@@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@
+%% This is file `rsc.bst',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% rsc.dtx (with options: `bst,rsc')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% rsc --- BibTeX styles for Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley
+%% journals
+%% E-mail: joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk
+%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ { address
+ author
+ booktitle
+ chapter
+ ctrl-use-title
+ ctrl-etal-number
+ ctrl-use-doi-all
+ doi
+ edition
+ editor
+ howpublished
+ institution
+ journal
+ key
+ note
+ number
+ organization
+ pages
+ publisher
+ school
+ series
+ title
+ type
+ url
+ volume
+ year
+ }
+ {}
+ { label
+ extra.label
+ short.list
+ }
+INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence }
+INTEGERS { after.sentence after.block after.item }
+INTEGERS { author.or.editor }
+FUNCTION {init.state.consts}
+{ #0 'before.all :=
+ #1 'mid.sentence :=
+ #2 'after.sentence :=
+ #3 'after.block :=
+ #4 'after.item :=
+INTEGERS { is.use.title etal.number use.doi.all }
+%% #0 turns off the display of the title for articles
+%% #1 enables
+FUNCTION {default.is.use.title} { #0 }
+%% The number of names that force "et al." to be used
+FUNCTION {default.etal.number} { #0 }
+%% #0 turns off the display of the DOI for articles
+%% #1 enables
+FUNCTION {default.use.doi.all} { #0 }
+FUNCTION {add.comma}
+{ ", " * }
+STRINGS { s t }
+FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
+{ 's :=
+ output.state mid.sentence =
+ { add.comma write$ }
+ { output.state after.block =
+ { add.comma write$
+ newline$
+ "\newblock " write$
+ }
+ { output.state before.all =
+ 'write$
+ { output.state after.item =
+ { " " * write$ }
+ { add.period$ " " * write$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ mid.sentence 'output.state :=
+ }
+ if$
+ s
+FUNCTION {output}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ 'output.nonnull
+ if$
+FUNCTION {output.check}
+{ 't :=
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "Empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'output.nonnull
+ if$
+INTEGERS { would.add.period.textlen }
+FUNCTION {would.add.period}
+{ duplicate$
+ add.period$
+ text.length$
+ 'would.add.period.textlen :=
+ duplicate$
+ text.length$
+ would.add.period.textlen =
+ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {fin.entry}
+{ would.add.period
+ { "\relax" * write$ newline$
+ "\mciteBstWouldAddEndPuncttrue" write$ newline$
+ "\mciteSetBstMidEndSepPunct{\mcitedefaultmidpunct}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "{\mcitedefaultendpunct}{\mcitedefaultseppunct}\relax"
+ }
+ { "\relax" * write$ newline$
+ "\mciteBstWouldAddEndPunctfalse" write$ newline$
+ "\mciteSetBstMidEndSepPunct{\mcitedefaultmidpunct}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "{}{\mcitedefaultseppunct}\relax"
+ }
+ if$
+ write$
+ newline$
+ "\EndOfBibitem" write$
+{ { #0 }
+ { #1 }
+ if$
+{ 'skip$
+ { pop$ #0 }
+ if$
+{ { pop$ #1 }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+FUNCTION {field.or.null}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+FUNCTION {emphasize}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {boldface}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ { "\textbf{" swap$ * "}" * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {paren}
+{ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ "" }
+ { "(" swap$ * ")" * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {bbl.and}
+{ "and" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.chapter}
+{ "ch." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.doi}
+{ "DOI:" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.editor}
+{ "ed." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.edition}
+{ "edn" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.etal}
+{ "et~al." emphasize }
+FUNCTION {bbl.in}
+{ "in" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.inpress}
+{ "in press" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.msc}
+{ "MSc thesis" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.page}
+{ "p." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.pages}
+{ "pp." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.phd}
+{ "PhD thesis" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.submitted}
+{ "submitted for publication" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.techreport}
+{ "Technical Report" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.volume}
+{ "vol." }
+FUNCTION {bbl.first}
+{ "1st" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.second}
+{ "2nd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.third}
+{ "3rd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.fourth}
+{ "4th" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.fifth}
+{ "5th" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.st}
+{ "st" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.nd}
+{ "nd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.rd}
+{ "rd" }
+FUNCTION {bbl.th}
+{ "th" }
+FUNCTION {eng.ord}
+{ duplicate$ "1" swap$ *
+ #-2 #1 substring$ "1" =
+ { bbl.th * }
+ { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "1" =
+ { pop$ bbl.st * }
+ { duplicate$ "2" =
+ { pop$ bbl.nd * }
+ { "3" =
+ { bbl.rd * }
+ { bbl.th * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+{ #1 'l :=
+ { duplicate$ duplicate$ #1 l substring$ = not }
+ { l #1 + 'l := }
+ while$
+ pop$ l
+STRINGS{replace find text}
+{ 'replace :=
+ 'find :=
+ 'text :=
+ find string.length 'find_length :=
+ ""
+ { text empty$ not }
+ { text #1 find_length substring$ find =
+ { replace *
+ text #1 find_length + global.max$ substring$ 'text :=
+ }
+ { text #1 #1 substring$ *
+ text #2 global.max$ substring$ 'text :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+FUNCTION {chr.to.value}
+{ chr.to.int$ #48 -
+ duplicate$ duplicate$
+ #0 < swap$ #9 > or
+ { #48 + int.to.chr$
+ " is not a number..." *
+ warning$
+ pop$ #0
+ }
+ {}
+ if$
+{ duplicate$ "" =
+ {pop$ #0}
+ {chr.to.int$ #48 - duplicate$
+ #0 < swap$ #9 > or not}
+ if$
+ { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.a.digit }
+ {#2 global.max$ substring$}
+ while$
+ "" =
+FUNCTION {extract.num}
+{ duplicate$ 't :=
+ "" 's :=
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ duplicate$ is.a.number
+ { s swap$ * 's := }
+ { pop$ "" 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ s empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { pop$ s }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {bibinfo.check}
+{ swap$
+ duplicate$ missing$
+ { pop$ pop$
+ ""
+ }
+ { duplicate$ empty$
+ {
+ swap$ pop$
+ }
+ { swap$
+ pop$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {convert.edition}
+{ extract.num "l" change.case$ 's :=
+ s "first" = s "1" = or
+ { bbl.first 't := }
+ { s "second" = s "2" = or
+ { bbl.second 't := }
+ { s "third" = s "3" = or
+ { bbl.third 't := }
+ { s "fourth" = s "4" = or
+ { bbl.fourth 't := }
+ { s "fifth" = s "5" = or
+ { bbl.fifth 't := }
+ { s #1 #1 substring$ is.a.number
+ { s eng.ord 't := }
+ { edition 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ t
+FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect}
+{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
+ { "~" }
+ { " " }
+ if$
+ swap$ * *
+FUNCTION {space.connect}
+{ " " swap$ * * }
+INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames }
+FUNCTION {format.names}
+{ 's :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ numnames etal.number > etal.number #0 > and
+ { s #1 "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't :=
+ t bbl.etal space.connect
+ }
+ {
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ { namesleft #1 >
+ { add.comma t * }
+ { numnames #2 >
+ { "" * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ { bbl.etal space.connect }
+ { bbl.and space.connect t space.connect }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.authors}
+{ author empty$
+ { "" }
+ { #1 'author.or.editor :=
+ author format.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {strip.comma}
+{ duplicate$
+ string.length 'find_length :=
+ duplicate$
+ find_length #1 - #1 substring$
+ "," =
+ { #1 find_length #2 - substring$
+ " " *
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.editors}
+{ editor empty$
+ { "" }
+ { #2 'author.or.editor :=
+ bbl.editor " " * *
+ editor format.names
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.doi}
+{ use.doi.all
+ { doi empty$
+ { bbl.doi doi tie.or.space.connect output }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+FUNCTION {n.separate.multi}
+{ 't :=
+ ""
+ #0 'numnames :=
+ t text.length$ #4 > t is.a.number and
+ {
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #-1 #1 substring$ is.a.number
+ { numnames #1 + 'numnames := }
+ { #0 'numnames := }
+ if$
+ t #-1 #1 substring$ swap$ *
+ t #-2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ numnames #4 =
+ { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ swap$
+ #2 global.max$ substring$
+ "\," swap$ * *
+ #1 'numnames :=
+ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ }
+ { t swap$ * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.bvolume}
+{ volume empty$
+ { "" }
+ { bbl.volume volume tie.or.space.connect }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.title.noemph}
+{ 't :=
+ t empty$
+ { "" }
+ { t }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.title}
+{ 't :=
+ t empty$
+ { "" }
+ { t emphasize }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.url}
+{ url empty$
+ { "" }
+ { "\url{" url * "}" * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.title.vol}
+{ 't :=
+ t empty$
+ { "" }
+ { t emphasize }
+ if$
+ volume empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { format.bvolume emphasize
+ swap$ add.comma swap$ *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+FUNCTION {format.full.names}
+{'s :=
+ #1 'nameptr :=
+ s num.names$ 'numnames :=
+ numnames 'namesleft :=
+ { namesleft #0 > }
+ { s nameptr
+ "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ 't :=
+ nameptr #1 >
+ {
+ namesleft #1 >
+ { ", " * t * }
+ {
+ numnames #2 >
+ { "," * }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ t "others" =
+ { bbl.etal * }
+ { bbl.and space.connect t space.connect }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 't
+ if$
+ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
+ namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+ }
+ while$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.full}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { "" }
+ { editor format.full.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.full}
+{ author empty$
+ { "" }
+ { author format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.full}
+{ editor empty$
+ { "" }
+ { editor format.full.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {make.full.names}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.full
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.full
+ 'author.full
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {output.bibitem} { newline$
+ "\bibitem[" write$
+ label write$
+ ")" make.full.names duplicate$ short.list =
+ { pop$ }
+ { * }
+ if$
+ "]{" * write$
+ cite$ write$
+ "}" write$
+ newline$
+ ""
+ before.all 'output.state :=
+FUNCTION {n.dashify} { 't :=
+ ""
+ { t empty$ not }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
+ { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
+ { "--" *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
+ { "-" *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ while$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$ *
+ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+FUNCTION {format.date}
+{ year empty$
+ { "" }
+ 'year
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.bdate}
+{ year empty$
+ { "There's no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'year
+ if$
+FUNCTION {either.or.check}
+{ empty$
+ 'pop$
+ { "Can't use both " swap$ * " fields in "
+ * cite$ * warning$ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.edition}
+{ edition duplicate$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { convert.edition
+ bbl.edition bibinfo.check
+ " " * bbl.edition *
+ }
+ if$
+INTEGERS { multiresult }
+FUNCTION {multi.page.check}
+{ 't :=
+ #0 'multiresult :=
+ { multiresult not
+ t empty$ not
+ and
+ }
+ { t #1 #1 substring$
+ duplicate$ "-" =
+ swap$ duplicate$ "," =
+ swap$ "+" =
+ or or
+ { #1 'multiresult := }
+ { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
+ if$
+ }
+ while$
+ multiresult
+FUNCTION {format.pages}
+{ pages empty$
+ { "" }
+ { pages multi.page.check
+ { bbl.pages pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect }
+ { bbl.page pages tie.or.space.connect }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.pages.required}
+{ pages empty$
+ { ""
+ "There are no page numbers for " cite$ * warning$
+ output
+ }
+ { pages multi.page.check
+ { bbl.pages pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect }
+ { bbl.page pages tie.or.space.connect }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.pages.nopp}
+{ pages empty$
+ { ""
+ "There are no page numbers for " cite$ * warning$
+ output
+ }
+ { pages multi.page.check
+ { pages n.dashify space.connect }
+ { pages space.connect }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.pages.patent}
+{ pages empty$
+ { "There is no patent number for " cite$ * warning$ }
+ { pages multi.page.check
+ { pages n.dashify }
+ { pages n.separate.multi }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.vol.pages}
+{ volume boldface field.or.null
+ duplicate$ empty$
+ { pop$ format.pages.required }
+ { add.comma pages n.dashify * }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages}
+{ chapter empty$
+ 'format.pages
+ { type empty$
+ { bbl.chapter }
+ { type "l" change.case$ }
+ if$
+ chapter tie.or.space.connect
+ pages empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { add.comma format.pages * }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.title.in}
+{ 's :=
+ s empty$
+ { "" }
+ { editor empty$
+ { bbl.in s format.title space.connect }
+ { bbl.in s format.title space.connect
+ add.comma format.editors *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.title.vol.in}
+{ 's :=
+ after.item 'output.state :=
+ s empty$
+ { "" }
+ { editor empty$
+ { bbl.in s format.title.vol space.connect }
+ { bbl.in s format.title.vol space.connect
+ add.comma format.editors *
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.pub.address}
+{ publisher empty$
+ { "" }
+ { address empty$
+ { publisher }
+ { publisher add.comma address *}
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {empty.misc.check}
+{ author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$
+ year empty$ note empty$ url empty$
+ and and and and and
+ { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+FUNCTION {empty.doi.note}
+{ doi empty$ note empty$ and
+ { "Need either a note or DOI for " cite$ * warning$ }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.thesis.type}
+{ type empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { pop$
+ type emphasize
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {article}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ is.use.title
+ { title format.title.noemph "title" output.check }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ journal emphasize "journal" output.check
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ volume empty$
+ { "" format.pages.nopp output }
+ { format.vol.pages output }
+ if$
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {book}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { title format.title "title" output.check
+ editor empty$
+ { "Need either an author or editor for "
+ cite$ * warning$ }
+ { "" format.editors * "editor" output.check }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.authors output
+ "author and editor" editor either.or.check
+ title format.title "title" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+ format.pub.address "publisher" output.check
+ format.edition output
+ format.bdate "year" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+ pages empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { format.pages output }
+ if$
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {booklet}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+ title format.title "title" output.check
+ howpublished output
+ address output
+ format.date output
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {inbook}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { title format.title "title" output.check
+ editor empty$
+ { "Need at least an author or an editor for "
+ cite$ * warning$ }
+ { "" format.editors * "editor" output.check }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.authors output
+ title format.title.in "title" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+ format.pub.address "publisher" output.check
+ format.edition output
+ format.bdate "year" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {incollection}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { booktitle
+ format.title
+ "booktitle" output.check
+ editor empty$
+ { "Need at least an author or an editor for "
+ cite$ * warning$ }
+ { "" format.editors * "editor" output.check }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.authors output
+ booktitle
+ format.title
+ "booktitle" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+ format.pub.address "publisher" output.check
+ format.edition output
+ format.bdate "year" output.check
+ format.bvolume output
+ format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {inpress}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ journal emphasize "journal" output.check
+ bbl.inpress output
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {inproceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ booktitle format.title.noemph "booktitle" output.check
+ address output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ pages empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { format.pages output }
+ if$
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {manual}
+{ output.bibitem
+ author empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { organization output
+ address output
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ { format.authors output }
+ if$
+ title format.title "title" output.check
+ author empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { address output }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ }
+ { organization output
+ address output
+ }
+ if$
+ format.edition output
+ format.date output
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ bbl.msc emphasize format.thesis.type output
+ school "school" output.check
+ address output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {misc}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors output
+ title empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { title format.title output }
+ if$
+ howpublished output
+ year output
+ format.url output
+ note output
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+ empty.misc.check
+FUNCTION {patent}
+{ output.bibitem
+ organization empty$
+ { format.authors "author and organization" output.check }
+ { author empty$
+ { organization }
+ { format.authors organization paren space.connect }
+ if$
+ "author and organization" output.check
+ }
+ if$
+ journal emphasize "journal" output.check
+ format.pages.patent "pages" output.check
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {phdthesis}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ bbl.phd emphasize format.thesis.type output
+ school "school" output.check
+ address output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {proceedings}
+{ output.bibitem
+ title format.title.noemph "title" output.check
+ address output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ pages empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { format.pages output }
+ if$
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {techreport}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ title format.title "title" output.check
+ institution
+ type empty$
+ 'bbl.techreport
+ 'type
+ if$
+ space.connect
+ number empty$
+ { "t" change.case$ }
+ { number tie.or.space.connect }
+ if$
+ output
+ format.pub.address output
+ format.date "year" output.check
+ format.doi
+ fin.entry
+FUNCTION {unpublished}
+{ output.bibitem
+ format.authors "author" output.check
+ journal empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { journal emphasize "journal" output.check }
+ if$
+ doi empty$
+ { note output }
+ {
+ format.date output
+ bbl.doi doi tie.or.space.connect output
+ }
+ if$
+ fin.entry
+ empty.doi.note
+INTEGERS { a b }
+FUNCTION {mult}
+{ 'a :=
+ 'b :=
+ b #0 <
+ {#-1 #0 b - 'b :=}
+ {#1}
+ if$
+ #0
+ {b #0 >}
+ { a +
+ b #1 - 'b :=
+ }
+ while$
+ swap$
+ 'skip$
+ {#0 swap$ -}
+ if$
+FUNCTION {str.to.int.aux}
+{ {duplicate$ empty$ not}
+ { swap$ #10 mult 'a :=
+ duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$
+ chr.to.value a +
+ swap$
+ #2 global.max$ substring$
+ }
+ while$
+ pop$
+FUNCTION {str.to.int}
+{ duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
+ {#1 swap$ #2 global.max$ substring$}
+ {#0 swap$}
+ if$
+ #0 swap$ str.to.int.aux
+ swap$
+ {#0 swap$ -}
+ {}
+ if$
+FUNCTION {yes.no.to.int}
+{ "l" change.case$ duplicate$
+ "yes" =
+ { pop$ #1 }
+ { duplicate$ "no" =
+ { pop$ #0 }
+ { "unknown Boolean " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
+ " in " * cite$ * warning$
+ #0
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {Control}
+{ ctrl-use-title
+ empty$
+ { skip$ }
+ { ctrl-use-title
+ yes.no.to.int
+ 'is.use.title := }
+ if$
+ ctrl-etal-number
+ empty$
+ { skip$ }
+ { ctrl-etal-number
+ str.to.int
+ 'etal.number := }
+ if$
+ ctrl-use-doi-all
+ empty$
+ { skip$ }
+ { ctrl-use-doi-all
+ yes.no.to.int
+ 'use.doi.all := }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {conference} {inproceedings}
+FUNCTION {other} {patent}
+FUNCTION {default.type} {misc}
+MACRO {jan} {"January"}
+MACRO {feb} {"February"}
+MACRO {mar} {"March"}
+MACRO {apr} {"April"}
+MACRO {may} {"May"}
+MACRO {jun} {"June"}
+MACRO {jul} {"July"}
+MACRO {aug} {"August"}
+MACRO {sep} {"September"}
+MACRO {oct} {"October"}
+MACRO {nov} {"November"}
+MACRO {dec} {"December"}
+FUNCTION {initialize.controls}
+{ default.is.use.title 'is.use.title :=
+ default.etal.number 'etal.number :=
+ default.use.doi.all 'use.doi.all :=
+INTEGERS { len }
+FUNCTION {chop.word}
+{ 's :=
+ 'len :=
+ s #1 len substring$ =
+ { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ }
+ 's
+ if$
+FUNCTION {format.lab.names}
+{ 's :=
+ s #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$
+ s num.names$ duplicate$
+ #2 >
+ { pop$ bbl.etal space.connect }
+ { #2 <
+ 'skip$
+ { s #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" =
+ { bbl.etal space.connect }
+ { bbl.and space.connect s #2 "{vv~}{ll}"
+ format.name$ space.connect }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label}
+{ author empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3
+ text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { author format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label}
+{ editor empty$
+ { key empty$
+ { organization empty$
+ { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ }
+ { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3
+ text.prefix$ }
+ if$
+ }
+ 'key
+ if$
+ }
+ { editor format.lab.names }
+ if$
+FUNCTION {calc.short.authors}
+{ type$ "book" =
+ type$ "inbook" =
+ or
+ 'author.editor.key.label
+ { type$ "proceedings" =
+ 'editor.key.organization.label
+ { type$ "manual" =
+ 'author.key.organization.label
+ 'author.key.label
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ }
+ if$
+ 'short.list :=
+FUNCTION {calc.label}
+{ calc.short.authors
+ short.list
+ "("
+ *
+ year duplicate$ empty$
+ short.list key field.or.null = or
+ { pop$ "" }
+ 'skip$
+ if$
+ *
+ 'label :=
+ITERATE {calc.label}
+STRINGS { longest.label last.label next.extra }
+INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num number.label }
+FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
+{ "" 'longest.label :=
+ #0 int.to.chr$ 'last.label :=
+ "" 'next.extra :=
+ #0 'longest.label.width :=
+ #0 'last.extra.num :=
+ #0 'number.label :=
+FUNCTION {forward.pass}
+{ last.label label =
+ { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num :=
+ last.extra.num int.to.chr$ 'extra.label :=
+ }
+ { "a" chr.to.int$ 'last.extra.num :=
+ "" 'extra.label :=
+ label 'last.label :=
+ }
+ if$
+ number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
+EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
+ITERATE {forward.pass}
+FUNCTION {begin.bib}
+{ preamble$ empty$
+ 'skip$
+ { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
+ if$
+ "\providecommand*{\mcitethebibliography}{\thebibliography}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\csname @ifundefined\endcsname{endmcitethebibliography}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "{\let\endmcitethebibliography\endthebibliography}{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\begin{mcitethebibliography}{" number.label int.to.str$ * "}" *
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\natexlab}[1]{#1}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstSublistMode}[1]{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstMaxWidthForm}[2]{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\mciteBstWouldAddEndPuncttrue}"
+ write$ newline$
+ " {\def\EndOfBibitem{\unskip.}}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\mciteBstWouldAddEndPunctfalse}"
+ write$ newline$
+ " {\let\EndOfBibitem\relax}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstMidEndSepPunct}[3]{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\mciteSetBstSublistLabelBeginEnd}[3]{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\providecommand*{\EndOfBibitem}{}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\mciteSetBstSublistMode{f}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\mciteSetBstMaxWidthForm{subitem}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "{(\emph{\alph{mcitesubitemcount}})}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "\mciteSetBstSublistLabelBeginEnd{\mcitemaxwidthsubitemform\space}"
+ write$ newline$
+ "{\relax}{\relax}"
+ write$ newline$
+EXECUTE {begin.bib}
+EXECUTE {init.state.consts}
+ITERATE {call.type$}
+FUNCTION {end.bib}
+{ newline$
+ "\end{mcitethebibliography}" write$ newline$
+EXECUTE {end.bib}
+%% Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by
+%% Joseph Wright <joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk>
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
+%% this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest
+%% version of this license is in the file:
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
+%% Joseph Wright.
+%% This work consists of the file rsc.dtx
+%% and the derived files rsc.pdf,
+%% rsc.ins,
+%% rsc.sty,
+%% rsc.bib and
+%% rsc-demo.tex.
+%% End of file `rsc.bst'.