Konstantin Ladutenko пре 5 година
2 измењених фајлова са 363 додато и 137 уклоњено
  1. 2 1
  2. 361 136

+ 2 - 1

@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
     "rules": {
-      "no-console": "off"
+      "no-console": "off",
+      "no-unused-vars": "off"
     "parserOptions": {
       "parser": "babel-eslint"

+ 361 - 136

@@ -1,28 +1,30 @@
-  <div id="app">
-  <section style="padding: 1rem">
-    <button class="button is-primary is-medium"
-            @click="isShowInfo = true">
-      Show info
-    </button>
-    <b-modal :active.sync="isShowInfo">
-      <div class="message" style="padding: 2rem">
-        <span style="text-decoration: underline;text-emphasis: before;font-weight: bold;">Usage:</span>
-        <br><br>
-        Feel free to use provided software, however, use it at your own risk. We made our best effort to verify
-        it is correct, however, we do not provide any warranty.
-        <br><br>
-        If it was usefull for your project, please, cite in your related paper the following reference:
-        <br><br>
-        <article style="margin-left: 1rem">
-          <div style="font-style: italic; padding-bottom: 0.5rem">"Mie calculation of electromagnetic near-field
-            for a multilayered sphere"</div>
-          Konstantin Ladutenko, Umapada Pal, Antonio Rivera, Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez<br>
-          <span style="font-weight: bold">Comp. Phys. Comm., vol. 214, pp. 225–230, 2017</span>
-        </article>
-      </div>
-    </b-modal>
-  </section>
+  <div id="app" class="container">
+    <b-loading :active.sync="isLoading" :can-cancel="isLoading"></b-loading>
+    <section style="padding: 1rem">
+      <button class="button is-primary is-medium"
+              @click="isShowInfo = true">
+        Show info
+      </button>
+      <b-modal :active.sync="isShowInfo">
+        <div class="message" style="padding: 2rem">
+          <span style="text-decoration: underline;text-emphasis: before;font-weight: bold;">Usage:</span>
+          <br><br>
+          Feel free to use provided software, however, use it at your own risk. We made our best effort to verify
+          it is correct, however, we do not provide any warranty.
+          <br><br>
+          If it was usefull for your project, please, cite in your related paper the following reference:
+          <br><br>
+          <article style="margin-left: 1rem">
+            <div style="font-style: italic; padding-bottom: 0.5rem">"Mie calculation of electromagnetic near-field
+              for a multilayered sphere"</div>
+            Konstantin Ladutenko, Umapada Pal, Antonio Rivera, Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez<br>
+            <span style="font-weight: bold">Comp. Phys. Comm., vol. 214, pp. 225–230, 2017</span>
+          </article>
+        </div>
+      </b-modal>
+    </section>
       <div class="field is-horizontal">
@@ -88,15 +90,59 @@
           <b-input v-model="simulationSetup.total_mode_n" type='number' min=1 style="width:7rem"></b-input>
-      <div>From {{simulationSetup.fromWL}} to {{simulationSetup.toWL}} {{ units }}
-        <br>
-        Changes:{{ changes }}
+      <div>
+        <b-button class="is-primary is-medium" @click="runMie();plotResults();">
+          Run simulation
+        </b-button><br>
+        It took {{ ttime }} s.
-      <div class="chart-container">
-        <reactive-chart :chart="chart"></reactive-chart>
+      <div class="field is-grouped is-grouped-multiline">
+        <b-switch v-model="plotSelector.isPlotQsca">
+          Qsca
+        </b-switch>
+        <b-switch v-model="plotSelector.isPlotQabs">
+          Qabs
+        </b-switch>
+      <!--        <b-table :data="plotSelectorData" :columns="plotSelectorColumns" :mobile-cards="isShowInfo"></b-table>-->
+      <table class="table is-narrow">
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th v-for="mode_name in simulationRuntime.mode_n_names" v-bind:key="mode_name">
+            {{ mode_name.name == 'type' ? '': mode_name.name}}
+          </th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <th>E</th>
+          <td v-for="(mode,index) in plotSelector.isPlotModeE" v-bind:key="index">
+            <template v-if="(simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated - 1) < index">
+              <b-checkbox v-model="plotSelector.isPlotModeE[index]" disabled> </b-checkbox>
+            </template>
+            <template v-else>
+              <b-checkbox v-model="plotSelector.isPlotModeE[index]"> </b-checkbox>
+            </template>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <th>H</th>
+          <td v-for="(mode,index) in plotSelector.isPlotModeH" v-bind:key="index">
+            <template v-if="(simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated - 1) < index">
+              <b-checkbox v-model="plotSelector.isPlotModeH[index]" disabled> </b-checkbox>
+            </template>
+            <template v-else>
+              <b-checkbox v-model="plotSelector.isPlotModeH[index]"> </b-checkbox>
+            </template>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+    <div class="chart-container">
+      <reactive-chart :chart="chart"></reactive-chart>
+    </div>
@@ -138,24 +184,27 @@
-  // Test nmiejs if working
-  module.onRuntimeInitialized = () => {
-    const nmie = new module.nmie();
-    nmie.ClearTarget();
-    let R = 100.0;
-    let reN = 4.0;
-    let imN = 0.01;
-    nmie.AddTargetLayerReIm(R, reN, imN)
-    nmie.SetModeNmaxAndType(-1, -1);
-    let WL = 800;
-    nmie.SetWavelength(WL);
-    nmie.RunMieCalculation();
-    console.log(nmie.GetQsca());
-  }
+  // // Test nmiejs if working
+  // module.onRuntimeInitialized = () => {
+  //   const nmie = new module.nmie();
+  //   nmie.ClearTarget();
+  //   let R = 100.0;
+  //   let reN = 4.0;
+  //   let imN = 0.01;
+  //   nmie.AddTargetLayerReIm(R, reN, imN)
+  //   nmie.SetModeNmaxAndType(-1, -1);
+  //   let WL = 800;
+  //   nmie.SetWavelength(WL);
+  //   nmie.RunMieCalculation();
+  //   console.log(nmie.GetQsca());
+  // }
   const range = (start, stop, step = 1) =>
           Array(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)).fill(start).map((x, y) => x + y * step);
+  function rangeInt(size, startAt = 0) {
+    return [...Array(size).keys()].map(i => i + startAt);
+  }
   export default {
     name: 'app',
     components: {
@@ -164,110 +213,286 @@
       // HelloWorld
     data() {
-      return {
-        window: {
-          width: 0,
-          height: 0
-        },
-        // on change of initial value for __ units __
-        // remember to update this.chart.layout.xaxis.title
-        units: 'nm',
-        simulationRuntime: {
-          mode_n : [],
-          mode_types: range(0,2),
-          mode_names: ['E','H'],
-          WLs: [],
-          Qsca: [],
-          Qabs: [],
-          Qsca_n: [[],[]],
-          Qabs_n: [[],[]],
-          layout: {},
-          trace1: {},
-          trace2: {}
-        },
-        simulationSetup: {
-          stepWL: 0.5,
-          fromWL: 300.0,
-          toWL: 1000.0,
-          R: 100.0,
-          reN: 4.0,
-          imN: 0.01,
-          total_mode_n:4
-        },
-        changes: 0,
-        isShowInfo: false,
-        chart: {
-          uuid: "123",
-          traces: [
-            {
-              y: [],
-              line: {
-                color: "#5e9e7e",
-                width: 4,
-                shape: "line"
+        return {
+          nmie: undefined,
+          ttime: "",
+          window: {
+            width: 0,
+            height: 0
+          },
+          // on change of initial value for __ units __
+          // remember to update this.chart.layout.xaxis.title
+          units: 'nm',
+          simulationRuntime: {
+            mode_n: [],
+            mode_n_names: [],
+            mode_types: range(0, 2),
+            mode_names: ['E', 'H'],
+            WLs: [],
+            Qsca: [],
+            Qabs: [],
+            Qsca_n: [[], []],
+            Qabs_n: [[], []],
+            layout: {},
+            trace1: {},
+            trace2: {},
+            total_mode_n_evaluated: 4,
+          },
+          simulationSetup: {
+            stepWL: 0.5,
+            fromWL: 300.0,
+            toWL: 1000.0,
+            R: 100.0,
+            reN: 4.0,
+            imN: 0.01,
+            total_mode_n: 4
+          },
+          changes: 0,
+          isShowInfo: false,
+          isLoading: true,
+          isRunning: false,
+          plotSelector: {
+            isPlotModeE: [],
+            isPlotModeH: [],
+            isPlotQabs: true,
+            isPlotQsca: true
+          },
+          // plotSelectorData: undefined,
+          // plotSelectorColumns: undefined,
+          plotSelectorNames: undefined,
+          chart: {
+            uuid: "123",
+            traces: [
+              {
+                y: [],
+                line: {
+                  color: "#5e9e7e",
+                  width: 4,
+                  shape: "line"
+                }
-            }
-          ],
-          layout: {
-            title:'reactive charts',
-            xaxis: {
-              // initial value should be same as in units
-              title: 'Wavelength, nm'
-            },
-            yaxis: {
-              title: 'yaxis title'
+            ],
+            layout: {
+              title: 'reactive charts',
+              xaxis: {
+                // initial value should be same as in units
+                title: 'Wavelength, nm'
+              },
+              yaxis: {
+                title: 'Normalized cross-sections'
+              },
+              width: 100,
+              height: 100
-        }
-      };
-    },
+        };
+      },
     created() {
-      window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
-      this.handleResize();
-    },
+        window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+        this.handleResize();
+      },
     destroyed() {
-      window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+        window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+      },
+    mounted() {
+      module.onRuntimeInitialized = () => {
+        this.nmie = new module.nmie();
+        this.runMie();
+        this.setIsPlotMode();
+        let mode_n_names = this.setModeNNames();
+        this.plotResults();
+        this.isLoading = false;
+      }
+      // this.setPlotSelectorDataAndColumns(mode_n_names);
-    mounted(){ this.runMie();},
     watch: {
-      simulationSetup: {
-        handler: function () {
-          this.runMie();
+        plotSelector: {
+          handler: function () {
+            this.plotResults();
+          },
+          deep: true
-        deep: true
-      },
-      units:{
-        handler: function () {
-          this.chart.layout.xaxis.title = "Wavelength, "+this.units;
+        'simulationSetup.total_mode_n': function (newVal, oldVal) {
+          this.setIsPlotMode();
+          let mode_n_names = this.setModeNNames();
+        },
+        units: {
+          handler: function () {
+            this.chart.layout.xaxis.title = "Wavelength, " + this.units;
+          }
+        },
+        window: {
+          handler: function () {
+            this.chart.layout.width = this.window.width * 0.9;
+            this.chart.layout.height = this.window.height * 0.75;
+            if (this.window.width < 600) this.chart.layout.width = this.window.width * 1.0;
+            if (this.window.height < 600) this.chart.layout.height = this.window.height * 1.0;
+          },
+          deep: true
-      }
-    },
-    methods: {
-      handleResize() {
-        this.window.width = window.innerWidth;
-        this.window.height = window.innerHeight;
-      runMie(){
-        // const nmie = new module.nmie();
-        //
-        // // let t0 = performance.now();
-        // // let fromWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.fromWL);
-        // // let toWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.toWL);
-        // // let stepWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.stepWL);
-        // let R = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.R);
-        // let reN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.reN);
-        // let imN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.imN);
-        // this.simulationRuntime.Qsca = [], this.simulationRuntime.Qabs = [];
-        // this.simulationRuntime.Qsca_n = [[], []], this.simulationRuntime.Qabs_n = [[], []];
-        // nmie.ClearTarget();
-        // nmie.AddTargetLayerReIm(R, reN, imN)
+    methods: {
+        handleResize() {
+          this.window.width = window.innerWidth;
+          this.window.height = window.innerHeight;
+        },
+        runMie: function () {
+          let t0 = performance.now();
+          let fromWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.fromWL);
+          let toWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.toWL);
+          let stepWL = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.stepWL);
+          let R = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.R);
+          let reN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.reN);
+          let imN = parseFloat(this.simulationSetup.imN);
-        this.changes++;
-      }
-    },
+          let Qsca = [], Qabs = [];
+          let Qsca_n = [[], []], Qabs_n = [[], []];
+          const nmie = this.nmie;
+          nmie.ClearTarget();
+          nmie.AddTargetLayerReIm(R, reN, imN);
+          let WLs = range(fromWL, toWL, stepWL);
+          this.simulationRuntime.WLs = WLs;
+          let total_mode_n = this.simulationSetup.total_mode_n;
+          let mode_n = [];
+          mode_n = rangeInt(Number(total_mode_n), 1);
+          this.simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated = total_mode_n;
+          let mode_types = range(0, 2);
+          this.simulationSetup.mode_n = mode_n;
+          this.simulationSetup.mode_types = mode_types;
+          // this.simulationRuntime.mode_n_names = this.setModeNNames(total_mode_n);
+          // console.log(this.simulationRuntime.mode_n_names)
+          mode_types.forEach(function (mode_type) {
+            mode_n.forEach(function () {
+              Qsca_n[mode_type].push([]);
+              Qabs_n[mode_type].push([]);
+            });
+          });
+          WLs.forEach(function (WL) {
+            nmie.SetModeNmaxAndType(-1, -1);
+            nmie.SetWavelength(WL);
+            nmie.RunMieCalculation();
+            Qsca.push(nmie.GetQsca());
+            Qabs.push(nmie.GetQabs());
+            mode_types.forEach(function (mode_type) {
+              mode_n.forEach(function (n) {
+                nmie.SetModeNmaxAndType(n, mode_type);
+                nmie.RunMieCalculation();
+                Qsca_n[mode_type][n - 1].push(nmie.GetQsca());
+                Qabs_n[mode_type][n - 1].push(nmie.GetQabs());
+              });
+            });
+          });
+          this.simulationRuntime.Qsca = Qsca;
+          this.simulationRuntime.Qabs = Qabs;
+          this.simulationRuntime.Qsca_n = Qsca_n;
+          this.simulationRuntime.Qabs_n = Qabs_n;
+          let t1 = performance.now();
+          this.ttime = ((t1 - t0) / 1000).toFixed(2);
+          console.log("It took " + this.ttime + " s.");
+          this.changes++;
+        },
+        setIsPlotMode: function () {
+          let total_mode_n = this.simulationSetup.total_mode_n;
+          total_mode_n++;
+          let np1 = Number(total_mode_n);
+          let mode_n = rangeInt(Number(np1), 0);
+          let modeE = [];
+          let modeH = [];
+          mode_n.forEach(function (n) {
+            if (n !== 0) {
+              modeE.push(false);
+              modeH.push(false);
+            }
+          });
+          let saved_modes = this.simulationSetup.total_mode_n > this.simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated ?
+                  this.simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated : this.simulationSetup.total_mode_n;
+          this.simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated = saved_modes;
+          let oldModeE = this.plotSelector.isPlotModeE;
+          let oldModeH = this.plotSelector.isPlotModeH;
+          let ii;
+          for (ii = 0; ii < saved_modes; ++ii) {
+            if (ii < oldModeE.length) {
+              modeE[ii] = oldModeE[ii];
+              modeH[ii] = oldModeH[ii];
+            }
+          }
+          this.plotSelector.isPlotModeE = modeE;
+          this.plotSelector.isPlotModeH = modeH;
+        },
+        setModeNNames: function () {
+          let total_mode_n = this.simulationSetup.total_mode_n;
+          total_mode_n++;
+          let np1 = Number(total_mode_n);
+          let mode_n = rangeInt(Number(np1), 0);
+          let mode_n_names = [];
+          mode_n.forEach(function (n) {
+            if (n === 0) mode_n_names.push({id: 0, name: 'type'});
+            else if (n === 1) mode_n_names.push({id: 1, name: 'dipole'});
+            else if (n === 2) mode_n_names.push({id: 2, name: 'quadrupole'});
+            else if (n === 3) mode_n_names.push({id: 3, name: 'octupole'});
+            else mode_n_names.push({id: n, name: (Math.pow(2, n)).toString()});
+          });
+          this.simulationRuntime.mode_n_names = mode_n_names;
+          console.log(this.plotSelectorNames)
+          console.log("sp,e 'as;ld")
+          return mode_n_names;
+        },
+        plotResults: function () {
+          let traceQsca, traceQabs;
+          traceQsca = {
+            x: this.simulationRuntime.WLs,
+            y: this.simulationRuntime.Qsca,
+            type: 'scatter',
+            name: 'Qsca'
+          };
+          traceQabs = {
+            x: this.simulationRuntime.WLs,
+            y: this.simulationRuntime.Qabs,
+            type: 'scatter',
+            name: 'Qabs'
+          };
+          this.chart.traces = [];
+          if (this.plotSelector.isPlotQsca === true) this.chart.traces.push(traceQsca);
+          if (this.plotSelector.isPlotQabs === true) this.chart.traces.push(traceQabs);
+          let mode_type, mode_n;
+          let mode_n_names = this.simulationRuntime.mode_n_names;
+          let mode_names = this.simulationRuntime.mode_names;
+          for (mode_type = 0; mode_type < 2; ++mode_type) {
+            for (mode_n = 0; mode_n < this.simulationRuntime.total_mode_n_evaluated; ++mode_n) {
+              let is_mode_plot = mode_type === 0 ? this.plotSelector.isPlotModeE : this.plotSelector.isPlotModeH;
+              if (is_mode_plot[mode_n] === false) continue;
+              if (this.plotSelector.isPlotQsca === true) {
+                let trace_sca = {
+                  x: this.simulationRuntime.WLs,
+                  y: this.simulationRuntime.Qsca_n[mode_type][mode_n],
+                  type: 'scatter',
+                  name: 'Qsca ' + mode_names[mode_type] + ' ' + mode_n_names[mode_n + 1].name
+                };
+                this.chart.traces.push(trace_sca);
+              }
+              if (this.plotSelector.isPlotQabs === true) {
+                let trace_abs = {
+                  x: this.simulationRuntime.WLs,
+                  y: this.simulationRuntime.Qabs_n[mode_type][mode_n],
+                  type: 'scatter',
+                  name: 'Qabs ' + mode_names[mode_type] + ' ' + mode_n_names[mode_n + 1].name
+                };
+                this.chart.traces.push(trace_abs);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+  };