@@ -137,38 +137,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
- function filterQSelectOptions (val:string,
- update:(data: ()=>void) => void) {
- update(() => {
- // To remove the selection from previously
- // selected option - we refill the options list
- qSelectOptions.value = qSelectOptionsHistory.value
- })
- }
- function formatNumber (value:string, digits:number):string {
- if (value==='') return ''
- const num = parseFloat(value)
- if ( num < Math.pow(10, -digits) ||
- num > 5*Math.pow(10, digits+2)
- ) return '='+num.toExponential(digits)
- return '='+Number(Math.round(
- parseFloat(value + 'e' + digits.toString())).toString()
- + 'e-' + digits.toString()).toString()
- }
- // evaluate option items, returns empty string for trivial evaluations and errors
- function evalString(val:string):string {
- // Using try{} block to drop silently invalid input
- try {
- const tryEvaluate = Number(evaluate(val))
- if (!isNaN(tryEvaluate) && tryEvaluate != Number(val)) {
- return tryEvaluate.toString()
- }
- } catch { }
- return ''
- }
// evaluate current input, keeps the previous evaluateValue for invalid input
function runEvaluate() {
// Using try{} block to drop silently invalid input
@@ -225,13 +193,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
if (qSelectOptions.value.length>0) isShowingHelpLocal.value = false
- function handleQSelectBlur(){
- isShowingTooltip.value = false
- const expr = localQSelectValue.value
- if (!qSelectOptionsHistory.value.includes(expr)) qSelectOptionsHistory.value.unshift(expr)
- if (qSelectOptionsHistory.value.length > 5) qSelectOptionsHistory.value.pop()
- }
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-setup-props-destructure
localQSelectValue.value = props.initialExpression // TODO do we need reactivity from props.initialExpression?
@@ -243,8 +204,48 @@ export default defineComponent({
localTooltipText, isShowingTooltip,
isShowingTooltipAppend, isShowingHelpLocal,
qSelectOptions, localQSelectValue,
- handleQSelectBlur, filterQSelectOptions,
- digits, formatNumber, evalString
+ handleQSelectBlur(){
+ isShowingTooltip.value = false
+ const expr = localQSelectValue.value
+ if (!qSelectOptionsHistory.value.includes(expr)) qSelectOptionsHistory.value.unshift(expr)
+ if (qSelectOptionsHistory.value.length > 5) qSelectOptionsHistory.value.pop()
+ },
+ filterQSelectOptions (val:string,
+ update:(data: ()=>void) => void) {
+ update(() => {
+ // To remove the selection from previously
+ // selected option - we refill the options list
+ qSelectOptions.value = qSelectOptionsHistory.value
+ })
+ },
+ digits,
+ formatNumber (value:string, digits:number):string {
+ if (value==='') return ''
+ const num = parseFloat(value)
+ if ( num < Math.pow(10, -digits) ||
+ num > 5*Math.pow(10, digits+2)
+ ) return '='+num.toExponential(digits)
+ return '='+Number(Math.round(
+ parseFloat(value + 'e' + digits.toString())).toString()
+ + 'e-' + digits.toString()).toString()
+ },
+ // evaluate option items, returns empty string for trivial evaluations and errors
+ evalString(val:string):string {
+ // Using try{} block to drop silently invalid input
+ try {
+ const tryEvaluate = Number(evaluate(val))
+ if (!isNaN(tryEvaluate) && tryEvaluate != Number(val)) {
+ return tryEvaluate.toString()
+ }
+ } catch { }
+ return ''
+ },