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  1. @ARTICLE{Abernethy2003,
  2. author = {Colin D. Abernethy and Gareth M. Codd and Mark D. Spicer
  3. and Michelle K. Taylor},
  4. title = {{A} highly stable {N}-heterocyclic carbene complex of
  5. trichloro-oxo-vanadium(\textsc{v}) displaying novel
  6. {C}l---{C}(carbene) bonding interactions},
  7. journal = {{J}. {A}m. {C}hem. {S}oc.},
  8. year = {2003},
  9. volume = {125},
  10. pages = {1128--1129},
  11. number = {5},
  12. doi = {10.1021/ja0276321},
  13. }
  14. @MISC{ACS2007,
  15. url = {},
  16. }
  17. @ARTICLE{Arduengo1992,
  18. author = {Arduengo, III, Anthony J. and H. V. Rasika Dias and
  19. Richard L. Harlow and Michael Kline},
  20. title = {{E}lectronic stabilization of nucleophilic carbenes},
  21. journal = {{J}.~{A}m.\ {C}hem.\ {S}oc.},
  22. year = {1992},
  23. volume = {114},
  24. pages = {5530--5534},
  25. number = {14},
  26. doi = {10.1021/ja00040a007},
  27. }
  28. @ARTICLE{Arduengo1994,
  29. author = {Arduengo, III, Anthony J. and Siegfried F. Gamper and
  30. Joseph C. Calabrese and Fredric Davidson},
  31. title = {{L}ow-coordinate carbene complexes of nickel(0) and
  32. platinum(0)},
  33. journal = {{J}.~{A}m.\ {C}hem. {S}oc.},
  34. year = {1994},
  35. volume = {116},
  36. pages = {4391--4394},
  37. number = {10},
  38. doi = {10.1021/ja00089a029},
  39. }
  40. @ARTICLE{Eisenstein2005,
  41. author = {Appelhans, Leah N. and Zuccaccia, Daniele and Kovacevic,
  42. Anes and Chianese, Anthony R. and Miecznikowski, John R. and
  43. Macchioni, Aleco and Clot, Eric and Eisenstein, Odile and
  44. Crabtree, Robert H.},
  45. title = {{A}n anion-dependent switch in selectivity results from a
  46. change of {C}---{H} activation mechanism in the reaction of an
  47. imidazolium salt with \ce{IrH5(PPh3)2}},
  48. journal = {{J}.~{A}m.\ {C}hem. {S}oc.},
  49. year = {2005},
  50. volume = {127},
  51. pages = {16299--16311},
  52. number = {46},
  53. doi = {10.1021/ja055317j},
  54. }
  55. @article{kuznetsov2016optically,
  56. title={Optically resonant dielectric nanostructures},
  57. author={Kuznetsov, Arseniy I and Miroshnichenko, Andrey E and Brongersma, Mark L and Kivshar, Yuri S and Luk’yanchuk, Boris},
  58. journal={Science},
  59. volume={354},
  60. number={6314},
  61. pages={aag2472},
  62. year={2016},
  63. publisher={American Association for the Advancement of Science}
  64. }
  65. @BOOK{Coghill2006,
  66. title = {{T}he {ACS} {S}tyle {G}uide},
  67. publisher = {{O}xford {U}niversity {P}ress, {I}nc. and
  68. {T}he {A}merican {C}hemical {S}ociety},
  69. year = {2006},
  70. editor = {Coghill, Anne M. and Garson, Lorrin R.},
  71. address = {{N}ew {Y}ork},
  72. edition = {3},
  73. subtitle = {{E}ffective {C}ommunication of {S}cientific
  74. {I}nformation},
  75. }
  76. @BOOK{Cotton1999,
  77. title = {{A}dvanced {I}norganic {C}hemistry},
  78. publisher = {Wiley},
  79. year = {1999},
  80. author = {Cotton, Frank Albert and Wilkinson, Geoffrery and
  81. Murillio, Carlos A. and Bochmann, Manfred},
  82. address = {Chichester},
  83. edition = {6},
  84. }
  85. @article{makarov2017efficient,
  86. title={Efficient Second-Harmonic Generation in Nanocrystalline Silicon Nanoparticles},
  87. author={Makarov, Sergey V and Petrov, Mihail I and Zywietz, Urs and Milichko, Valentin and Zuev, Dmitry and Lopanitsyna, Natalia and Kuksin, Alexey and Mukhin, Ivan and Zograf, George and Ubyivovk, Evgeniy and Daria, Smirnova and Boris, Chichkov and Kivshar, Yuri},
  88. journal={Nano Letters},
  89. volume={17},
  90. number={5},
  91. pages={3047--3053},
  92. year={2017},
  93. publisher={ACS Publications}
  94. }
  95. @ARTICLE{Mena2000,
  96. author = {Angel Abarca and Pilar G\'omez-Sal and Avelino Mart\'in
  97. and Miguel Mena and Josep Mar\'ia Poblet and Carlos Y\'elamos},
  98. title = {{A}mmonolysis of mono(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)
  99. titanium(\textsc{iv}) derivatives},
  100. journal = {Inorg. Chem.},
  101. year = {2000},
  102. volume = {39},
  103. pages = {642--651},
  104. number = {4},
  105. doi = {10.1021/ic9907718},
  106. }