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psi test initial pass

Konstantin Ladutenko 3 years ago

+ 3 - 23

@@ -393,18 +393,7 @@ namespace nmie {
                                std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D1,
                                std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D3) {
     evalDownwardD1(z, D1);
-    // Upward recurrence for PsiZeta and D3 - equations (18a) - (18d)
-    PsiZeta_[0] = static_cast<FloatType>(0.5)*(static_cast<FloatType>(1.0) - std::complex<FloatType>(nmm::cos(2.0*z.real()), nmm::sin(2.0*z.real()))
-                 *static_cast<FloatType>(nmm::exp(-2.0*z.imag())));
-    D3[0] = std::complex<FloatType>(0.0, 1.0);
-    const std::complex<FloatType> zinv = std::complex<FloatType>(1.0, 0.0)/z;
-    for (int n = 1; n <= nmax_; n++) {
-      PsiZeta_[n] = PsiZeta_[n - 1]*(static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv - D1[n - 1])
-                                   *(static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv - D3[n - 1]);
-      D3[n] = D1[n] + std::complex<FloatType>(0.0, 1.0)/PsiZeta_[n];
-    }
+    evalUpwardD3 (z, D1, D3);
@@ -424,20 +413,12 @@ namespace nmie {
   void MultiLayerMie<FloatType>::calcPsiZeta(std::complex<FloatType> z,
                                   std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& Psi,
                                   std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& Zeta) {
-    std::complex<FloatType> c_i(0.0, 1.0);
     std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > D1(nmax_ + 1), D3(nmax_ + 1);
     // First, calculate the logarithmic derivatives
     calcD1D3(z, D1, D3);
     // Now, use the upward recurrence to calculate Psi and Zeta - equations (20a) - (21b)
-    Psi[0] = std::sin(z);
-    Zeta[0] = std::sin(z) - c_i*std::cos(z);
-    for (int n = 1; n <= nmax_; n++) {
-      Psi[n]  =  Psi[n - 1]*(std::complex<FloatType>(n,0.0)/z - D1[n - 1]);
-      Zeta[n] = Zeta[n - 1]*(std::complex<FloatType>(n,0.0)/z - D3[n - 1]);
-    }
+    evalUpwardPsi(z,  D1, Psi);
+    evalUpwardZeta(z, D3, Zeta);
@@ -584,7 +565,6 @@ namespace nmie {
-    PsiZeta_.resize(nmax_ + 1);
     std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > PsiXL(nmax_ + 1), ZetaXL(nmax_ + 1);

+ 0 - 6

@@ -260,12 +260,6 @@ inline std::complex<T> my_exp(const std::complex<T>& x) {
     std::vector<std::vector< std::complex<FloatType> > > E_, H_;  // {X[], Y[], Z[]}
     std::vector<std::vector< std::complex<FloatType> > > Es_, Hs_;  // {X[], Y[], Z[]}
     std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > S1_, S2_;
-    //Temporary variables
-    std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > PsiZeta_;
   };  // end of class MultiLayerMie
 }  // end of namespace nmie

+ 74 - 31

@@ -148,25 +148,6 @@ void convertRtoD1(const std::complex<FloatType> z,
 // ********************************************************************** //
-void evalDownwardD1 (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
-               std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D1) {
-  int nmax = D1.size() - 1;
-  // Downward recurrence for D1 - equations (16a) and (16b)
-  D1[nmax] = std::complex<FloatType>(0.0, 0.0);
-  std::complex<FloatType> c_one(1.0, 0.0);
-  const std::complex<FloatType> zinv = std::complex<FloatType>(1.0, 0.0)/z;
-  for (unsigned int n = nmax; n > 0; n--) {
-    D1[n - 1] = static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv - c_one/
-        (D1[n] + static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv);
-  }
- //   r0 = cot(z)
- D1[0] = complex_cot(z); // - n/mx;
-//  printf("D1[0] = (%16.15g, %16.15g) z=(%16.15g,%16.15g)\n", D1[0].real(),D1[0].imag(),
-//         z.real(),z.imag());
-// ********************************************************************** //
 void evalForwardD (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
                      std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D) {
   int nmax = D.size();
@@ -185,18 +166,6 @@ void evalForwardD1 (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
-  //**********************************************************************************//
-  // This function calculates the logarithmic derivatives of the Riccati-Bessel       //
-  // functions (D1 and D3) for a complex argument (z).                                //
-  // Equations (16a), (16b) and (18a) - (18d)                                         //
-  //                                                                                  //
-  // Input parameters:                                                                //
-  //   z: Complex argument to evaluate D1 and D3                                      //
-  //   nmax_: Maximum number of terms to calculate D1 and D3                          //
-  //                                                                                  //
-  // Output parameters:                                                               //
-  //   D1, D3: Logarithmic derivatives of the Riccati-Bessel functions                //
-  //**********************************************************************************//
 //  template <typename FloatType>
 //  void MultiLayerMie<FloatType>::calcD1D3(const std::complex<FloatType> z,
 //                               std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D1,
@@ -335,5 +304,79 @@ void evalForwardD1 (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
 //  }  // end of MultiLayerMie::calcSpherHarm(...)
+// This functions calculate the logarithmic derivatives of the Riccati-Bessel       //
+// functions (D1 and D3) for a complex argument (z).                                //
+// Equations (16a), (16b) and (18a) - (18d)                                         //
+//                                                                                  //
+// Input parameters:                                                                //
+//   z: Complex argument to evaluate D1 and D3                                      //
+//   nmax_: Maximum number of terms to calculate D1 and D3                          //
+//                                                                                  //
+// Output parameters:                                                               //
+//   D1, D3: Logarithmic derivatives of the Riccati-Bessel functions                //
+void evalDownwardD1 (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
+                     std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D1) {
+  int nmax = D1.size() - 1;
+  // Downward recurrence for D1 - equations (16a) and (16b)
+  D1[nmax] = std::complex<FloatType>(0.0, 0.0);
+  std::complex<FloatType> c_one(1.0, 0.0);
+  const std::complex<FloatType> zinv = std::complex<FloatType>(1.0, 0.0)/z;
+  for (unsigned int n = nmax; n > 0; n--) {
+    D1[n - 1] = static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv - c_one/
+        (D1[n] + static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv);
+  }
+  // Use D1[0] from upward recurrence
+  D1[0] = complex_cot(z);
+//  printf("D1[0] = (%16.15g, %16.15g) z=(%16.15g,%16.15g)\n", D1[0].real(),D1[0].imag(),
+//         z.real(),z.imag());
+void evalUpwardD3 (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
+                   const std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D1,
+                   std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& D3) {
+  int nmax = D1.size()-1;
+  std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > PsiZeta(nmax+1);
+  // Upward recurrence for PsiZeta and D3 - equations (18a) - (18d)
+  PsiZeta[0] = static_cast<FloatType>(0.5)*(static_cast<FloatType>(1.0) - std::complex<FloatType>(nmm::cos(2.0*z.real()), nmm::sin(2.0*z.real()))
+      *static_cast<FloatType>(nmm::exp(-2.0*z.imag())));
+  D3[0] = std::complex<FloatType>(0.0, 1.0);
+  const std::complex<FloatType> zinv = std::complex<FloatType>(1.0, 0.0)/z;
+  for (int n = 1; n <= nmax; n++) {
+    PsiZeta[n] = PsiZeta[n - 1]*(static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv - D1[n - 1])
+        *(static_cast<FloatType>(n)*zinv - D3[n - 1]);
+    D3[n] = D1[n] + std::complex<FloatType>(0.0, 1.0)/PsiZeta[n];
+  }
+void evalUpwardPsi (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
+                    const std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > D1,
+                   std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& Psi) {
+  int nmax = Psi.size() - 1;
+  std::complex<FloatType> c_i(0.0, 1.0);
+  // Now, use the upward recurrence to calculate Psi and Zeta - equations (20a) - (21b)
+  Psi[0] = std::sin(z);
+  for (int n = 1; n <= nmax; n++) {
+    Psi[n]  =  Psi[n - 1]*(std::complex<FloatType>(n,0.0)/z - D1[n - 1]);
+  }
+// Sometimes in literature Zeta is also denoted as Ksi, it is a Riccati-Bessel function of third kind.
+void evalUpwardZeta (const std::complex<FloatType> z,
+                    const std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> > D3,
+                    std::vector<std::complex<FloatType> >& Zeta) {
+  int nmax = Zeta.size() - 1;
+  std::complex<FloatType> c_i(0.0, 1.0);
+  // Now, use the upward recurrence to calculate Zeta and Zeta - equations (20a) - (21b)
+  Zeta[0] = std::sin(z) - c_i*std::cos(z);
+  for (int n = 1; n <= nmax; n++) {
+    Zeta[n]  =  Zeta[n - 1]*(std::complex<FloatType>(n, 0.0)/z - D3[n - 1]);
+  }
 }  // end of namespace nmie

+ 46 - 14

@@ -68,9 +68,8 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
         if len(new_record) < 6: raise ValueError('Not enough lines in record:', new_record)
         self.evaluated_data.append(TestData(new_record, self.filetype))
     def get_file_content(self):
-        self.evaluated_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.testname)#, reverse=True)
+        self.evaluated_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.testname)  # , reverse=True)
         out_string = ''
         for record in self.evaluated_data:
             out_string += record.get_string() + '\n'
@@ -97,6 +96,7 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
         z_str = ''
             z = mp.mpf(x) * mp.mpc(mr, mi)
+            if self.is_only_x: z = mp.mpf(x)
             D1nz = func(n, z)
             z_str = ('{{' +
                      mp.nstr(z.real, output_dps * 2) + ',' +
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
                      mp.nstr(mp.fabs(D1nz.imag * 10 ** -output_dps), 2) +
             if mp.nstr(D1nz.real, output_dps) == '0.0' \
-                or mp.nstr(D1nz.imag, output_dps) == '0.0':
+                    or mp.nstr(D1nz.imag, output_dps) == '0.0':
                 isNeedMoreDPS = True
             isNeedMoreDPS = True
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
     def get_test_data(self, Du_test, output_dps, max_num_elements_of_n_list, func, funcname):
         output_list = ['// complex(z), n, complex(f(n,z)), abs_err_real, abs_err_imag',
-        'std::vector< std::tuple< std::complex<double>, int, std::complex<double>, double, double > >',
-        str(funcname)+'_test_' + str(output_dps) + 'digits','= {']
+                       'std::vector< std::tuple< std::complex<double>, int, std::complex<double>, double, double > >',
+                       str(funcname) + '_test_' + str(output_dps) + 'digits', '= {']
         for z_record in Du_test:
             x = str(z_record[0])
             mr = str(z_record[1][0])
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
    = 20
             z = mp.mpf(x) * mp.mpc(mr, mi)
             n_list = self.get_n_list(z, max_num_elements_of_n_list)
-            if z_record[4] == 'Yang': n_list = [0,1,30,50,60,70,75,80,85,90,99,116,130]
+            if z_record[4] == 'Yang': n_list = [0, 1, 30, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 99, 116, 130]
             print(z, n_list)
             failed_evaluations = 0
             for n in n_list:
        = 20
-                old_z_string, isNeedMoreDPS = self.get_test_data_nlist(z_record, output_dps, n, func,)
+                old_z_string, isNeedMoreDPS = self.get_test_data_nlist(z_record, output_dps, n, func, )
        = 37
                 new_z_string, isNeedMoreDPS = self.get_test_data_nlist(z_record, output_dps, n, func)
                 while old_z_string != new_z_string \
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
                     new_dps = int( * 1.41)
                     if new_dps > 300: break
            = new_dps
-                    print("New dps = ",, 'n =', n, ' (max ',n_list[-1],') for z =', z, '     ', end='')
+                    print("New dps = ",, 'n =', n, ' (max ', n_list[-1], ') for z =', z, '     ', end='')
                     old_z_string = new_z_string
                     new_z_string, isNeedMoreDPS = self.get_test_data_nlist(z_record, output_dps, n, func)
@@ -147,27 +147,59 @@ class UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations:
                     failed_evaluations += 1
                 #     break
-            print("\nFailed evaluations ", failed_evaluations, ' of ', len(n_list))
+            result_str = "All done!"
+            if failed_evaluations > 0: result_str = " FAILED!"
+            print("\n", result_str, "Failed evaluations ", failed_evaluations, ' of ', len(n_list))
         return output_list
-    def run_test(self, func, funcname):
-        out_list_result = self.get_test_data(mia.complex_arguments, self.output_dps,
+    def run_test(self, func, funcname, is_only_x=False):
+        self.is_only_x = is_only_x
+        self.remove_argument_duplicates()
+        out_list_result = self.get_test_data(self.complex_arguments, self.output_dps,
                                              func, funcname)
-        testname = str(funcname)+'_test_' + str(self.output_dps) + 'digits'
+        testname = str(funcname) + '_test_' + str(self.output_dps) + 'digits'
+    def remove_argument_duplicates(self):
+        print("Arguments in input: ", len(self.complex_arguments))
+ = 20
+        self.complex_arguments.sort()
+        filtered_list = []
+        filtered_list.append(self.complex_arguments[0])
+        for i in range(1, len(self.complex_arguments)):
+            # if x and m are the same: continue
+            if (filtered_list[-1][0] == self.complex_arguments[i][0] and
+                    filtered_list[-1][1] == self.complex_arguments[i][1]):
+                continue
+            # argument list is sorted, so when only x is needed
+            # the record with the largest m
+            if (self.is_only_x
+                    and filtered_list[-1][0] == self.complex_arguments[i][0]):
+                # continue
+                del filtered_list[-1]
+            filtered_list.append(self.complex_arguments[i])
+        self.complex_arguments = filtered_list
+        # print(self.complex_arguments)
+        print("Arguments after filtering: ", len(self.complex_arguments))
+        # exit(0)
 def main():
     sf_evals = UpdateSpecialFunctionsEvaluations(filename='test_spec_functions_data.hpp',
                                                  output_dps=16, max_num_elements_of_nlist=51)
-                                                 # output_dps=5, max_num_elements_of_nlist=3)
+    # output_dps=5, max_num_elements_of_nlist=3)
     # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.D1, 'D1')
     # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.D2, 'D2')
-    sf_evals.run_test(mrb.D3, 'D3')
+    # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.D3, 'D3')
+    # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.psi, 'psi', is_only_x=True)
+    # # In literature Zeta or Ksi denote the Riccati-Bessel function of third kind.
+    sf_evals.run_test(mrb.ksi, 'zeta', is_only_x=True)
+    # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.psi, 'psi')
     # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.psi_div_ksi, 'psi_div_ksi')
     # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.psi_mul_ksi, 'psi_mul_ksi')
     # sf_evals.run_test(mrb.psi_div_xi, 'psi_div_xi')

+ 65 - 12

@@ -47,20 +47,73 @@ int LeRu_cutoff(std::complex<double> z) {
   return std::round(x + 11 * std::pow(x, (1.0 / 3.0)) + 1);
+void parse_mpmath_data(const double min_abs_tol, const std::tuple< std::complex<double>, int, std::complex<double>, double, double > data,
+                       std::complex<double> &z, int &n, std::complex<double> &func_mp,
+                       double &re_abs_tol, double &im_abs_tol){
+  z = std::get<0>(data);
+  n = std::get<1>(data);
+  func_mp = std::get<2>(data);
+  re_abs_tol = ( std::get<3>(data) > min_abs_tol && std::real(func_mp) < min_abs_tol)
+                    ? std::get<3>(data) : min_abs_tol;
+  im_abs_tol = ( std::get<4>(data) > min_abs_tol && std::imag(func_mp) < min_abs_tol)
+                    ? std::get<4>(data) : min_abs_tol;
+  // if re(func_mp) < 0.5 then round will give 0. To avoid zero tolerance add one.
+  re_abs_tol *= std::abs(std::round(std::real(func_mp))) + 1;
+  im_abs_tol *= std::abs(std::round(std::imag(func_mp))) + 1;
+//TEST(psi_test, DISABLED_mpmath_generated_input) {
+TEST(psi_test, mpmath_generated_input) {
+  double min_abs_tol = 2e-11;
+  std::complex<double> z, Psi_mp;
+  int n;
+  double re_abs_tol,  im_abs_tol;
+  for (const auto &data : psi_test_16digits) {
+    parse_mpmath_data(min_abs_tol, data, z, n, Psi_mp, re_abs_tol, im_abs_tol);
+    auto Nstop = LeRu_cutoff(z)+1;
+    if (n > Nstop) continue;
+    std::vector<std::complex<nmie::FloatType>> D1dr(Nstop+35), Psi(Nstop);
+    nmie::evalDownwardD1(z, D1dr);
+    nmie::evalUpwardPsi(z, D1dr, Psi);
+    EXPECT_NEAR(std::real(Psi[n]), std::real(Psi_mp), re_abs_tol)
+              << "Psi at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<<" z="<<z;
+    EXPECT_NEAR(std::imag(Psi[n]), std::imag(Psi_mp), im_abs_tol)
+              << "Psi at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<<" z="<<z;
+  }
+TEST(D3test, mpmath_generated_input) {
+  double min_abs_tol = 2e-11;
+  std::complex<double> z, D3_mp;
+  int n;
+  double re_abs_tol,  im_abs_tol;
+  for (const auto &data : D3_test_16digits) {
+    parse_mpmath_data(min_abs_tol, data, z, n, D3_mp, re_abs_tol, im_abs_tol);
+    auto Nstop = LeRu_cutoff(z)+1;
+    std::vector<std::complex<nmie::FloatType>> D1dr(Nstop+35), D3(Nstop+35);
+    nmie::evalDownwardD1(z, D1dr);
+    nmie::evalUpwardD3(z, D1dr, D3);
+    EXPECT_NEAR(std::real(D3[n]), std::real(D3_mp), re_abs_tol)
+              << "D3 at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<<" z="<<z;
+    EXPECT_NEAR(std::imag(D3[n]), std::imag(D3_mp), im_abs_tol)
+              << "D3 at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<<" z="<<z;
+  }
 TEST(D1test, mpmath_generated_input) {
   double min_abs_tol = 2e-11;
+  std::complex<double> z, D1_mp;
+  int n;
+  double re_abs_tol,  im_abs_tol;
   for (const auto &data : D1_test_16digits) {
-    auto z = std::get<0>(data);
-    auto n = std::get<1>(data);
-    auto D1_mp = std::get<2>(data);
-    auto re_abs_tol = ( std::get<3>(data) > min_abs_tol && std::real(D1_mp) < min_abs_tol)
-        ? std::get<3>(data) : min_abs_tol;
-    auto im_abs_tol = ( std::get<4>(data) > min_abs_tol && std::imag(D1_mp) < min_abs_tol)
-        ? std::get<4>(data) : min_abs_tol;
-    // if re(D1) < 0.5 then round will give 0. To avoid zero tolerance add one.
-    re_abs_tol *= std::abs(std::round(std::real(D1_mp))) + 1;
-    im_abs_tol *= std::abs(std::round(std::imag(D1_mp))) + 1;
+    parse_mpmath_data(min_abs_tol, data, z, n, D1_mp, re_abs_tol, im_abs_tol);
     auto Nstop = LeRu_cutoff(z)+1;
     std::vector<std::complex<nmie::FloatType>> Db(Nstop),Dold(Nstop+35), r;
     int valid_digits = 6;
@@ -76,9 +129,9 @@ TEST(D1test, mpmath_generated_input) {
     nmie::evalDownwardD1(z, Dold);
     if (n > Dold.size()) continue;
     EXPECT_NEAR(std::real(Dold[n]), std::real(D1_mp), re_abs_tol)
-              << "Dold at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<<" nstar="<<nstar<< " z="<<z;
+              << "Dold at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<< " z="<<z;
     EXPECT_NEAR(std::imag(Dold[n]), std::imag(D1_mp), im_abs_tol)
-              << "Dold at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<<" nstar="<<nstar<< " z="<<z;
+              << "Dold at n=" << n << " Nstop="<< Nstop<< " z="<<z;

+ 449 - 14

@@ -1649,19 +1649,454 @@ D3_test_16digits
 // complex(z), n, complex(f(n,z)), abs_err_real, abs_err_imag
 std::vector< std::tuple< std::complex<double>, int, std::complex<double>, double, double > >
 = {
+// complex(z), n, complex(f(n,z)), abs_err_real, abs_err_imag
+std::vector< std::tuple< std::complex<double>, int, std::complex<double>, double, double > >
+= {