@@ -1261,23 +1261,25 @@ c MM + 1 and - 1, alternately
// we need to fill
// std::vector< std::vector<std::complex<double> > > al_n_, bl_n_, cl_n_, dl_n_;
// for n = [0..nmax_) and for l=[L..0)
- // to decrease cache miss outer loop is with n and inner with reversed l
- al_n_.resize(nmax_);
- bl_n_.resize(nmax_);
- cl_n_.resize(nmax_);
- dl_n_.resize(nmax_);
- for (auto& element:al_n_) element.resize(L+1);
- for (auto& element:bl_n_) element.resize(L+1);
- for (auto& element:cl_n_) element.resize(L+1);
- for (auto& element:dl_n_) element.resize(L+1);
+ // TODO: to decrease cache miss outer loop is with n and inner with reversed l
+ // at the moment outer is forward l and inner in n
+ al_n_.resize(L+1);
+ bl_n_.resize(L+1);
+ cl_n_.resize(L+1);
+ dl_n_.resize(L+1);
+ for (auto& element:al_n_) element.resize(nmax_);
+ for (auto& element:bl_n_) element.resize(nmax_);
+ for (auto& element:cl_n_) element.resize(nmax_);
+ for (auto& element:dl_n_) element.resize(nmax_);
std::complex<double> c_one(1.0, 0.0);
+ std::complex<double> c_zero(0.0, 0.0);
// Yang, paragraph under eq. A3
// a^(L+1)_n = a_n, d^(L+1) = 1 ...
for (int i = 0; i < nmax_; ++i) {
- al_n_[i][0] = an_[i];
- bl_n_[i][0] = bn_[i];
- cl_n_[i][0] = c_one;
- dl_n_[i][0] = c_one;
+ al_n_[L][i] = an_[i];
+ bl_n_[L][i] = bn_[i];
+ cl_n_[L][i] = c_one;
+ dl_n_[L][i] = c_one;
@@ -1288,6 +1290,21 @@ c MM + 1 and - 1, alternately
if (!isMieCalculated_)
throw std::invalid_argument("(ScattCoeffsLayerd) You should run calculations first!");
+ const int L = index_.size();
+ std::vector<std::complex<double> > z(L), z1(L);
+ for (int i = 0; i<L-1; ++i) {
+ z[i] =size_parameter_[i]*index_[i];
+ z1[i]=size_parameter_[i]*index_[i+1];
+ }
+ z[L-1] =size_parameter_[L-1]*index_[L-1];
+ z1[L-1] =size_parameter_[L-1];
+ for (int j = 0; j < nmax_; ++j) {
+ int i = L;
+ printf("n=%d --> a=%g, b=%g, c=%g, d=%g\n",
+ i,
+ al_n_[i][j].real(), bl_n_[i][j].real(),
+ cl_n_[i][j].real(), dl_n_[i][j].real());
+ }
// ********************************************************************** //
// ********************************************************************** //