Konstantin Ladutenko hace 6 años
Se han modificado 4 ficheros con 150 adiciones y 77 borrados
  1. 4 3
  2. 120 51
  3. 1 1
  4. 25 22

+ 4 - 3

@@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ selectall;
 mkm = 1e-6;
+z_arr = [5, 20, 200, 400, 600, 700];
 for(x=1:10) {
     for (media=1:2){
         if (media == 1){shift_sign = 1;} else {shift_sign = -1;}
-        for(z_shift=1:2){
+        for(i=1:length(z_arr)){
-            zshift_all = z_shift*min_mesh_step;
+            zshift_all = z_arr(i)*1e-9;
-                +num2str(zshift_all*1e9)+"nm");
+                +num2str(z_arr(i))+"nm");
             set("monitor type",1);  # 1 = point, 2 = linear x, 3 = linear y, 4 = linear z, 5 = 2D x-normal, 6 = 2D y-normal, 7 = 2D z-normal, 8 = 3D

+ 120 - 51

@@ -2,66 +2,135 @@
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+c = 299792458
+pi = np.pi
-#distance = [100,200,400,800,1200,1600,2000]
+def read_data(dirname, distance, zshift):
+    media = [1,2] # 1 - positive zshift, 2 - negative (need to add a minus sign for real shift).
+    #min_mesh_step = 2.5 #nm
+    data = []
+    data.append([])
+    for x in distance:
+        data.append([])
+        data[x].append([])
+        for m in media:
+            data[x].append([])
+            for z in zshift:            
+                monitor_name = "mon_x"+str(x)+"mkm_media"+str(m)+"_zshift"+z+"nm"
+                data[x][m].append(
+                    np.transpose(
+                    np.genfromtxt(dirname+"/"+monitor_name+".txt", delimiter=", ",skip_header=1
+                                  ,dtype=None, encoding = None
+                                      , converters={0: lambda s: complex(s),
+                                                    1: lambda s: complex(s),
+                                                    2: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j')),
+                                                    3: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j')),
+                                                    4: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j')),
+                                                    5: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j')),
+                                                    6: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j')),
+                                                    7: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j')),
+                                                    8: lambda s: complex(s.replace('i', 'j'))
+                                                    }
+                                      )
+                        )
+                    )
+    return data
-# distance = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
-# dirname="Si-sphere-step5-dipole-far-long"
-distance = [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22]
+def find_nearest(array,value):
+    idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
+    return array[idx],idx
-data = []
-for i in distance:
-#    print(i, dirname+"/d%i.txt"%i)
-    data.append(
-        np.transpose(
-            np.loadtxt(dirname+"/r%i.txt"%i, delimiter=", ",skiprows=3)
-        )#[-2]
-    )
+def get_WLs_idx(WLs, data):
+    dist = 1 #mkm
+    mmedia = 1 # vacuum
+    shift = 1 # one mesh step
+    WLs_idx = []
+    for wl in WLs:
+        val, idx = find_nearest(data[dist][mmedia][shift][0,:],wl*1e-9)
+        WLs_idx.append(idx)
+    return WLs_idx
-for i in range(len(distance)):
-    R = distance[i]
-    print(R)
-    plt.semilogy(data[i][0,:], data[i][1,:]*np.sqrt(R))
-plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda$, nm')
-plt.ylabel(r'$Abs(E_x) \sqrt{R}$')
+def analyze(data, dist, z_vec, wl_idx):
+    #data = [dist][mmedia][shift] "lambda, dip.power, Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, n_Au"
+    #                              0     , 1        , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8   "
+    data_in_air = np.array(data[dist][1])
+    data_in_gold = np.array(data[dist][2])
+    lambd = data_in_air[0][0,:]
+    omega = 2*pi*c/lambd
+    eps1 = complex(1)
+    n_Au = data_in_air[0][8,:]
+    eps2 = n_Au**2
+    k_0 = omega/c #air
+    k_spp = k_0*np.sqrt(eps1*eps2/(eps1+eps2))
+    kappa1= np.sqrt(k_spp**2 - eps1*k_0**2)
+    kappa2= np.sqrt(k_spp**2 - eps2*k_0**2)
+    H1 = data_in_air[:,6,wl_idx]
+    H2 = data_in_gold[:,6,wl_idx]
+    for i in range(len(z_vec)):
+        z = z_vec[i]*1e-9
+        print("z =",z)
+        H1_0 = H1[i]/np.exp(-kappa1[wl_idx]*z)
+        H2_0 = H2[i]/np.exp(-kappa2[wl_idx]*z)
+        print("H0 air ",H1_0," from H1",H1[i])
+        print("H0 gold",H2_0," from H2",H2[i])
+    # H1_0 = H1/np.exp(-kappa1* 
+    # print(H1[0], H2[0],H1[0]- H2[0])
+    # pl_data = (np.absolute(data_gold[:,2,wl_idx]*np.sqrt(dist)))
+    # plt.semilogy(z_vec, pl_data,marker="o")
+    # # legend = []
+    # # legend.append(zshift[shift]+"@"+str(WLs[i])+" nm")
+    # # plt.legend(legend)
+    # # #plt.xlabel(r'THz')
+    # plt.xlabel(r'Z shift, nm')
+    # plt.ylabel(r'$Abs(E_x) \sqrt{R}$',labelpad=-5)
+    # # plt.title(' r = '+str(core_r))
+    # plt.savefig(dirname+"_z."+file_ext)
+    # plt.clf()
+    # plt.close()
+def main ():
+    distance = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
+    zshift = ["5","20","200","400","600"]
+    z_vec = [int(val) for val in zshift]
+    data = read_data(dirname, distance, zshift)
+    #WLs=[300,350,400,450,600,700,800]
+    #WLs=[600,700, 800, 450]
+    WLs=[800]#, 450]
+    WLs_idx = get_WLs_idx(WLs, data)
-def find_nearest(array,value):
-    idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
-    return array[idx],idx
-WLs_idx = []
-for wl in WLs:
-    val, idx = find_nearest(data[0][0,:],wl/1000)
-    WLs_idx.append(idx)
-#    print(val,idx, " --> ", data[0][0,idx])
+    dist = 8 #mkm
+    wl_idx = WLs_idx[0]
+    analyze(data, dist, z_vec, wl_idx)
-legend = []
-for i in range(len(WLs)):
-    pl_data = []
-    idx = WLs_idx[i]
-    legend.append(str(WLs[i])+" nm")
-    for point in range(len(distance)):
-        R = distance[point]
-        pl_data.append(data[point][1,idx]*np.sqrt(R))
-    plt.semilogy(distance, pl_data,marker="o")
-# #plt.xlabel(r'THz')
-plt.xlabel(r'Monitor R, $\mu$m')
-plt.ylabel(r'$Abs(E_x) \sqrt{R}$',labelpad=-5)
-# plt.title(' r = '+str(core_r))
+    # legend = []
+    # for shift in range(len(zshift)):
+    #     for i in range(len(WLs)):
+    #         pl_data = []
+    #         idx = WLs_idx[i]
+    #         legend.append(zshift[shift]+"@"+str(WLs[i])+" nm")
+    #         for dist in distance:
+    #             pl_data.append(np.absolute(data[dist][mmedia][shift][2,idx]*np.sqrt(dist)))
+    #         print(len(pl_data))
+    #         plt.semilogy(distance, pl_data,marker="o")
+    # plt.legend(legend)
+    # # #plt.xlabel(r'THz')
+    # plt.xlabel(r'Monitor R, $\mu$m')
+    # plt.ylabel(r'$Abs(E_x) \sqrt{R}$',labelpad=-5)
+    # # plt.title(' r = '+str(core_r))
+    # plt.savefig(dirname+"_WLs."+file_ext)
+    # plt.clf()
+    # plt.close()

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 status = layoutmode;
 if (status == 1) {

+ 25 - 22

@@ -36,32 +36,35 @@ n_fdtd;
 ?"Save data";
 format long;
+z_arr = [5, 20, 200, 400, 600, 700];
 for(x=1:10) {
     for (media=1:2){
         if (media == 1){shift_sign = 1;} else {shift_sign = -1;}
-        for(z_shift=1:2){
-            zshift_all = z_shift*min_mesh_step;
-            monitor_name = "mon_x"+num2str(x)+"mkm_media"+num2str(media)+"_zshift"+num2str(zshift_all*1e9)+"nm";
+        for(i=1:length(z_arr)){
+            zshift_all = z_arr(i);
+            monitor_name = "mon_x"+num2str(x)+"mkm_media"+num2str(media)+"_zshift"+num2str(zshift_all)+"nm";
-            E = getresult(monitor_name, "E");
-            H = getresult(monitor_name, "H");
-            len = length(E.lambda);
-            #Save to file
-            fname = dirname+slash+monitor_name+".txt";
-            if (fileexists(fname)){rm(fname);}
-            write(fname,"lambda, dip.power, Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, n_Au");
-            for (i=1:len){
-                str = num2str(E.lambda(i))
-                +", "+num2str(dipolepower(E.f(i)))
-                +", "+num2str(E.Ex(i))
-                +", "+num2str(E.Ey(i))
-                +", "+num2str(E.Ez(i))
-                +", "+num2str(H.Hx(i))
-                +", "+num2str(H.Hy(i))
-                +", "+num2str(H.Hz(i))
-                +", "+num2str(n_fdtd(i))
-                ;
-                write(fname,str);
+            if (haveresult(monitor_name) == 1){
+                E = getresult(monitor_name, "E");
+                H = getresult(monitor_name, "H");
+                len = length(E.lambda);
+                #Save to file
+                fname = dirname+slash+monitor_name+".txt";
+                if (fileexists(fname)){rm(fname);}
+                write(fname,"lambda, dip.power, Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, n_Au");
+                for (i=1:len){
+                    str = num2str(E.lambda(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(dipolepower(E.f(i)))
+                    +", "+num2str(E.Ex(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(E.Ey(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(E.Ez(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(H.Hx(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(H.Hy(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(H.Hz(i))
+                    +", "+num2str(n_fdtd(i))
+                    ;
+                    write(fname,str);
+                }