@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import { MutationTree } from 'vuex'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
-import { Data } from 'plotly.js-dist-min'
+import {AxisType, Data} from 'plotly.js-dist-min'
import { plotRuntimeStateInterface as prsi, spectraData } from './state'
import { getModeName, toUnits } from 'components/utils'
+import { material } from 'src/store/simulation-setup/state'
const mutation: MutationTree<prsi> = {
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ const mutation: MutationTree<prsi> = {
setQabsTotalPlotToggle (state: prsi, val: boolean) {state.isPlotQabsTotal = val},
setQextTotalPlotToggle (state: prsi, val: boolean) {state.isPlotQextTotal = val},
setIsRemovePlots (state:prsi, val:boolean) {state.isRemovePlots = val},
+ setIsLogPlot (state:prsi, val:boolean) {state.isLogPlot = val},
setCommonLabel (state:prsi, val:string) {state.commonLabel = val},
resizeSelectorIsPlotMode (state:prsi, val:number) {
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ const mutation: MutationTree<prsi> = {
updateXAxisTitle (state:prsi, val:string) {
if (state.spectrumPlots.layout.xaxis) state.spectrumPlots.layout.xaxis.title = val
+ if (state.materialPlots.layout.xaxis) state.materialPlots.layout.xaxis.title = val
updateNumberOfPlotsFromPreviousSimulations(state: prsi) {
@@ -54,6 +57,9 @@ const mutation: MutationTree<prsi> = {
updateSpectrumPlots (state: prsi) {
if (state.isRemovePlots) state.numberOfPlotsFromPreviousSimulations = 0
state.spectrumPlots.data.length = state.numberOfPlotsFromPreviousSimulations
+ let logState:AxisType|undefined = undefined
+ if (state.isLogPlot) logState = 'log'
+ if (state.spectrumPlots.layout.yaxis) state.spectrumPlots.layout.yaxis.type = logState
const label:string = state.commonLabel
if (state.isPlotQscaTotal) {
@@ -122,9 +128,96 @@ const mutation: MutationTree<prsi> = {
+ },
+ // TODO move state.materialPlots and updateMaterialPlots to PlotMaterials.vue. At the moment
+ // *.vue have incomplete TypeScript support (e.g. no way to define
+ // const traceDataReN: Partial<Data>
+ // )
+ updateMaterialPlots(state:prsi, val:{activatedMaterials:material[], sourceUnits:string,
+ fromWL:number, toWL:number, pointsWL:number, plotRange: string,
+ isPlotReN: boolean, isPlotImN: boolean, isPlotInterpolation: boolean })
+ {
+ state.materialPlots.data.length = 0
+ for (const material of val.activatedMaterials) {
+ if (!material.isPlot) continue
+ if (!material.nSpline) continue
+ if (val.isPlotReN) {
+ const traceDataReN: Partial<Data> = {
+ x: material.nSpline.xs.map(x => toUnits(x, val.sourceUnits)),
+ y: material.nSpline.ys,
+ mode: 'markers',
+ marker:{size:5},
+ type: 'scatter',
+ name: 'Re(n) ' + material.name + ' data'
+ }
+ state.materialPlots.data.push(traceDataReN)
+ }
- },
+ if (!material.kSpline) continue
+ if (val.isPlotImN) {
+ const traceDataImN: Partial<Data> = {
+ x: material.kSpline.xs.map(x => toUnits(x, val.sourceUnits)),
+ y: material.kSpline.ys,
+ mode: 'markers',
+ marker:{size:5},
+ type: 'scatter',
+ name: 'Im(n) ' + material.name + ' data'
+ }
+ state.materialPlots.data.push(traceDataImN)
+ }
+ if (val.isPlotInterpolation) {
+ let fromWL = val.fromWL
+ let toWL = val.toWL
+ let pointsWL = val.pointsWL-1
+ if (state.materialPlots.layout.xaxis) state.materialPlots.layout.xaxis.range = [fromWL, toWL]
+ if (val.plotRange == 'material data') {
+ fromWL = material.nSpline.xs[0]
+ toWL = material.nSpline.xs[material.nSpline.xs.length-1]
+ pointsWL = 1000
+ if (state.materialPlots.layout.xaxis) state.materialPlots.layout.xaxis.range = undefined
+ }
+ const stepWL = (toWL-fromWL)/pointsWL
+ const WLs:number[] =[]
+ const nSpline:number[] = []
+ const kSpline:number[] = []
+ for (let i=0; i<pointsWL; ++i) {
+ WLs.push(fromWL+i*stepWL)
+ nSpline.push(material.nSpline.at(fromWL+i*stepWL))
+ kSpline.push(material.kSpline.at(fromWL+i*stepWL))
+ }
+ WLs.push(toWL)
+ nSpline.push(material.nSpline.at(toWL))
+ kSpline.push(material.kSpline.at(toWL))
+ if (val.isPlotReN) {
+ if (!material.nSpline) continue
+ const traceDataReNi: Partial<Data> = {
+ x: WLs.map(x => toUnits(x, val.sourceUnits)),
+ y: nSpline,
+ type: 'scatter',
+ name: 'Re(n) ' + material.name + ' interpolate'
+ }
+ state.materialPlots.data.push(traceDataReNi)
+ }
+ if (val.isPlotImN) {
+ if (!material.nSpline) continue
+ const traceDataImNi: Partial<Data> = {
+ x: WLs.map(x => toUnits(x, val.sourceUnits)),
+ y: kSpline,
+ type: 'scatter',
+ name: 'Im(n) ' + material.name + ' interpolate'
+ }
+ state.materialPlots.data.push(traceDataImNi)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }