Validate data
Validate data
Choose data format
from a list:
Choose data format...
Listfreq, Re(S11), Im(S11)freq, Re(Zin), Im(Zin)+ Characteristic impedance(Omega)Directly from network analyzer files
In advanced options
 show the start and the end of the file
 with an option to skip first n lines and last m lines
(in case file have some additional data)
In advanced options...
Choose separator
" "
Choose separator...
input ->
Find loaded resonant frequency
input ->...
Draw plot in axes
abs(S11) and f
Draw plot in axes...
Draw Smith chart
Draw Smith chart
Show status of validation to user
(inform about format issues)
Show status of validation to user...
Set it to input point with minimum abs value
Set it to input point with...
Repeated Curve Fitting
(eq 1.189-1.197, p. 62, [3])
Repeated Curve Fitting...
Convert to standard backend input:
Convert to standard backe...
input, fl ->
Find circle coefficients
a[0], a[1], a[2]
input, fl ->...
Weighted Curve Fitting
(eq 8-13, p. 2, [1])
Weighted Curve Fitting...
input, fl ->
Correct circle coefficients
a[0], a[1], a[2]
input, fl ->...
Weighted Repeated Curve Fitting
(eq 8-17, p. 2, [1])
Weighted Repeated Curve Fittin...
Get results:
Ql, diameter, k, Q0
Get results:...
(eq 3-6, p. 2, [1])
(eq 3-6, p. 2, [1])
Get random deviations for:
Ql, diameter, k, Q0
Get random deviations for:...
(eq 18-22, p. 3, [1])
(eq 18-22, p. 3, [1])
(eq 1.228, 1.233, 1.236-1.240, p. 69, [3])
(eq 1.228, 1.233, 1.236-1.2...
Correction for coupling losses?
Correction for coupling losses?
(eq 30, 41, [1])
(eq 30, 41, [1])
Get systematic errors?
Get systematic errors?
Print results and errors:
Ql, diameter, k, Q0
Print results and errors:...
Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1