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Implemented PEC materials in field calculation

Ovidio Peña Rodríguez 10 år sedan
2 ändrade filer med 55 tillägg och 42 borttagningar
  1. 44 31
  2. 11 11

+ 44 - 31

@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ namespace nmie {
   // This function emulates a C call to calculate complex electric and magnetic field //
   // This function emulates a C call to calculate complex electric and magnetic field //
-  // in the surroundings and inside (TODO) the particle.                              //
+  // in the surroundings and inside the particle.                                     //
   //                                                                                  //
   //                                                                                  //
   // Input parameters:                                                                //
   // Input parameters:                                                                //
   //   L: Number of layers                                                            //
   //   L: Number of layers                                                            //
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ namespace nmie {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Field H is not 3D!");
         throw std::invalid_argument("Field H is not 3D!");
     try {
     try {
       MultiLayerMie ml_mie;
       MultiLayerMie ml_mie;
-      //ml_mie.SetPECLayer(pl); // TODO add PEC layer to field plotting
+      ml_mie.SetPECLayer(pl);
       ml_mie.SetFieldCoords({Xp_vec, Yp_vec, Zp_vec});
       ml_mie.SetFieldCoords({Xp_vec, Yp_vec, Zp_vec});
@@ -1089,35 +1089,48 @@ namespace nmie {
     std::complex<double> z, z1;
     std::complex<double> z, z1;
     for (int l = L - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
     for (int l = L - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
-      z = size_param_[l]*m[l];
-      z1 = size_param_[l]*m1[l];
-      calcD1D3(z, D1z, D3z);
-      calcD1D3(z1, D1z1, D3z1);
-      calcPsiZeta(z, Psiz, Zetaz);
-      calcPsiZeta(z1, Psiz1, Zetaz1);
-      for (int n = 0; n < nmax_; n++) {
-        int n1 = n + 1;
-        denomZeta = Zetaz[n1]*(D1z[n1] - D3z[n1]);
-        denomPsi  =  Psiz[n1]*(D1z[n1] - D3z[n1]);
-        T1 =  aln_[l + 1][n]*Zetaz1[n1] - dln_[l + 1][n]*Psiz1[n1];
-        T2 = (bln_[l + 1][n]*Zetaz1[n1] - cln_[l + 1][n]*Psiz1[n1])*m[l]/m1[l];
-        T3 = (dln_[l + 1][n]*D1z1[n1]*Psiz1[n1] - aln_[l + 1][n]*D3z1[n1]*Zetaz1[n1])*m[l]/m1[l];
-        T4 =  cln_[l + 1][n]*D1z1[n1]*Psiz1[n1] - bln_[l + 1][n]*D3z1[n1]*Zetaz1[n1];
-        // aln
-        aln_[l][n] = (D1z[n1]*T1 + T3)/denomZeta;
-        // bln
-        bln_[l][n] = (D1z[n1]*T2 + T4)/denomZeta;
-        // cln
-        cln_[l][n] = (D3z[n1]*T2 + T4)/denomPsi;
-        // dln
-        dln_[l][n] = (D3z[n1]*T1 + T3)/denomPsi;
-      }  // end of all n
+      if (l <= PEC_layer_position_) { // We are inside a PEC. All coefficients must be zero!!!
+        for (int n = 0; n < nmax_; n++) {
+          // aln
+          aln_[l][n] = c_zero;
+          // bln
+          bln_[l][n] = c_zero;
+          // cln
+          cln_[l][n] = c_zero;
+          // dln
+          dln_[l][n] = c_zero;
+        }
+      } else { // Regular material, just do the calculation
+        z = size_param_[l]*m[l];
+        z1 = size_param_[l]*m1[l];
+        calcD1D3(z, D1z, D3z);
+        calcD1D3(z1, D1z1, D3z1);
+        calcPsiZeta(z, Psiz, Zetaz);
+        calcPsiZeta(z1, Psiz1, Zetaz1);
+        for (int n = 0; n < nmax_; n++) {
+          int n1 = n + 1;
+          denomZeta = Zetaz[n1]*(D1z[n1] - D3z[n1]);
+          denomPsi  =  Psiz[n1]*(D1z[n1] - D3z[n1]);
+          T1 =  aln_[l + 1][n]*Zetaz1[n1] - dln_[l + 1][n]*Psiz1[n1];
+          T2 = (bln_[l + 1][n]*Zetaz1[n1] - cln_[l + 1][n]*Psiz1[n1])*m[l]/m1[l];
+          T3 = (dln_[l + 1][n]*D1z1[n1]*Psiz1[n1] - aln_[l + 1][n]*D3z1[n1]*Zetaz1[n1])*m[l]/m1[l];
+          T4 =  cln_[l + 1][n]*D1z1[n1]*Psiz1[n1] - bln_[l + 1][n]*D3z1[n1]*Zetaz1[n1];
+          // aln
+          aln_[l][n] = (D1z[n1]*T1 + T3)/denomZeta;
+          // bln
+          bln_[l][n] = (D1z[n1]*T2 + T4)/denomZeta;
+          // cln
+          cln_[l][n] = (D3z[n1]*T2 + T4)/denomPsi;
+          // dln
+          dln_[l][n] = (D3z[n1]*T1 + T3)/denomPsi;
+        }  // end of all n
+      }  // end PEC condition
     }  // end of all l
     }  // end of all l
     // Check the result and change  aln_[0][n] and aln_[0][n] for exact zero
     // Check the result and change  aln_[0][n] and aln_[0][n] for exact zero

+ 11 - 11

@@ -76,36 +76,36 @@ try:
     from matplotlib import cm
     from matplotlib import cm
     from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
     from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
-    min_tick = 0.1
-    max_tick = 1.0
+    min_tick = 0.0
+    max_tick = 5.0
     edata = np.resize(Eh, (npts, npts))
     edata = np.resize(Eh, (npts, npts))
     fig = plt.figure()
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     # Rescale to better show the axes
     # Rescale to better show the axes
-    scale_x = np.linspace(min(coordX)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, max(coordX)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, npts)
-    scale_y = np.linspace(min(coordY)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, max(coordY)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, npts)
+    scale_x = 1000.0*np.linspace(min(coordX)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, max(coordX)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, npts)
+    scale_y = 1000.0*np.linspace(min(coordY)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, max(coordY)*1.064/2.0/np.pi/nm, npts)
     # Define scale ticks
     # Define scale ticks
     min_tick = min(min_tick, np.amin(edata))
     min_tick = min(min_tick, np.amin(edata))
     max_tick = max(max_tick, np.amax(edata))
     max_tick = max(max_tick, np.amax(edata))
-    scale_ticks = np.power(10.0, np.linspace(np.log10(min_tick), np.log10(max_tick), 6))
+    #scale_ticks = np.power(10.0, np.linspace(np.log10(min_tick), np.log10(max_tick), 6))
+    scale_ticks = np.linspace(min_tick, max_tick, 6)
     # Interpolation can be 'nearest', 'bilinear' or 'bicubic'
     # Interpolation can be 'nearest', 'bilinear' or 'bicubic'
-    cax = ax.imshow(edata, interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = cm.afmhot,
+    cax = ax.imshow(edata, interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = cm.jet,
                     origin = 'lower', vmin = min_tick, vmax = max_tick,
                     origin = 'lower', vmin = min_tick, vmax = max_tick,
-                    extent = (min(scale_x), max(scale_x), min(scale_y), max(scale_y)),
-                    norm = LogNorm())
+                    extent = (min(scale_x), max(scale_x), min(scale_y), max(scale_y)))
     # Add colorbar
     # Add colorbar
     cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks = [a for a in scale_ticks])
     cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks = [a for a in scale_ticks])
-['%3.1e' % (a) for a in scale_ticks]) # vertically oriented colorbar
+['%4.2g' % (a) for a in scale_ticks]) # vertically oriented colorbar
     pos = list(
     pos = list(
     fig.text(pos[0] - 0.02, 0.925, '|E|/|E$_0$|', fontsize = 14)
     fig.text(pos[0] - 0.02, 0.925, '|E|/|E$_0$|', fontsize = 14)
-    plt.xlabel('X ( $\mu$m )')
-    plt.ylabel('Y ( $\mu$m )')
+    plt.xlabel('X ( nm )')
+    plt.ylabel('Y ( nm )')
     # This part draws the nanoshell
     # This part draws the nanoshell
 #    from matplotlib import patches
 #    from matplotlib import patches