Roman Kozin 10 months ago
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 1 - 0

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Algorithm for processing special .seq files containing pulse sequences is design
 4. Проверка сгенерированной последовательности на соответствие требованиям аппарата МРТ и корректировка при необходимости.
 5. Экспорт окончательной последовательности импульсов для использования в работе с аппаратом МРТ.
 1. Reading the .seq file and extracting information about pulse parameters, such as duration, amplitude, time intervals between pulses, etc.
 2. Analyzing the obtained data to determine the optimal pulse sequence that ensures the necessary synchronization for conducting MRI research.
 3. Generating a new file with the synchronizing pulse sequence based on the analysis and optimization of parameters.