@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
import InputWithUnits from "./components/InputWithUnits.vue";
import ReactiveChart from "./components/ReactiveChart.vue";
- // You should put *.wasm to public and *.js to src folder
+ // You should put *.wasm to public/ and *.js to src/ folder
// To compile fibbonacci example use
// emcc -O3 -s WASM=1 -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["cwrap"]' -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MODULARIZE=1 -s 'EXPORT_NAME="fibonacci"' -o ./fibonacci.js fibonacci.c
@@ -153,119 +153,121 @@
-const range = (start, stop, step = 1) =>
- Array(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)).fill(start).map((x, y) => x + y * step);
+ const range = (start, stop, step = 1) =>
+ Array(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)).fill(start).map((x, y) => x + y * step);
-export default {
- name: 'app',
- components: {
- InputWithUnits,
- ReactiveChart
- // HelloWorld
- },
- data() {
- return {
- window: {
- width: 0,
- height: 0
- },
- // on change of initial value for __ units __
- // remember to update this.chart.layout.xaxis.title
- units: 'nm',
- simulationRuntime: {
- mode_n : [],
- mode_types: range(0,2),
- mode_names: ['E','H'],
- WLs: [],
- Qsca: [],
- Qabs: [],
- Qsca_n: [[],[]],
- Qabs_n: [[],[]],
- layout: {},
- trace1: {},
- trace2: {}
- },
- simulationSetup: {
- stepWL: 0.5,
- fromWL: 300.0,
- toWL: 1000.0,
- R: 100.0,
- reN: 4.0,
- imN: 0.01,
- total_mode_n:4
- },
- changes: 0,
- isShowInfo: false,
- chart: {
- uuid: "123",
- traces: [
- {
- y: [],
- line: {
- color: "#5e9e7e",
- width: 4,
- shape: "line"
+ export default {
+ name: 'app',
+ components: {
+ InputWithUnits,
+ ReactiveChart
+ // HelloWorld
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ window: {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0
+ },
+ // on change of initial value for __ units __
+ // remember to update this.chart.layout.xaxis.title
+ units: 'nm',
+ simulationRuntime: {
+ mode_n : [],
+ mode_types: range(0,2),
+ mode_names: ['E','H'],
+ WLs: [],
+ Qsca: [],
+ Qabs: [],
+ Qsca_n: [[],[]],
+ Qabs_n: [[],[]],
+ layout: {},
+ trace1: {},
+ trace2: {}
+ },
+ simulationSetup: {
+ stepWL: 0.5,
+ fromWL: 300.0,
+ toWL: 1000.0,
+ R: 100.0,
+ reN: 4.0,
+ imN: 0.01,
+ total_mode_n:4
+ },
+ changes: 0,
+ isShowInfo: false,
+ chart: {
+ uuid: "123",
+ traces: [
+ {
+ y: [],
+ line: {
+ color: "#5e9e7e",
+ width: 4,
+ shape: "line"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ layout: {
+ title:'reactive charts',
+ xaxis: {
+ // initial value should be same as in units
+ title: 'Wavelength, nm'
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ title: 'yaxis title'
- }
- ],
- layout: {
- title:'reactive charts',
- xaxis: {
- // initial value should be same as in units
- title: 'Wavelength, nm'
- },
- yaxis: {
- title: 'yaxis title'
- }
- };
+ };
- },
- created() {
- window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
- this.handleResize();
- },
- destroyed() {
- window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
- },
- mounted(){ this.runMie();},
- watch: {
- simulationSetup: {
- handler: function () {
- this.runMie();
- },
- deep: true
- units:{
- handler: function () {
- this.chart.layout.xaxis.title = "Wavelength, "+this.units;
+ created() {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+ this.handleResize();
+ },
+ destroyed() {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+ },
+ mounted(){ this.runMie();},
+ watch: {
+ simulationSetup: {
+ handler: function () {
+ this.runMie();
+ },
+ deep: true
+ },
+ units:{
+ handler: function () {
+ this.chart.layout.xaxis.title = "Wavelength, "+this.units;
+ }
- }
- },
- methods: {
- handleResize() {
- this.window.width = window.innerWidth;
- this.window.height = window.innerHeight;
- runMie(){
- // let t0 = performance.now();
- // let fromWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.fromWL);
- // let toWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.toWL);
- // let stepWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.stepWL);
- // let R = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.R);
- // let reN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.reN);
- // let imN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.imN);
- // this.simulationRuntime.Qsca = [], this.simulationRuntime.Qabs = [];
- // this.simulationRuntime.Qsca_n = [[],[]], this.simulationRuntime.Qabs_n = [[],[]];
- // nmie.ClearTarget();
- // nmie.AddTargetLayerReIm(R, reN, imN)
+ methods: {
+ handleResize() {
+ this.window.width = window.innerWidth;
+ this.window.height = window.innerHeight;
+ },
+ runMie(){
+ module.onRuntimeInitialized = () => {
+ const nmie = new module.nmie();
+ // let t0 = performance.now();
+ // let fromWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.fromWL);
+ // let toWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.toWL);
+ // let stepWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.stepWL);
+ let R = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.R);
+ let reN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.reN);
+ let imN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.imN);
+ this.simulationRuntime.Qsca = [], this.simulationRuntime.Qabs = [];
+ this.simulationRuntime.Qsca_n = [[], []], this.simulationRuntime.Qabs_n = [[], []];
+ nmie.ClearTarget();
+ nmie.AddTargetLayerReIm(R, reN, imN)
+ }
- this.changes++;
- }
- },
+ this.changes++;
+ }
+ },