txt')
+omega_star_ratio = from_disk[0, :]
+d_perp = from_disk[1, :] + 1j*from_disk[2, :]
+from_disk = np.loadtxt('silver-d_parl_interpolated.txt')
+d_parl = from_disk[1, :] + 1j*from_disk[2, :]
+c = 299792458  # m/s
+h_reduced = 6.5821e-16  # eV s
+omega_p = 9.02  # eV
+omega_p_star = 3.81  # eV
+gamma = 0.15  # eV
+eps_inf_drud = 4.65
+# eps_inf = 4.65
+eps_d = 1
+R = 2.5
+y_min = 0
+y_max = 2
+min_lim_omega_star_ratio = 0.87
+max_lim_omega_star_ratio = 0.99
+# min_lim_omega_ratio = min_lim_omega_star_ratio * omega_p_star/omega_p
+# max_lim_omega_ratio = max_lim_omega_star_ratio * omega_p_star/omega_p
+# 2 pi / lambda = (omega/c) /h_reduced
+WL = 2*np.pi/((omega_star_ratio * omega_p_star/c)/h_reduced)*1e6  # mkm
+min_WL_available = 0.1879
+max_WL_available = 1.9370
+WL[WL < min_WL_available] = min_WL_available
+WL[WL > max_WL_available] = max_WL_available
+index_Ag = read_nk('Ag-Johnson-1972.yml', WL, kind=1)
+eps_Ag = index_Ag**2
+# print(index_Ag)
+factor = 1
+def eps_m(omega, eps_inf, omega_p_local):
+    return eps_inf - omega_p_local * omega_p_local / (omega*omega + 1j*omega*gamma*factor)
+def eps_inf(omega, eps_exp):
+    return eps_exp + omega_p * omega_p / (omega*omega + 1j*omega*gamma*factor)
+Qext = []
+Qext_mie = []
+Qext_drude_nc = []
+om_rat_plot = []
+eps_inf_drude = []
+eps_m_drude = []
+for i in range(len(omega_star_ratio)):
+    om_star_rat = omega_star_ratio[i]
+    if (om_star_rat < min_lim_omega_star_ratio
+            or om_star_rat > max_lim_omega_star_ratio):
+        continue
+    omega = om_star_rat*omega_p_star
+    WL_mkm = 2*np.pi/((omega/c)/h_reduced)*1e6
+    if WL_mkm < min_WL_available or WL_mkm > max_WL_available:
+        continue
+    x_const = (omega/c) * 1e-9/h_reduced
+    x = R * x_const
+    m = index_Ag[i, 1]
+    eps_m_drude.append(m**2)
+    eps_inf_drude.append(eps_inf(omega, m**2))
+    m_drude = cmath.sqrt(eps_m(omega, eps_inf(omega, m**2), omega_p))
+    # m_drude = cmath.sqrt(eps_m(omega, eps_inf_drud, omega_p))
+    # m_drude = cmath.sqrt(eps_inf(omega, m**2))
+    print(x, m)
+    # m = m_drude
+    mesomie.calc_ab(R*10,      # R in angstrem
+                    x,      # xd
+                    x * m,  # xm
+                    1,      # eps_d
+                    m * m,  # eps_m
+                    d_parl[i],      # d_parallel
+                    d_perp[i])      # d_perp
+    mesomie.calc_Q()
+    Qext.append(mesomie.GetQext())
+    mie.SetLayersSize(x)
+    mie.SetLayersIndex(m)
+    mie.RunMieCalculation()
+    Qext_mie.append(mie.GetQext())
+    # m = m_drude
+    # mesomie.calc_ab(R*10,      # R in angstrem
+    #                 x,      # xd
+    #                 x * m,  # xm
+    #                 1,      # eps_d
+    #                 m * m,  # eps_m
+    #                 d_parl[i],      # d_parallel
+    #                 d_perp[i])      # d_perp
+    # mesomie.calc_Q()
+    # Qext_drude_nc.append(mesomie.GetQext())
+    # print(x, m, Qext[-1] - mie.GetQext())
+    om_rat_plot.append(om_star_rat)
+plt.plot(om_rat_plot, Qext_mie,
+         label='classic', color='black', lw=4)
+# plt.plot(om_rat_plot, np.real(eps_inf_drude),
+#          label='real drude', color='blue', lw=1)
+# plt.plot(om_rat_plot, np.imag(eps_inf_drude),
+#          label='imag drude', color='red', lw=1)
+# plt.plot(om_rat_plot, np.real(eps_m_drude),
+#          label='real drude', color='blue', lw=2)
+# plt.plot(om_rat_plot, np.imag(eps_m_drude),
+#          label='imag drude', color='red', lw=2)
+plt.plot(om_rat_plot, Qext,
+         label='non-classic', color='red', lw=4)
+# plt.plot(om_rat_plot, Qext_drude_nc,
+#          label='non-classic drude fixed\nomega_p = 9.02 eV\ngamma = 0.15eV\neps_inf_drud = 4.65', color='blue', lw=2)
+for j in range(7):
+    Qext_drude = []
+    step = 0.02
+    for i in range(len(omega_star_ratio)):
+        om_star_rat = omega_star_ratio[i]
+        if (om_star_rat < min_lim_omega_star_ratio
+                or om_star_rat > max_lim_omega_star_ratio):
+            continue
+        omega = om_star_rat*omega_p_star
+        WL_mkm = 2*np.pi/((omega/c)/h_reduced)*1e6
+        if WL_mkm < min_WL_available or WL_mkm > max_WL_available:
+            continue
+        x_const = (omega/c) * 1e-9/h_reduced
+        x_cs = [(R-shell_h) * x_const, R * x_const],
+        m = index_Ag[i, 1]
+        m_drude = cmath.sqrt(eps_m(omega, eps_inf(omega, m**2), omega_p))
+        m_drude_shell = cmath.sqrt(
+            eps_m(omega, eps_inf(omega, m**2), omega_p*(0.96+step*j)))
+        m_cs = [m_drude, m_drude_shell]
+        mie.SetLayersSize(x_cs)
+        mie.SetLayersIndex(m_cs)
+        mie.RunMieCalculation()
+        Qext_drude.append(mie.GetQext())
+    plt.plot(om_rat_plot, Qext_drude,
+             label=f'omega_p*{((0.96+step*j)*100)/100}', color='gray', lw=2)
+# plt.yscale('log')
+plt.xlim((min_lim_omega_star_ratio, max_lim_omega_star_ratio))
+# plt.ylim((y_min, y_max))
+    "R="+str(R)+f'\nfor core-shell totalR is the same,\nshell_h={shell_h}')

+ 5 - 3

@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 import cmath
-from scattnlay import mesomie, mie
-from optical_constants import read_refractive_index_from_yaml as read_nk
 import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from optical_constants import read_refractive_index_from_yaml as read_nk
+from scattnlay import mesomie, mie
 from_disk = np.loadtxt('silver-d_perp_interpolated.txt')
 omega_star_ratio = from_disk[0, :]