@@ -36,72 +36,14 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
+#include <pybind11/complex.h>
+#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "nmie.hpp"
-//#include "pb11_nmie.hpp"
namespace py = pybind11;
-py::array_t<int> array_cpp2py(const std::vector<int>& cpp_array)
- // allocate py::array (to pass the result of the C++ function to Python)
- auto result = py::array_t<int>(array.size());
- auto buffer = result.request();
- int *pointr = (int *) buffer.ptr;
- // copy std::vector -> py::array
- std::memcpy(pointr, cpp_array.data(), cpp_array.size()*sizeof(int));
- return result;
-py::array_t<double> array_cpp2py(const std::vector<double>& cpp_array)
- // allocate py::array (to pass the result of the C++ function to Python)
- auto result = py::array_t<double>(array.size());
- auto buffer = result.request();
- double *pointr = (double *) buffer.ptr;
- // copy std::vector -> py::array
- std::memcpy(pointr, cpp_array.data(), cpp_array.size()*sizeof(double));
- return result;
-py::array_t<py::array_t<std::complex<double> > > array_cpp2py(const std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > >& cpp_array, int rows, int cols)
- ssize_t ndim = 2;
- std::vector<ssize_t> shape = {cpp_array.shape()[0], 3};
- std::vector<ssize_t> strides = {sizeof(std::complex<double>)*3, sizeof(std::complex<double>)};
- // return 2-D NumPy array
- return py::array(py::buffer_info(
- cpp_array.data(), /* data as contiguous array */
- sizeof(std::complex<double>), /* size of one scalar */
- py::format_descriptor<std::complex<double> >::format(), /* data type */
- ndim, /* number of dimensions */
- shape, /* shape of the matrix */
- strides /* strides for each axis */
- ));
-py::array_t<py::array_t<py::array_t<std::complex<double> > > > array_cpp2py(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > >& cpp_array)
- std::vector<size_t> shape(3);
- std::vector<size_t> strides(3);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- shape[i] = cpp_array.shape()[i];
- strides[i] = cpp_array.strides[i]*sizeof(std::complex<double>);
- }
- py::array a(std::move(shape), std::move(strides), cpp_array.data());
- return a.release();
py::tuple scattcoeffs(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecast> x,
py::array_t<std::complex<double>, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecast> m,
int nmax, int pl)
@@ -112,6 +54,11 @@ py::tuple scattcoeffs(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcec
throw std::runtime_error("The relative refractive index (m) should be 2-D NumPy array.");
+ std::complex<float> c_zero(0.0, 0.0);
+ int num_wvlght = x.shape(0);
+ int num_layers = x.shape(1);
// allocate std::vector (to pass to the C++ function)
std::vector<std::vector<double> > x_cpp(x.size());
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > m_cpp(m.size());
@@ -121,16 +68,36 @@ py::tuple scattcoeffs(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcec
std::memcpy(m_cpp.data(), m.data(), m.size()*sizeof(std::complex<double>));
// create std::vector (to get return from the C++ function)
- std::vector<int> terms(x.shape(0));
+ std::vector<int> terms(num_wvlght);
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > an, bn;
- an.resize(x.shape(0));
- bn.resize(x.shape(0));
+ an.resize(num_wvlght);
+ bn.resize(num_wvlght);
- for (ssize_t i = 0; i < x.shape(0); i++) {
- terms[i] = nmie::ScattCoeffs(x.shape(1), pl, x_cpp[i], m_cpp[i], nmax, an[i], bn[i]);
+ ssize_t max_terms = 0;
+ for (ssize_t i = 0; i < num_wvlght; i++) {
+ terms[i] = nmie::ScattCoeffs(num_layers, pl, x_cpp[i], m_cpp[i], nmax, an[i], bn[i]);
+ if (terms[i] > max_terms)
+ max_terms = terms[i];
+ }
+ for (ssize_t i = 0; i < num_wvlght; i++) {
+ an[i].resize(max_terms);
+ bn[i].resize(max_terms);
+ for (ssize_t j = terms[i]; j < max_terms; j++) {
+ an[i][j] = c_zero;
+ bn[i][j] = c_zero;
+ }
- return py::make_tuple(array_cpp2py(terms), array_cpp2py(an), array_cpp2py(bn));
+// py::array_t<int> terms_py = py::array_t<int>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &terms[0]);
+// py::array_t<std::complex<double> > an_py = py::array_t<std::complex<double> >(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght, max_terms}, &an[0]);
+// py::array_t<std::complex<double> > bn_py = py::array_t<std::complex<double> >(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght, max_terms}, &bn[0]);
+// return py::make_tuple(terms_py, an_py, bn_py);
+ return py::make_tuple(terms, an, bn);
@@ -139,6 +106,8 @@ py::tuple scattnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecas
py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecast> theta,
int nmax, int pl)
+ std::cout << "Test!";
if (x.ndim() != 2)
throw std::runtime_error("The size parameter (x) should be 2-D NumPy array.");
if (m.ndim() != 2)
@@ -146,6 +115,9 @@ py::tuple scattnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecas
if (theta.ndim() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error("The scattering angles (theta) should be 1-D NumPy array.");
+ int num_wvlght = x.shape(0);
+ int num_layers = x.shape(1);
+ int num_angles = theta.shape(0);
// allocate std::vector (to pass to the C++ function)
std::vector<std::vector<double> > x_cpp(x.size());
@@ -159,29 +131,46 @@ py::tuple scattnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecas
// create std::vector (to get return from the C++ function)
- std::vector<int> terms(x.shape(0));
+ std::vector<int> terms(num_wvlght);
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > S1, S2;
- S1.resize(x.shape(0));
- S2.resize(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> Qext(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> Qsca(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> Qabs(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> Qbk(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> Qpr(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> g(x.shape(0));
- std::vector<double> Albedo(x.shape(0));
+ S1.resize(num_wvlght);
+ S2.resize(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> Qext(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> Qsca(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> Qabs(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> Qbk(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> Qpr(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> g(num_wvlght);
+ std::vector<double> Albedo(num_wvlght);
- for (ssize_t i = 0; i < x.shape(0); i++) {
- S1[i].resize(theta.shape(0));
- S2[i].resize(theta.shape(0));
+ for (ssize_t i = 0; i < num_wvlght; i++) {
+ S1[i].resize(num_angles);
+ S2[i].resize(num_angles);
- terms[i] = nmie::nMie(x.shape(1), pl, x_cpp[i], m_cpp[i], theta.shape(0), theta_cpp, nmax, &Qext[i], &Qsca[i], &Qabs[i], &Qbk[i], &Qpr[i], &g[i], &Albedo[i], S1[i], S2[i]);
+ terms[i] = nmie::nMie(num_layers, pl, x_cpp[i], m_cpp[i], num_angles, theta_cpp, nmax, &Qext[i], &Qsca[i], &Qabs[i], &Qbk[i], &Qpr[i], &g[i], &Albedo[i], S1[i], S2[i]);
- return py::make_tuple(array_cpp2py(terms), array_cpp2py(Qext), array_cpp2py(Qsca), array_cpp2py(Qabs),
- array_cpp2py(Qbk), array_cpp2py(Qpr), array_cpp2py(g), array_cpp2py(Albedo),
- array_cpp2py(S1), array_cpp2py(S2));
+// py::array_t<int> terms_py = py::array_t<int>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &terms[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> Qext_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &Qext[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> Qsca_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &Qsca[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> Qabs_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &Qabs[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> Qbk_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &Qbk[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> Qpr_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &Qpr[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> g_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &g[0]);
+// py::array_t<double> Albedo_py = py::array_t<double>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &Albedo[0]);
+// py::array_t<std::complex<double> > S1_py = py::array_t<std::complex<double> >(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght, num_angles}, &S1[0]);
+// py::array_t<std::complex<double> > S2_py = py::array_t<std::complex<double> >(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght, num_angles}, &S2[0]);
+// return py::make_tuple(terms_py, Qext_py, Qsca_py, Qabs_py,
+// Qbk_py, Qpr_py, g_py, Albedo_py,
+// S1_py, S2_py);
+ return py::make_tuple(terms, Qext, Qsca, Qabs,
+ Qbk, Qpr, g, Albedo,
+ S1, S2);
py::tuple fieldnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecast> x,
@@ -189,6 +178,8 @@ py::tuple fieldnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecas
py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecast> coords,
int nmax, int pl)
+ std::cout << "Test!";
if (x.ndim() != 2)
throw std::runtime_error("The size parameter (x) should be 2-D NumPy array.");
if (m.ndim() != 2)
@@ -197,6 +188,10 @@ py::tuple fieldnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecas
throw std::runtime_error("The coordinates should be 2-D NumPy array.");
+ int num_wvlght = x.shape(0);
+ int num_layers = x.shape(1);
+ int num_points = coords.shape(0);
// allocate std::vector (to pass to the C++ function)
std::vector<std::vector<double> > x_cpp(x.size());
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > m_cpp(m.size());
@@ -213,23 +208,30 @@ py::tuple fieldnlay(py::array_t<double, py::array::c_style | py::array::forcecas
// create std::vector (to get return from the C++ function)
- std::vector<int> terms(x.shape(0));
+ std::vector<int> terms(num_wvlght);
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > > E, H;
- E.resize(x.shape(0));
- H.resize(x.shape(0));
+ E.resize(num_wvlght);
+ H.resize(num_wvlght);
- for (ssize_t i = 0; i < x.shape(0); i++) {
- E[i].resize(coords.shape(0));
- H[i].resize(coords.shape(0));
+ for (ssize_t i = 0; i < num_wvlght; i++) {
+ E[i].resize(num_points);
+ H[i].resize(num_points);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- terms[i] = nmie::nField(x.shape(1), pl, x_cpp[i], m_cpp[i], nmax, coords.shape(0), Xc, Yc, Zc, E[i], H[i]);
+ terms[i] = nmie::nField(num_layers, pl, x_cpp[i], m_cpp[i], nmax, num_points, Xc, Yc, Zc, E[i], H[i]);
- return py::make_tuple(array_cpp2py(terms), array_cpp2py(E), array_cpp2py(H));
+// py::array_t<int> terms_py = py::array_t<int>(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght}, &terms[0]);
+// py::array_t<std::complex<double> > E_py = py::array_t<std::complex<double> >(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght, num_points, 3}, &E[0]);
+// py::array_t<std::complex<double> > H_py = py::array_t<std::complex<double> >(std::vector<ptrdiff_t>{num_wvlght, num_points, 3}, &H[0]);
+// return py::make_tuple(terms_py, E_py, H_py);
+ return py::make_tuple(terms, E, H);