@@ -32,32 +32,61 @@ export default defineComponent({
const coordX = computed(() => $store.state.plotRuntime.nearFieldCoordX)
const coordY = computed(() => $store.state.plotRuntime.nearFieldCoordY)
const data = computed(() => $store.state.plotRuntime.nearFieldEabs)
+ const layerWidths = computed(()=>$store.state.simulationSetup.current.layers.map(x=>x.layerWidth))
+ const crossSection = computed(()=>{
+ let val = $store.state.simulationSetup.current.nearFieldSetup.crossSection
+ if (val == 0) return 'Ek'
+ if (val == 1) return 'Hk'
+ return 'EH'
+ })
+ const radii = computed(()=>{
+ let r = 0
+ let radiiLocal=''
+ for (let widthLayer of layerWidths.value) {
+ r += widthLayer
+ radiiLocal += r.toString()+','
+ }
+ return radiiLocal
+ })
+ const lengthUnits = computed(()=>$store.state.guiRuntime.units )
return {
if (!data.value) return
- const fileHeader = '# # You can open and plot this file using Python\n' +
- '# # (without manually removing this header, it will be skipped), see example below.\n' +
- '# import numpy as np\n' +
- '# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n' +
- '# data = np.genfromtxt(\'scattnlay-spectra.txt\', skip_header=21, names=True, delimiter=\', \')\n' +
- '# x = data[data.dtype.names[0]] # x-axis has units\n' +
- '# # Possible labels for spectrum data: Qsca, Qabs, Qext,\n' +
- '# # Qsca_E_dipole, etc. (see last comment before spectra data)\n' +
- '# a = data[\'Qsca\']\n' +
- '# b = data[\'Qsca_E_dipole\']\n' +
- '# c = data[\'Qsca_H_dipole\']\n' +
- '# \n' +
- '# plt.figure()\n' +
- '# plt.plot(x, a, label=\'Qsca\')\n' +
- '# plt.plot(x, b, label=\'Qsca E dipole\')\n' +
- '# plt.plot(x, c, label=\'Qsca H dipole\')\n' +
- '# plt.legend()\n' +
- '# plt.xlabel(data.dtype.names[0].replace(\'_\', \', \'))\n' +
- '# plt.ylabel(\'Normalized cross-sections\')\n' +
- '# plt.show()\n\n'
- let columnNames = '# X, Y, Eabs\n'
+ const fileHeader ='# You can open and plot this file using Python\n' +
+ '# (without manually removing this header, it will be skipped), see example below.\n' +
+ 'import numpy as np\n' +
+ 'from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n' +
+ 'data = np.genfromtxt(\'scattnlay-near-field.txt\', skip_header=32, names=True, delimiter=\', \')\n' +
+ 'x = data[data.dtype.names[0]] # x-axis has units\n' +
+ 'y = data[data.dtype.names[1]] # x-axis has units\n' +
+ 'x_size = len(np.unique(x))\n' +
+ 'y_size = len(np.unique(y))\n' +
+ 'x_min = np.min(x)\n' +
+ 'y_min = np.min(y)\n' +
+ 'x_max = np.max(x)\n' +
+ 'y_max = np.max(y)\n' +
+ 'dx = (x_max-x_min)/(x_size-1)\n' +
+ 'dy = (y_max-y_min)/(y_size-1)\n' +
+ 'Eabs = data[\'Eabs\'].reshape((y_size,x_size))\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'plt.figure()\n' +
+ 'plt.imshow(Eabs, cmap=\'jet\', origin=\'lower\',\n' +
+ ' extent=(x_min-dx/2, x_max+dx/2, y_min-dy/2, y_max+dy/2))\n' +
+ 'cbar = plt.colorbar(shrink=0.7)\n' +
+ 'cbar.ax.set_title(r\'$|E|/|E_0|$\')\n' +
+ 'plt.xlabel(data.dtype.names[0].replace(\'_\',\', \'))\n' +
+ 'plt.ylabel(data.dtype.names[1].replace(\'_\',\', \'))\n' +
+ 'fig = plt.gcf()\n' +
+ 'ax = fig.gca()\n' +
+ 'radii = ['+radii.value+']\n' +
+ 'for r in radii:\n' +
+ ' ax.add_patch(plt.Circle((0, 0), r, color=\'w\', alpha=0.7, lw=3, fill=False))\n' +
+ 'plt.title(\''+crossSection.value+' cross-section\')\n'+
+ 'plt.show()\n\n'
+ let columnNames = '# X ['+lengthUnits.value.toString()
+ + '] , Y ['+lengthUnits.value.toString()+'], Eabs\n'
let body = ''
for (let i = 0; i < data.value.length; ++i) {
let row = coordX.value[i].toString() + ', '